Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Slow days...

It's been so relaxing just pottering around, changing a few things here, making things there, baking, visiting a dear friend, having Blossom drop by most days - all the time lovingly watched over by my beloved husband. 
Thank you for your precious prayers on my behalf. After four heart racing/adrenaline surge days I began to pick up again on Monday after starting a course of low-dose aspirin. Caffeine and chili are off my menu permanently as they send my heart into a spin, and I have to be very mindful about being excited too much as this also sends my heart pounding through my chest. It was especially noticeable on Saturday night when I was listening to the football game on the radio. I love stitching while the Cowboys play but by half time I knew I couldn't listen anymore as my heart was crazy and I had difficulty breathing and talking at the same time. 
On the natural side of things I'm taking/making a daily tonic for adrenal fatigue and that too is making a difference. Adrenaline surges have been with me all my life, but the older I get the worse they affect me.

...moving on to nicer things. 
Here's what I've been up to the past week.  

Last Wednesday Blossom and I drove out to Heather's for some catch up time. Our sweet hostess served yummy pumpkin soup and delicious lamingtons for lunch and afterwards we tried to get some sewing done however we all talked so much there isn't anything to show you. But truly, aren't they the best days with friends?!
Just outside Heather's living room window I spied a parrot looking for seed in her bird feeder...

...and through the kitchen window it was Heather's dog Ghost who caught my eye, playing with my lovely Blossom.
(Blossom is now officially mid way through her pregnancy and as of last Friday we know the baby's gender, but I'd better ask her permission before I let you in on that news okay?)

Back at home I've been working on a quilt for my older daughter Aisha's baby, due in just four weeks...

...and I also did a deep clean of my sewing room. The cutting table is now under the window because the light is much better for measuring and rotary cutting, as well as choosing fabric and threads that blend well.

During the clean up Blossom and I decided to think outside the box and see if we could make use of a few larger pieces of fabric. She put aside a bundle with plans for a cot bumper and nappy (diaper) bag, whilst I sewed quick hems and made myself a couple of new tablecloths...

These fabrics will be perfect to make a cushion for my book nook reading chair, and I have enough to cover a footstool as well...

After a few days of very simple meals and some healthy take-away options I've enjoyed getting back to the kitchen again. Nana's Baked Rice Custard (recipe here) and a gluten-free banana & apricot loaf came fresh from the oven this morning...

I've also enjoyed relaxed afternoon rests with feet up and my attention taken with a new book...

...and of course there's been some stitching happening too.

It has rained most days, and still is actually with no near end in sight. Sometimes the downpours last for hours and are so loud Mr E and I give up all attempt at conversations. Instead we potter around inside doing this and that, and brew pots of Tulsi tea for me and green tea for him.
 When the rain settles to a very light mist we walk around the yard together checking on fallen branches or palm fronds to remove to a safer place. 

Today we found a cucumber plant growing under some palms! I toss our vegetable juice pulp over the deck to the garden below so it must be the source of our new plant. Not sure how well it will fare, but now I know it's there it can be watched and tended...

Princess Sophie has been inside more than usual during this late wet season but she much prefers to be out in the fresh air so she can watch the birds in the trees. As soon as the rain slows she is off to play...

I've shown you all the lovely things of the past week because that's what matters most; not the egg that fell from the fridge and smashed at my feet on the polished wooden floor, nor the singlets and t-shirt that shrunk in our used-only-twice-a-year tumble dryer, and we won't talk about the outbreak of bugs I found in our large jar of Basmati rice okay?

Life, it has its ups and it has its downs. 
And that's alright, because the life I've just shared with you is mine, a life I share with people (and pets) I love with all my heart, and that in itself is a recipe for the unpredictable.
The most important thing is not to sweat the small stuff, make memories that count, and receive each morning as the gift and blessing that it truly is.

I'm praying you have a beautiful day too,



Águeda said...

I'm glad you're enjoying family and friends. It's hard to keep a business, and a blog, and make everyday a home into a house. Your post today speaks of the important peace of mind. It is very nice, and very important. Be carefull of your heart: It is precious gift for your family and your friends.

I send greetings to Blossom, Heather, and Mister E.
Have a good day. God Bless you.

Guida said...

Glad to hear you are getting better and taking care of yourself. Guida

Joanne said...

Hi Jenny,
So great to see you enjoying life! Thanks for sharing today!
You do live in a beautiful part of the world!
Might just have to try that recipe. Still frosty nights here.
With the new table cloths and fabrics for the "new look" that will be a great place to "chill"(relax, hang out), that's what the youth has been saying here lately!
Take care,

Michelle Ridgway said...

I'm so sorry you have been so unwell Jen. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Loved your post and what joyful events you have just around the corner. I hope you feel a lot better very soon. Take care xx

Cassandra Cusack said...

Hi Jenny, I hadn't realized ypu were unwell. Tale care of yourself you are very previous. Lots of love and gentle hugs.

Debra said...

Hi, Jenny,

I'm so glad that you are feeling better and doing some creative pottering. Sometimes we all need to just slow down and regroup.


Tricia said...

Oh dear. I struggle with the same adrenal problem. Perhaps that's why you've been on my heart so much since your last post. I'll continue to pray for you! {{Hugs!}}

Ondrea said...

Such a lovely post. Many angel hugs to you. I go to a holistic medical practitioner ( qualified doctor who also used holistic healing). She has me taking herbs called ThyrAdren Support by Medi Herb....I think they are practitioner only, not sure. A nyway, they help my adrenal probs. I have only been taking them less than a week and I already notice the difference. Rescue Remedy may be a good thing for you to have on hand too. Blossom is looking beautiful. I wish my sewing room and cutting table were as tidy as yours is. Love your puss. I miss mine so much. Are your cats allowed off their property whete you are? Ours have to be kept on the property and that is why my dad built the Taj Mahal of a cat run for my cat who has since gone to cat heaven. The rain must be welcome but perhaps not so much of it. Loooove the quilt you are making with the animals on it. So bright and colourful. Please take care and be gentle with yourself.

allthingzsewn said...

Morning Jenny, I did not know you had heart health issues. I know how frightening that can be sometimes. I'm in prayer for better health for you. I just found you and want to grow in our friendship and sharing. Sometimes God warn us to slow down, please listen. I enjoy your blog so much. Has Mr E been ill too? You said you had been taking care of him lately. Praying for these new babies to arrive safely and healthy too. You do have a lot going on right now. 8-)

Montse said...

Hola Jenny ,me alegro que te encuentras mejor ,,una entrada bellísima ,donde nos enseñas muchas cosas bonitas ,disfruta de la familia y amigos !!!!!
Muchos besos y descansa.

Alejandra. said...

Jenny:haces trabajos preciosos! la perra y la gata hermosas! tu jardin hermoso! me gusta tu cuarto de costura!
Un saludo desde Argentina.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing just what you need to do to have a calm, relaxing time. Changing our lifestyles is sometimes difficult, but you are doing it graciously, as you do everything. Thanks for sharing those photos of everything. I love that you can look out the window and see a wild parrot!

celkalee said...

I am far behind in email and sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully, your health issues will resolve. Do not forget the daily rest period. I have similar heart issues and have Finally learned to take tea and a rest mid-day. Love, love, love the fabric photos and all your sweet critters. With your expanding family you have so much to be thankful for, blessing to you and Blossom. With a sweet one on the way, wonderful.

Wendyb said...

Oh honey, not good to hear, you must be having Wendy-girl withdrawals! *cheeky grin* Seriously, glad to hear your looking after yourself hon....big hugs to Heather and Bloss....miss you all so much! Rest up dear friend and enjoy the rain! xox love ya

Julie said...

Hi Jenny I just wanted to stop by & say you have been in my thoughts (& my prayers) so much this past week, as I garden, sew & paint. You have popped into my thoughts sooo very much. I am pleased & relieved to read your health outcome can be managed & am so glad you are taking good care. It is always such a worrying time but sometimes it crops up & makes us take stock & slow down just a little. Take good care dear Jenny ... you have so much to look forward to. Loved dear Merri's sweet little face butter wouldn't melt. x x x

Allie-oops Designs said...

Oh the last part of your post made me laugh out loud - the daily trials, eh? Blossom is looking even more gorgeous every day. I'm glad you've slowed down a bit, keep at it girl, we need you healthy. And you've two [not so distant] future grandchildren to welcome into the world. The baby quilt is looking wonderful. Do you have a tin roof? Mum has aluminum awnings and listening to the rain on them is AWESOME.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Yes, we have tin roofs here because of cyclones, Allie. Tiles would be incredibly dangerous.

Brenda said...

Good Morning Jenny! How delightful to read your post and know that you are feeling better and you are enjoying all of these special times, places and especially loved ones. Thank you so much for sharing and bringing that extra ray of sunshine and happiness into the lives of the ones who read your posts, like me. Have a fantastic creative day!

Carla said...

Ghost is as tall as Heather. Glad you're feeling some better and able to enjoy things again. Hopefully Miss Merri and Princess Sophie will eventually find friendship. That rice custard looks yummy.
Stay well.

Christina said...

Sorry you have been unwell. Is your condition the same as anxiety? They sound the same to me, anyway glad you are taking the proper care of yourself. Wow, how amazing it must be to have parrots come to your bird feeder. Such a sweet pic of Blossom and Ghost. I hope her back isn't hurting too badly. Your baby quilt is so cute. Love the woodland animals. Uh oh, sounds like Ms. Merri needs some schooling on manners. ;) I have been doing the same thing since DH is away on vacation. Cleaning out unused, unwanted items. Cleaned out the pantry and starting using canning jars to store things like rice, flour, items we buy in bulk etc.. It is so nice to have things organized, too bad it will end on Saturday when he gets back. LOL Continued prayers for you and your family. Take care. said...

Hi Jenny I hope that you are feeling better and healing well. Take care and enjoy your "you time". Do miss your posts but understand that family, health, and peace of mind are top priority. Sending gentle hugs to you and thank you for all you share with us.

Baa. xxx said...

Beautiful memories - Ghost and Blossom dancing! Merri at the top of the stairs. So beautiful! Glad you have slowed down and it is having an effect on your health positively. Love the uses for the big bits of fabric. Clever you!

LadyRose said...

Glad to see you back!
Continue to take care of yourself and enjoy life
Thank you for all these beautiful pictures
God bless

Sharon - creativity and family said...

So sorry that you've been unwell Jenny, I do hope you will soon be feeling a lot better. Still praying for you and your precious girls with their babies too. X

Sharon - creativity and family said...

So sorry that you've been unwell Jenny, I do hope you will soon be feeling a lot better. Still praying for you and your precious girls with their babies too. X

Deb said...

Oh Jenny, seeing Miss Merri in that photo made me laugh out loud. She has the most amazing long legs doesn't she.
It is so lovely seeing Bloss with her little baby bump and how exciting knowing what bubs is? I absolutely can't wait till she gives permission for you to tell us.
Look after yourself dear friend, don't over do things, you are to precious,. xx

Out of the Mixing Bowl said...

Praying you will be feeling lots better soon! I love your tablecloth fabric! Could you please tell where to find these beautiful prints?

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Out of the Mixing Bowl, these are Denyse Schmidt fabrics, but not quilting. They are a more open weave cotton for dressmaking. :-)

Melody said...

I'm spending today catching up with my blog reading. So so sorry to read you have not been well. Off to read your post before to hear what has been happening.