Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Isaiah 58:11

It's very easy to fall prey to self doubt; to worry whether the choices you've made, or the path you're following in life is the one the Lord would have you take.
But my friends, we are told to "do everything as unto the Lord", so as long as you are honouring Him with how you conduct your life,  trust you're on the right path.
Don't over-think, or tread water because you're afraid you'll make the wrong decision. Put it before the Lord in prayer (even the smallest thing, cause He cares about them all) and then move forward. Embrace the life He has given you, with all the trials and all the joys - every piece has grown you to be the person you are today, and when you let Him shine through you, you can trust that you're on the very path He'd have you follow.
Remember, He will guide you always...He's incredibly faithful like that.



RoseMary Baty-Willcox said...

I try and read your sunday blogs, every sunday.
Today's was a answered prayer. Self doubt, A big one right now. We are moving again, been here 11 months. Off to the Miami area. Prayers need for a home church and friends.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

RoseMary, as one who has moved 20 times in the last 22 years, I 'get it'. Have just prayed for you, and I know the Lord is listening because you've opened yourself to Him, you've asked for His guidance, and He is faithful... xxx