Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Family and recipes...

The people God placed us within the midst of, the ones who know the nuts and bolts of who we really are, warts and all. The blood-bound-hearts who can cause our own hearts to ache, break, or flourish.

Family has been on my mind a lot this past week. 
I remembered my mum on the 23rd as it would have been her birthday, and realised that all my daughters are now older than she was when a drunk driver took her life back in '62.
Mum was 21, and my dear Blossom is almost 22. I hugged Bloss tight that day and thanked God for her milestone and the first new life she carries now within her womb. 

Yesterday it was Nana who came to mind, the loving 'mother' who in her fifties and after raising three children of her own and her sister's two babies as well, gathered me close and started over again with a toddler.
Nana loved forget-me-nots, watching sport on the telly with Pop, and scones - so I baked scones, drank coffee from my forget-me-not-in-honour-of-nana-mug and watched the tennis with Mr E.
And I thanked God for the privilege of having her love me through 22 years...

This is where Mr E and I eat lunch on the weekends (or public holidays like yesterday) and dinner every night. Perched on footstools and chatting across the well-worn coffee table he made me back in his University days...another precious family memory and memento.

 After a call from my daughter Aisha this morning I remembered a plan I'd had before Christmas and decided today was the day to follow through on it.
You see, Blossom and I had been shopping at KMart for her maternity clothes and my 2016 diary when we found a beautiful recipe folder for storing hand written recipes. It was $10 and very pretty with dividers, recipe sheets, stickers, a zipped compartment, pen, and pad of shopping lists...

I bought one for myself and planned to return and purchase more so I could make all my girls a family recipe book for their birthdays this year, but as I've not been back to KMart since that day I hadn't yet moved forward with the idea.
With my mother and Nana close in my memories this past week, Aisha in hospital and Blossom quite unwell with scoliosis triggered back pain and nausea in her pregnancy, I feel the need to gather my loved ones in my heart and smother them with love and care and wonderful memories - to remind them we are family, we are here for each other and they are not alone.

So, it's just a recipe book, I know...but, it's OUR recipe book. 
And I can write individual little notes to my girls all the way through, messages of love, memories of their childhood.

It's one we shall each have a copy of, a record of all those treats they call me about while standing in the baking aisle at the supermarket having forgotten what ingredients they need.

As an addition to the family recipe book I'm going to add one of these retro Women's Weekly cookbooks to their birthday parcels...

They're full of all the oldies but goodies my Nana made, and I had a giggle when one of them fell open at Corned Beef & Pickle sandwiches because that is my most favourite lunch in all the world for road trips and picnics and bedtime snacks...

A set of pretty pink measuring cups and spoons will complete my gift plan rather well, don't you think?

Did you notice my blue tablecloth?
It's a vintage sheet that my friend Rosalie sent me a few years back and I'd planned to make a quilt from it at the time, but found I just couldn't cut into it as it made a perfect table covering - the kind that makes you want to brew a pot of tea and eat scones with someone you love. 
So it's still in one piece and I'll treasure it always.

Hold your loved ones close.
Pray for them often.

Treasure precious memories and perhaps think of ways you can preserve them for the next generation.



Charito said...

Querida Jenny, que nuestro señor llene tu vida de fortaleza y le de la sanidad total a tu Hija estaré orando por ustedes. un abrazo.

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope all goes well. Take care.

Allie-oops Designs said...

On my knees for Aisha, dear girl, and praying for Blossom as well....and for your mama-heart, may God give you peace in the midst of this storm. I love your idea for blessing your girls.

Leeanne said...

I am zooming over the best thoughts and wishes in the hope that all will be well. It's the simple things in life that bring the most peace. I enjoyed your family memories and I love recipe book idea. Hugs Jennyxx

Victoria said...

The recipe book is an idea that you will be grateful you did. I have my Dad's & it is his hand-written recipes that mean the most. In fact, I found a place where I can get his handwriting printed on fabric & use it for something special.
Prayer is a very powerful force.

Melody said...

My dearest friend, I shall keep you and your beautiful family in my heart. I knew you lost your mum when you were very little, but I had no idea your mum was so young. I have to confess this made me shed a little tear for you and her too. Big hugs to you.

http://thankfullga447 said...

You daughter is in the best place hospital, I had a blood clot no fun. She will need to rest.

Jacqueline said...

Hope all goes well for both your girls. Having you in their corner has to be a comfort to them.

Ondrea said...

Many angel hugs and blessings to your dear Aisha, Blossom and yourself during this time. As a mother of 2 adult girls I can imagine how you must be feeling right now. ( Has Blossom tried a Chiropractor for her scoliosis?) Your recipe book idea is beautiful and you are a rather clever gal coming up with so many lovely ideas. Keep feeling the arms of your guardian angel around you .

grammajudyb said...

Keeping you and your daughters in my prayers tonight. Hopefully you will get good news from Aisha soon. Your Blossom and my oldest granddaughter are both due about the same time. We are awaiting the 20 week ultrasound to learn the gender. Hopefully Blossom will have relief from her nausea soon, my Big Girl is finally feeling some better.

Tricia said...

Praying for you and your dear girls tonight, Jenny! I am sure that you will be able to rest in perfect peace, as I know you will keep your mind stayed on the Saviour. {{Hugs}}

Maria McCabe said...

Loving prayers for your beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny wishing both your girls good health and saying a prayer for them both,take care my friend xx

Julie said...

Sending prayers & love for Aisha & Blossom dear Jenny. Wishing them both all the very best for a healthy outcome. I am drooling over your scones & your forgetmenot mug but I am also saliving over your rather gorgeous table mat on your coffee table & can just see a peek of a rather lovely looking mat on your floor underneath to the side !!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Praying for all your family, Jenny. I think everything you plan for that kitchen box is absolutely fabulous. It's going to be a labor of love. I love your pictures of food. You always make it so attractive.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Praying for your dear girl and bub...thank goodness tests were clear. More special times coming your way Jen...wonderful. What a treasure your Nan was x

Águeda said...

Now I´m happy: she´s home back . I thank God for her recovery. And i praythat all is well for you. Hugs.

cucki said...

Oh my dear you and your daughter are in my prayers
Lots of love x
Please give her my love ❤️

Guida said...

My prayers are with you and the girls at this time. I love the gifts you have for them, it has given me an idea for my daughter (13yo) too. Thank you. Guida

Baa. xxx said...

Prayers being sent for both your girls. Brilliant gift! I got a book out from the library a few weeks ago called 'Ladies, a plate' All the old fashioned recipes - especially remembered ginger gems and Mum's cast iron gem tray. Been looking for one of those in the op shop for ages - and this week I found it. Can wait to make some next week when I have time. Love and blessings

Christine B said...

Hope your daughters both feel a lot better soon. My thoughts are with you all. Much love. Christine x

Little Quiltsong said...

We are praying Jenny. Thank you for sharing!!
The recipe book will be a treasure for sure. What a wonderful idea.

Two Patchwork Bunnies said...

Oh my, I remember having home cooked corned beef and mustard pickle sandwiches for school lunches and picnics - absolutely the best!!! Do hope your girls are feeling better soon. What a wonderful and special gift idea!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful idea for your daughters Jenny, a little like a journal too bringing back those special childhood memories through your yummy recipes. Will have to look for that recipe binder myself and the retro books as can see pics of similar to what my own dear Mum and Nana used to bake and I do not have any of their own recipe books or handwritten note books unfortunately, can convert recipes to G F too. Sending best wishes for Aisha and Blossom hope all's going well for Aisha and Blossom gets some relief from the back pain and sickness, it is very special for them to be pregnant at same time. Thank you for sharing your memories of your Nana and life with her, I have been thinking about my Nana too a lot lately and my dear late Mum's birthday was 12 and with all the bush fires in Tas currently many thoughts of those special ladies. Thank you for all you share and sending all good wishes, Judithann :-) x

Marie Atkinson said...

What a wonderful gift! Inspirational!

Peggy (mOm) said...


Oh my..I must share with you. Last Fall when my daughter and I were taking our Fall trip that we do each year, (have done that for 25 yrs.) I came across the prettiest recipe book kits as well. I have two nieces and plan this year to make the recipe books for them. I am going to get recipes from my sister and sister-in-laws from their personal recipe boxes, as well as, their mothers and grandmothers recipe boxes. It will be a wonderful collection of recipes from the women of our combined families. The delight of knowing that these were cherished recipes that were made for their loving families. Having such a special recipe book will bring hours of joy cooking and baking!!

Christina said...

Your cookbook idea is great. What a wonderful way to share those precious memories with them individually by putting in their favorite after school snacks etc.. I am so behind on my blog reading, I am sorry to read Aisha is unwell. Congrats on the new bundle of love on the way! I will add them all to my prayers.

TerriSue said...

I made a recipe box for Emily when she moved out years ago. I filled it with recipes she had loved and added recipes I had loved growing up that she had never had as we became vegetarians before she was born and when she moved out she decided to eat meat. Eric is going to be married Feb. 14th. Thank you for your post as it reminds me that I need to do the same for him. His Dani is always saying she needs a certain recipe that I have prepared. I need to get on this. Your mug is beautiful.

Farm Quilter said...

Prayers for the healing of both your girls - so hard on a mom when our babies are sick!! Your heart is tender for your mom, Nana and the girls - prayers for peace for you, my friend! Brilliant idea for creating the recipe books for them - something they will cherish all their days and pass on to their babies! You chose a perfect way to have a day of remembrance!

Lin said...

Lovely thoughtful gifts for them to treasure and enjoy. xx

Terri Guy said...

I enjoy your site every morning that you post. I love this one and hope I can find a book like yours to share with my two children family recipes handed down. I did get the cookbooks from my Mom along with the one that came with her first stove she and Dad bought back in the '50. That one included her pecan pie and tea cookie recipes. Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts and ideas.
Terri Guy, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Brenda T. said...

Every holiday I always make a recipe that came from my mother too. It just makes me feel close to her. We have three new brides in our family and that is one of the things we did for them Everyone in the family contributed their favorite family recipes to be added to their cookbook and we also added my mothers favorite recipes as well. Love that you did this for your girls. It's a gift they will treasure. Thank you for your lovely posts. I look forward to them. Brenda T., Abilene, Texas

Createology said...

Prayers and Healing Energy for your family dear. I love the gift of recipes and love you are giving to your girls. Traditions continue with this kind of thoughtfulness. This is Gentle Domesticity...

Christine M said...

What a special recipe book it is going to be Jenny. When Mel and I met up yesterday we were finally able to exchange our Christmas gifts to each other. When I opened mine, there was one of those lovely recipe books. Now I'll be able to start my own one. I hope Blossom and Aisha are feeling better. xx

kallii said...

Jenny so glad the girls are doing better and babies are still baking! You're making the recipe books brings back memories of summers spent with my Gram. One of those summers she had me re-write all her recipes into one book took me all summer.