Saturday, July 30, 2016

Study the word...

Do you find the Bible difficult or confusing? 
Are you unsure about what's really in the Bible?

The only way we can know God's word is to read God's word.

Within the pages of our Bible, this "powerful and living" (Heb 4:12) word of God, we will find who we need most, Jesus. We will discover the depth of love God the Father has for us, a love so deep that He allowed His own beloved Son to die for you, to die for me. 

Why did He have to die?
So the price of our sin would be paid in advance, so we would not have to face death, so we would have an open door between us and heaven, a path leading directly to God for all eternity. 

All you need do to access this blood-bought gift is acknowledge Christ Jesus as your Saviour, confess your sins in prayer to God, genuinely repent of them, and allow the Son of God to wash you clean and make you new.
("For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23)

You will be born again and begin walking with Our Lord. 
("Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" John 3:3)

Where do you start this walk?
In prayer. 
Read your Bible. 
Study the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Discover Jesus. Let everything He said and did change you from the inside out.
Read the book of Acts and see how brand new Christian lives were changed and how they grew to live out their faith.

You see, the Christian life is all about Jesus. Our perfect Lord, our Saviour and Redeemer. 
You will never know a love like His love for you. 

The Christian life is about following Jesus, through the hard times and through the good times, trusting your life to His care and believing He has only ever wanted the best for you, and that best is HIM. You'll never be alone again. When the world comes against you, His arms are your place to run towards. His mercy abounds and His love endures forever. 

Walking with Jesus will change you. 
He loves us so much that He will not let any of us stay the same. His ways are good, they are perfect. Allowing Him to smooth off our rough edges and clean us from the inside out is personal training at its most perfect. 
("For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Only you can make the choice,

Your reward cost Him His life.
He believed you were worth it.

be blessed,


DH said...

Thank you Jenny! This is so perfect and encouraging for me today! Dawn

Conni said...

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that has nothing to be ashamed of, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 This verse came to mind when I read your thoughts today. Thank you for always finding ways to encourage your readers. You are a blessing!

Anonymous said...

That last line, understanding that Jesus thought I was worth it, is the one that always stuns me, touches me deeply, and makes me want to be a better person. I love the roses you used in the card at the top. This is a great thing to remember. I love reading the scriptures. I don't find them confusing. Even the year that I studied Isaiah, I found that the more I read it, the easier it was to figure out. Something about becoming immersed in the thoughts and ideas made them more understandable. Thanks for another good spiritual sharing.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Amen and amen!

Diane Garton said...

Thank you Lord that our dear friend Jenny is so open & willing to share the wonderful news of your son Jesus and to explain so clearly how important it is for us to understand the great love you have for everyone, and how we can freely obtain that love. Please continue to bless and protect her, wherever she goes and whatever she does and to follow her example of putting you first in our lives. Amen

Little Penpen said...

His grace is so amazing! Even when I can't stand myself, He still loves me.

allthingzsewn said...

More of us need to pray for this nation to come back to the one and only God. And it starts within our own hearts. God is working on my now. Thanks Jenny, this is beautifully written.

mb4rwss said...

Amen!Thank you for your wise words

Brenda said...

Good Morning Jenny! What a flowing with hope and discoveries you have presented today! I personally loved every word. I never tire of your precious teachings that lead us to specific versus or books and what they mean and why we should study them! A friend that I sew with quite often with, yesterday we were discussing how difficult the King James Bible can be for the two of us to understand. We went on to share various versions that have helped us and also other resources. It was a great conversation. But thank you again for bringing forth and sharing all that you do! It really does help me a lot. Have a fantastic creative day!

Anonymous said...

Well said.
Mama Bear

mayme said...

Thank you for sharing Gods Word. I never cease to be amazed at what
Jesus was willing to do for me.

Valerie said...

Stumbled onto your blog for the first time last September with "God wants to speak to you", and have been a devoted reader ever since. You share God's love and truth so gently and so clearly. Your deep and inspired love of family and creativity show through every beautiful creation in fabric and food. I appreciate your willingness to share trials as well as sweet times, as they are all parts of His plan, as you have pointed out, to teach and refine us. You shine a much needed bright light in this dark world. I am deeply grateful for all God has and continues to do in my life, and also thank Him for this blog. ---Valerie

Lesley UK said...

Jenny, please. I hope you can read this with an open heart and soul. I have followed your blog for a very long time, and if I have not commented on many posts, it is because I love your patterns and your stunning stitchwork but I don't need a biblical quote or sermon every time. I am a Pagan. We follow all of the Christian principles, but we do not try to convert other believers. We just believe that the Earth is our Mother and what ever happens is Her will. Our mantra is, ' do as you will, but harm no-one; and I honestly believe that is the 'way; we should all follow. I'm beginning to not want to read your blogs because you keep pushing the Christian Message so much, and although we Pagans accept and embrace all Christian tenets, please understand that not all of your readers have the same depth of your faith that you do. But having said that, I have one of your blogs printed out and and I read it everyday. It's the one about God being our Father and we must trust him as we did our Earthly father. It means a lot to me. I don't really know why I'm writing this to you. You inspire me so often with your Christian messages, but I still believe the Pagan way is the True way. I didn't mean to write all this. I know you are sincere in what you believe, but I feel you may be alienating people like me. Please believe me I ;ove your blog and I have it delivered to my e-mail

Kim said...

Thank you for all that you share, especially your faith. You are very talented and appreciated. I hope that you are feeling better, and congratulations on your new grand baby. Blessings and best wishes always.