Saturday, March 4, 2017

Being transformed...

The change of season this month is a reminder that we too are changing.

I thank God that He has not left me the same woman I was ten years ago, a year ago, or even a month ago...that He loves me enough to prune, tend and transform my life, gently preparing me always for new growth, a fresh season.

As some of us welcome autumn and others invite the first bursts of spring, shall we also ask our Father to make a transformation within our lives too?

One transformation which is important to pray for at this time of the year and yet is often overlooked is physical recovery and refreshment.

After this long hot summer my physical body is in need of cool refreshing and I believe my spirit has become weary and parched too, so I'm praying today for the Lord to shower my life with His precious Holy Spirit, to wash away the aching effects of this past season and soak me in everlasting streams of His goodness, mercy and peace.

Perhaps you've come through a harsh winter and the cold has taken it's toll. Pray to the Lord of Heaven and Earth, that He would send bright buds of spring to gladden your eyes, the warm and life-bringing rays of the sun to rest upon you and strengthen your limbs once again, lightness of heart to lift your spirit.

Another transformation, the most important one, which is not bound by seasonal change, is the transforming of our imagine from the inside out to become more and more like Jesus.

Let us pray for that too.

Be blessed,


Phil Poggeaux said...

Thanks Jenny, lots to think about here.......

Bernice said...

Thank you Jenny for your lthoughts and words. Very uplifting and encouraging, always. God Bless you.

Catherine said...

What a beautiful post this morning. Thank you.

Tricia said...

Hugs, dear friend in Christ - at leasr I feel like you are a dear friend! I will pray that you will be blessed and refreshed and renewed as we look forward to Easter. Take care of yourself!

Brenda said...

Dear Jenny, What a valuable post you have shared this day! Along with a scripture I read and am still exploring yesterday, your scripture today goes along with it. Thank you for always sharing your devotion to our Lord, my Sister in Christ, we walk a path leading to the Lord, growing stronger along the way! Have a Blessed Day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jenny. My transformation (to this point - and it isn't over yet!) has taken a long time and is visible only in retrospect. When I look back at who I was at various times in the past, I can see the change. It's dramatic to see it now! The little increments daily are not so startling. Or even noticeable. =) I always want to read your Sunday posts first thing, and I so appreciate this comparison you've made. I look outside and see blooming trees, bushes, hyacinths - and I think about the preparation I've watched going into each one of them. A perfect parallel.

barcord said...

Thank you Jenny for a lovely post. I indeed have had a dragging cold over this past few weeks. I am looking forward to the refreshment and warmth of Spring and summer. I too am grateful and thankful for the refreshment of the Holy Spirit, making me more like Jesus day by day. xx

A Joyful Cottage said...

Thank you for this reminder, Jenny. I do thank God for the little shoots of Crocus and Japanese Iris in my garden. There's still snow, too, but I see these brave little shoots and am reminded that God's promises never fail. Spring is coming! Hugs, Nancy

Nanna Chel said...

A lovely inspiring post as usual, Jenny. Yes the heat has left a lot of us parched in more ways than one I think. Time for refreshing I think. Big hugs!

Águeda said...

Dear Jenny,
Your words always go straight to my heart. Thank you for so many things that you share.

Kris said...
