My daughter Aisha and her hubby Tim have a hankering for some cowboy/cowgirl furnishings in their Sydney home so for Christmas I'm making them a western quilt with matching pillows.
The fabrics...
The planning...
The cutting...
The piecing...
Now to send it off to my sweet friend Dawn so she can work her magic and machine quilt it for me in time for binding, wrapping and posting away before Christmas.
But you know, this gift fades in comparison to some exciting news my girl and her man have been keeping quiet about the last couple of months....
They are expecting a new baby next April!
And I'm going to be a Nana once more.
Can't wipe the smile off my face.
Nor can I refrain from sketching ideas for a baby quilt.
In case you're new to the blog here is my precious girl and her one year old angel, Frankie, back in July when they flew in for a visit. (see more here)

Frankie was quite ill last month and spent time in hospital.
Daddy's arms were a comfort...
Seeing her out and about and having fun again was such a blessing and answer to prayer!
Now she's back to her normal happy self and spending time with mummy at the local cafe.
She's just like her Nana because cafes are my second home!
Never underestimate the power of prayer. Frankie's illness is still a 'mystery' to the doctors but she recovered and I know that was by the hand of God through prayer.
(thank you everyone who held her in prayer - you are warriors for the kingdom and we're so grateful)
Today let us send our prayers to Mexico as Hurricane Patricia bears down.
It's already the weekend here in Australia so I'll wave you goodbye and set my sights on housecleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, and spoiling the love of my life - my husband.
Be blessed,
Congratulation! VERY exciting! BTW the quilt is looking cool too!
Love those fabrics! Such wonderful news! Congratulations!
A happy quilt to go with happy news. Love those cowgirls.
Cindy in NC
Exciting a new baby, im blessed 13 times and everytime I was thrilled little people are amazing... Im glad your first is well now and yes prayer is very powerful. Cant wait to see the quilt I hope I dont miss it. Happy weekend with lobe Janice
Wow! What fun fabrics :)
Congratulations on becoming a nana again :)
Big happy smiles :)
Beautiful post Jenny. Gorgeous quilt, wonderful news about new grandie on the way ... & fabulous news that little Frankie is now all better again :-) Made my day x x x
Congratulations on the new grandsweetie that is coming. I have 6 grandsweeties and they are my world. The quilt looks wonderful. What a lovely Christmas gift. Good news all around.
A gorgeous Western quilt and a new grandbaby - oh Jenny it doesn't get any better!!! So very glad that Frankie has recovered as well. I hate it when little ones are sick....they can't TELL you where it hurts!
Such gorgeous pics of your lovely grand daughter. I am hoping for some grandies in the next year or so as my eldest is getting married next month. That cowboy/girl quilt is going to be amazing. Love the colour ways. Congrats on the wonderful news. Angel hugs.
Congratulations for your exciting news! What a lovely quilt you are making them for Christmas too! Hugs Christine x
I'm so glad that prayers were answered for Frankie, it's great to see photos of her looking so well, I will be praying for your daughter and the unborn baby too, that all will go well throughout the pregnancy for them both. Such lovely news for you Jenny. Your quilt fabrics are gorgeous, I love the old fashioned pictures :-)
How fun to work with Cowboy fabrics. Looks like this quilt will be lassoing lots of compliments. Very thankful to see little Frankie doing so well. Congratulations on Nana news. Enjoy your wonderful weekend spoiling your beloved husband...
Jenny, I am so thrilled to see grandbaby is full of energy and smiles! She is such a cutie pie. Plus, such exciting news that another grandbaby is going to be a part of your lives. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers as always. Your new quilt is a Yippee Ki Yay ! When working on a project that you know the receivers are going to love sure makes the whole process such fun and seems to go by quickly. Sure hope that you have as much fun spoiling your hubby as I do mine; the daily tasks are so much better when done with love and purpose. Thank you for sharing everything and have a spectacular creative day!
Congratulations on the new baby!! So happy your beautiful granddaughter will be getting a little brother or sister, and that she will be healthy to greet the new baby. Prayer is so incredibly powerful!!
I like your Wild West quilt. Congrats on the new baby....
Loving the new quilt, I've never seen fabric like that before - and great news about the 'new' baby; looks like a little cowboy to me YeeHaaaa!!! :)
Congratulations Jenny. That's great news.
That quilt looks great, just wondering if one of those cowgirls was Dale Evans! Very unusual fabric & lovely co-ordinating colours.
So pleased that Frankie is better now it is such a worry. Look forward to seeing the new baby quilt.
How exciting, Jennnnny! That is so wonderful. I love the quilt you are making them, and I know the baby will receive a terrific one, too ... maybe not with cowboys and girls, though. LOL This is just an exciting post! Sadly, Patricia is pushing into Texas on top of this already going on: "The City of Houston has activated the City's Emergency Operations Center as flooding has begun to hit the area due to a slow-moving storm system rolling over the city. The National Weather Service reported Saturday evening that roads were becoming submerged in the city at the rate of 2-3 inches per hour."
Enhorabuena por tu nueva noticia.
Seguro que ya estas pensando en esa maravillosa colcha de bebe que realizaras con tus magicas manos
Hallo Jenny, das freut mich dass es der Kleinen wieder gut geht und du wieder Oma wirst. Es ist wunderschön Oma zu sein. Ich habe eine Enkelin seit Mai dieses Jahres und bin überglücklich. Ich freue mich für dich.
Liebe Grüße AnneRose
Sew pleased little Frankie is feeling much better. How exciting that she is going to be a big sister... Cute photo of Frankie having her baby chino .....hmm the new quilt looks very interesting.looking forward to the finish...
So glad baby girl is back to running and playing. Love the makings of the cowboy/cowgirl quilt
And now a baby quilt to make how exciting!
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