Friday, May 26, 2017

Remembering to be grateful...

"Mother Love" is one of my new designs for the June Stitchery Club and was inspired by my daughter Blossom and the closeness we share, becoming best friends and confidantes these past few years as well as mother and child.

This new design also reflects her budding role as mother to Cully May and any babies yet to arrive. 

Today Blossom turned 23.

Mr E and I dropped in very early around breakfast time to give her a big hug and lots of love because Blossom's beloved was just about to whisk her away for a few days with their little Cully May. This will be their first family holiday and I'd love it if you prayed for them to have a wonderfully peaceful time, especially as Cully May is teething again. 

She, Ross and the baby came over on Wednesday night for a family birthday dinner as we knew they'd be away on the actual day. Blossom has never swayed from what she wants me to cook for her birthday dinner and this year was no different.

Silverside, mashed potatoes, honey carrots and mustard sauce for the main, and cinnamon scrolls for dessert.
She then takes the remaining scrolls home for supper that night and breakfast the next day (which makes Ross very happy as since becoming a part of the family he's also fallen for my cinnamon scrolls!).

Our gift to her this year celebrates the path she intends taking with her budding home business, sewing and designing baby and toddler clothes.

Both her and Ross want her to be a stay-at-home mama so she makes clothes in the evening when Cully May has gone to bed. An Overlocker was on the "one-day" purchase list for her business so she was VERY thrilled to receive this from her daddy and I.

A home business is hard work (I know) but she is smart, talented, creative and a lifelong learner of new skills so I'm praying the Lord blesses the work of her sweet hands.

Blossom was sharing with me recently about her study of the Proverbs 31 wife and how she worked from home with fabric to bless her family and her husband, and Bloss said she loved that example for her own dream. 

I think having a purpose, a dream to do good and bless others is precious.
In fact, my dear young daughter made me look with fresh eyes at my own work and why I do it. 

To be honest I'd not been as appreciative of the Lord's gift of creativity and design as I once was, having begun to feel this work was burdensome...but now I 'see through a glass clearly'  and my heart overflows with gratitude for how this work has blessed my family, helped to dig us out of much debt, and allows us to contribute where there is a need in spreading the Gospel message.

Every good gift comes from God above and I know there are many other gifts He has given me which I'm not appreciating as I should so with the help of the Holy Spirit I'll hopefully uncover them and take stock of my blessings.

We're babysitting Blossom's two dogs, Bobby and Elmo, while they're away. 
This displeases our Sophie-cat immensely.
I can see some fun and games between the feline-ruler-of-the-house and our visiting canines this weekend!

I hope your weekend is blessed with laughter, grace and much peace.



charmingsbycmh said...

thank you for your blog, you are a blessing from God.
God bless. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, thank you for sharing about your family and your talent with the rest of us :) Prayers for you and yours!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Blossom. Your Cinnamon Rolls look delicious. Would you share your recipe please. 😊 love your blog.

gracie said...

This design is lovely, as all your designs are.

LadyGrey said...

Jenny, I enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing about your family. Your love of the Lord shines through on your blog and has been a breath of freshness and re purposing to me. Praying for you and your daughter's family.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog and designs. It makes me feel as if my quilting and sewing are a blessing to my family.
Your blog is a blessing to me. I have a question--What kind of fabric do you stick on? Your colors are sweet and homey.

Suze said...

I am absolutely itching to receive June's designs. Happy birthday to Blossom and may she and her family have a delightful weekend away. It is always interesting to add another animal to the mix. Blossom must have been been so surprised with her specially chosen gift.

God bless you all as you use your beautiful work to reach out to us all. It is a different mission but it is one I love.

Createology said...

Happy Birthday Blossom. 23 is such a young age and may she have great success in her home sewing pursuits. She has a wonderful mentor and teacher in you Miss Jenny. Lovely stitchery and message of appreciating all that we have. I know I feel truly blessed to be creative and capable in the ways of needle and thread. Safe and Happy Memorial Weekend...<3

Diane Garton said...

Tears in my eyes as I read your post this morning Jenny dear. I'm so thankful for all God has given me, although at times life is difficult, especially with two elderly parents living very close by to watch over, and our two married kids whose families are a roller coaster of constant delight & occasional challenge. I have been reminded to take each day as it comes & don't worry about tomorrow as He has already got that covered. I wish Blossom every blessing in her home sewing business and what joy you must have felt seeing the delight on her face as she opened your beautiful present. Praying that they might have a precious time away together. How good is our God!!

Ondrea said...

Have fun dog sitting. What a fantastic birthday gift for Blossom and I hope she enjoys her family time away without . Oh dear! Your cinnamon rolls are making me hungry. Just as well tea is ready.

Skye B said...

Oh Jenny, I love reading your blogs and the peacefulness it brings. Your daughter and granddaughter are so blessed to have a mother like you to guide them in their lives xxx best wishes to you all over these next few days and beyond xxx

Allie-oops Designs said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Blossom - may God richly bless the work of your hands!!! Jenny, I think also of Dorcas, who Peter raised from the dead. I don't make garments [genetically incapable] but I love this story.

Acts 9:36Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did. 37 And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber. 38 And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. 39 Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. 40 But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. 41 And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

What another beautiful message Jenny. God bless.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Jenny. YOU are a treasure to all of us who read here. Presently we are traveling to visit my husband's ill father. I am so grateful we made the 13 hour drive with no problems.

Happy birthday dear Blossom! Praying for your business to blossom!! You are doing the home business that I have wanted to do for years. I love making baby dresses.

cucki said...

I love your sweet deaign so much it is so cute
I love cinnamon roll so much and they my fav.
Thank you for sharing another beautiful post
Hugs. X

Tricia said...

Thank you, Jenny. The last paragraph especially spoke to me during this season of my life. I appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful birthday! It seems so short a time ago she was just in her mid-teens, still studying hard. I've loved watching your sweet daughter grow, and now HER sweet daughter. What a wonderful birthday present! That will really help with the finished-looking seams. Dinner sounds wonderful and the cinnamon rolls irresistible. I'm glad they could celebrate with a few days away, and I look forward to hearing about her trip, what can be shared. Your design is as precious as your daughter. I love the display with that pretty silk ribbon next to it, too. I'm so glad this will be in the stitchery club!

Baa. xxx said...

Happy birthday Blossom - what a fabulous present! Yay! for a cool Mummy and Daddy!

Beautiful, beautiful stitchery - bless!

Adrianne said...

Thank you, Jenny, for sharing those bits of wisdom and joy. They were both very timely. Your words of encouragement and God's Word, along with your very blessed talents are a blessing to me. I am again inspired and remotivated to get busy, busy, busy with my too far behind projects. God bless you, my sister in Christ!

Quiltingwiththefarmerswife said...

Dear Jenny, A good friend and I get together ever couple weeks and your name always seems to be mentioned. We are so blessed reading your blog and hearing your Godly wisdom. You are an encouragement to us in so many ways. We are 'mature' (my synonym for old)long time Christians and we enjoy sewing. We have raised our children to love the Lord and some of them are straying from that path. You encourage us in our love of family, sewing, and are just a pleasure to know. Be blessed and encouraged that there are many other women out there that love your blog. Patty Mc

Águeda said...

Congratulations to the whole family, especially Congratulations to Blossom for his birthday and his ability to work. She has great willpower: It is not easy to work your own home-based business and take care of the family.
The gift of the overlook-machine is magnificent. It represents the unconditional support of the parents to the project of life of his daughter: You are very good parents for your very good children.
Good bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny what a lovely post,hope your day is a good one xx

Michelle B said...

Your posts are very inspiring and I love reading about the doings of you and your family. I really need to make better use of my time and spend more of it stitching, either embroidery or sewing. I had to smile when I saw the brand of overlock machine you bought Blossom! I have the 6600 sewing machine and you will have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers LOL
I love that stitchery on this post! Not to give you the "big-head" but God has given you a real talent for designing beautiful things! Don't get discouraged and give up, PLEASE!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Hi Anonymous :-)
Not quite sure what you mean by "what fabric do you stick on?" but it's probably answered in one of these two blog posts.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I'll share the cinnamon rolls recipe today (have done so before).