One of the greatest personal lessons I have taken on board this year has been to listen more and talk less.
I guess it kind of runs contrary to this social media driven society we find ourselves enmeshed in these days, and that's why it's more important than ever before that we switch off our mouth and turn the dial down on our over active thoughts and 'listen' to what those around us are actually saying.
I remember when I was 21 with a three year old and a new baby and had moved to the other side of the country, far away from my beloved Nana and Pop. We would write letters back and forth each week or so and Nana would question me about what she was 'reading between the lines'.
She knew my personality very well from the many years of conversations and shared stories as I grew up and that gave her genuine insight into what was truth and what was not when it came to our written correspondence.
I found it impossible to hide my troubled life behind a 'happy' letter when it was being sent to someone who had given of her time to listen, given attention to look into my eyes as I spoke, invested of herself to care for me, about me, and to love me unconditionally even when it was inconvenient, exhausting and financially beyond her ability.
So making time to listen to my own loved ones is becoming more important than it has before, because I want to be like Nana, I want to be able to 'read between the lines' the way she did and I can only do that if I take time to listen, look into their eyes, and truly know the person I'm spending time with.
This year of twelve Gentle Domesticity designs has been dedicated to my Nana and the lessons I've learned from her, lessons I'm still learning.
When I was young I didn't appreciate the wealth of womanhood I'd been gifted with by her example, but now I do, and I hope I remember more things even though I'm getting older and my memory is fading. Writing them down in this blog and making designs that honour some of those lessons help me focus on the good things from the past I can carry into tomorrow.
Nana's life makes me think of kindness, courtesy, making do, laughter, cleanliness, simple delicious meals, washing flapping in the breeze, gingham, aprons, making jam and pickles, jam tarts baked on saucers, Sunday night scones with pots of tea, flowers growing at the front door, polished taps, the radio, cooked breakfasts, scraps given to the dog, darned socks, starched tablecloths, shelling peas on the back step after school, the best and cuddliest hugs in the whole wide world.
But mostly, her life always makes me think of love.
I hope you've enjoyed this year of Gentle Domesticity too.
Thanks for joining me on this very special journey.
Want a peek at my 2017 BOM?
Next year I've decided to keep the home fires burning with another domestic based BOM to share with you. It will begin on February 1st and is called "The Love of Home".
Here's a peek at block 1...
Have a wonderful week everyone!
I love this last block. Your Nana sounds like a wonderful person to have known. Thanks for reminding me each month of the things I should make important in my life and that the things I do everyday in the home are very important. As I get my house more and more in order, I hope to take time to enjoy nurturing my family and my home.
Your Nana sounds so much like my Grandma...a very wise woman who loved and cared for me beyond what is expected. She always listened annd knew when I wasn't sharing everything with her. I learned so much yet I have so much more to learn. This is my very favorite block of all your 2016 BOMs. 2017 looks like it will be amazing too. Thank you Jennny Dear. You are the balance I seek for improving my life. Bless you dear woman. XO
Lovely 💖
Such lovely memories of your dear nanna. I hope that your grand children have fond memories of you . The final block is lovely and so relevant in this era. ( I seem to be having trouble finding how to download this one at the moment .Must be computer gremlins again.) )I hope that you are finding some personal space time during this busy time of year. Your new BOM for 2017 is looking beautiful.
Thank you so much. Hopefully one day I get some time to stitch these beautiful blocks up.
Thanks for this lovely block, I really appreciate when designers share some small design with me for free, with our Rand\Dollar exchange rates, these are very hard for me to buy. So thank you very much for sharing this with me.
What a lovely tribute to your Nana. It seems you learned to "read her between the lines" as well.
Cindy in NC
You write so eloquently! Thank you for another lovely block....
Wonderful designs Jenny, thank you so much for sharing so freely again this year. These designs take me back to my nana's kitchen, when as a child, opening her pantry and breathing in the wonderful aroma of the cinnamon and nutmeg and other spices she used in her baking.
I'v enjoyed this series so much, Jenny. It has given me much to think about. Thank you for sharing. Having a working mom, I often felt I was left to raise myself and I didn't do a very good job of it. These months have helped me to re-think many things.
Such a beautiful post!!!!! A ray of LOVEly sunshine!!!!! Thank you.....with hugs...............
Jenny, grandparents are so important in shaping our lives. My European Nanna passed away when I was just 11 years old, but to this day, she influences me in so many areas of my life, from gardening and cooking, to parenting and grandparenting. I loved hearing about your relationship with your Nanna. Wishing you all the blessings of the festive season lovely lady. Mimi xxx
This block is absolutely gorgeous! Reminds me of years gone by and of the old black telephone we grew up with. It had such a prominent spot on a little table with an attached chair. Loved your post and the message attached with this new embroidery block. Thank you, Jenny!!
"But mostly, her life always makes me think of love." What better legacy could anyone leave behind? Thank you for sharing her with us this entire year. I love this culminating block and the thoughts you've shared with it. Not surprisingly ('cause I've ceased to be surprised by this happening), in my post today, one of the things I wrote about worshiping my Father in Heaven was "9. Listen and learn, more than I speak." I'm excited t see more of next year, but I'm so happy with this year - I still have several postcards to stitch and it may take me all next year, with the crazy quilt blocks around them, but that's okay, too. Taking time - another thing I'm learning to appreciate.
Jenny what a lovely tribute to your wonderful grandmother, she would be so proud of your generous heart. Thank you for another great pattern. Take care, Guida
Dear Jenny: It's a beautiful block. It is in itself and by what it means.
I'm sure your Nana smiles from the sky. Hugs.
Thanks Jenny for a great stitching highlight to 2016!
Looking forward to the 2017 series!
Take care,
This is precious. I love it.
A beautiful block and a wonderful lesson! I don't know how you keep coming up with the ideas for all these beautiful blocks. A gift from God! Nancy
Such a beautiful post, sweet Jenny. Your Nana sounds like a wonderful person, just like you. Thank you so much for everything you share with us. Your kind and thoughtful words and your shared creativity is priceless. Many many thanks.
Your Nana would be so proud of the grown lady you have become. How do I know? Because she sounds just like my Nan who still influences me even though she went to be with Jesus 30 years ago. Thank you for yet another beautiful design. I have a pile of them now, ready and waiting for me to finish the one I am currently working on, everything in good time. Which is something I have learned from reading your blog this past year. My life is quite testing at the moment and I often feel overwhelmed with expectations on me from elderly parents and the needs of children and grandchildren. Family are a wonderful gift of God but hard work at times and when I feel overwhelmed I give it all to Him who understands and cares and while I wait for an answer I take time to sit and stitch in 'peaceful contentment'. This has so helped me lately Jenny in more ways than I can measure. Thank you xx
Jenny, você é uma pessoa muito doce!!!!
In memory of my own grandmum, I'm going to stitch this with her phone number in the middle - we saw each other almost every day, but would still talk on the phone for hours. This one has a very special, personal meaning to me Jenny, and I thank you for you hon.
It's a beautiful block. And your stitches are so very perfect!
I love this block, Jenny. I remember when we were younger, we had to wait until after a certain time to ring interstate as it was cheaper! Thank you for sharing this wonderful BOM with us this year. I'm sure your Nana would very be proud of you. xxx
So glad you are going to keep the domesticity theme! It is my favorite! :) Thank you for sharing your creativity with us this last year!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. Looking forward to working on these in the future.
Praying you find just the right home!
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