Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sweet weekend project ideas!

This weekend I'm making something just for me, using a few  lovely Tilda fabrics...

It's an apron, but not the kind you wear...

THIS pretty patchwork apron pattern from the Fat Quarter Shop blog will become a mini-quilt when I finish...

 I cut the fabric Friday night, and pieced the bib, but the rest will be sewn today.
Of course, I need to add something personal, don't I?

Drop by the blog next week and you can see what I did to this apron block to make it extra special.

Need some other ideas for weekend crafting??

 This sewing kit tea pot made me catch my breath!
Isn't it adorable? You may find me missing from home next week as I scour my local op-shops for tea pots.
Sarah from Sadie Seasongoods has a simple step by step tutorial to make one of your own over HERE.
I was chatting to my friend Julie and she suggested this would be wonderful for those of us with inquisitive kittens and cats who like to 'play' with our sewing bibs and bobs as you can pop the lid on and put it on a shelf when not in use...

If you were thinking of making my Simple Sewing Caddy (tutorial here) you'll notice that I have a hexie in one corner for inserting a sewing needle when not in use.
Well, Jennie over at Clover & Violet has used a similar idea but improved on it brilliantly by turning a little hexie into a magnetised needle landing!
You can follow her quick and easy tutorial HERE...

Another simple little sewing idea is this pretty magnetic dish that keeps pins from scattering if you drop the bowl.
Kerryanne from Shabby Art Boutique shows you how to do this in about 5 minutes right HERE on her blog...

And what about this? Chantal has a a tutorial on her blog for making pretty little fabric origami butterflies - and I promise you they are easy!
You'll find them HERE ...

I think we might all have some fun this weekend, don't you?!


Baa. xxx said...

OOOOOOh can't wait to see the apron mini finished! Love the idea of a magnet for the hex - so want to make a caddy this weekend and also cut out a quilt I am thinking of making. It's pouring outside here......... sigh.....

Createology said...

I didn't think I needed any more projects...until I read your blog just now. I MUST make these fabric butterflies. Thank you for sharing Miss Jenny. Wonderful Weekend of Creative Bliss...

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

Love, love the apron block - too cute! I collect teapots, so am sure to have one that would love to become a sewing caddy. What a great idea!

Plum Cox said...

Love your apron block!
Thanks for the great links too - planning to make some butterflies later this week!

Chantal said...

Createology left a message on my post stating that she got the butterfly tut from Jenny of Elefantz so I came over to have a look. Lovely blog you have, so many crafty ideas, love that. And thanks for the link. I appreciate it.
Happy sewing. ;^)

Sharon said...

What fantastic ideas. The teapot has to be my favourite! The apron quilt is so cute, I am interested to see how you personalise it. Have a great weekend. x

Jacqueline said...

I am off to the thrift shop to look for a couple of teapots. I have a couple of tea drinking quilting friends that would love this. Thanks so much for the link.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

What great ideas thank you so much for sharing them. I love butterflies so I am heading over there right now. Thanks again and have a wonderful day.
Carol O

Anonymous said...

What really cute projects you found. I do like that tea pot sewing kit and your apron looks adorable.

Christina said...

Cute fabrics you used on your apron. Such creative projects.