You know by now that baking in the kitchen is my happy place, my time out to mix and fold with love and delight, a time to lick the bowl and create with goodness.
I've been sharing recipes here on the blog for many years now and when I bake and show a few scrumptious photos it's almost guaranteed that a number of emails will arrive at my inbox within minutes requesting the recipe, so I had an idea.
How would you like to build up a Living The Gentle Domestic Life recipe library for the remainder of the year?
Every few weeks I'll share a new recipe with a nicely photographed cover and an ingredients list with the method in simple steps...
And then I thought what if I add a quick little stitchery, after all what do you do while your goodies are baking? Gather sewing supplies, choose fabric and threads...(oh, the washing up you say? let's just forget about that until afterwards, okay)
So in every recipe there will be a little design I've drawn up, something quick and easy.
Does this sound good to you?
It does! Yippee!!
To get us started there are two recipes to download today, plus a cover page for your Living The Gentle Domestic Life recipe binder.
I'm quite excited about this and I hope you are too.
Download the recipes with free stitchery pattern HERE.
Living The Gentle Domestic Life Cookbook cover page - download here.
Cully May and Blossom were here today sampling my wares and it definitely put a warm and fuzzy glow in my heart.
Have a blessed day!
Thank you ... I have collected many of your recipes over the years ... all winners. Some I have misplaced, so to be able to get them again would be fabulous. Your chicken and mushroom risotto is a family favorite. Ohh my Cully is so cute and growing so quickly. It looks like she loves her Nana's cooking.
What a lovely idea,thanks Jenny,have printed the three downloads. Now to try the recipes & stitcberies.
This excites me so much. It will be fun too.
What a beautiful gift, thank you!
Thank you for sharing your time and talents. And the stitcheries are lovely.
I have been a member of your Stitchery Club all year however looking over my patterns I find that May is missing how can I get a copy of May?
Thats so nice idea! Thank you for your tips, I like your blog very much and admire you cosy home and your simple warm-hearted lifestyle.
All I can say is, "Perfect!" and thank you!!!
I have collected a few of your recipes you have shared previously. I have often thought about creating a book with such recipes. This is a very lovely and nice thing for you to share. Thank you.
Cully Mae looks so cute with that big necklace.
Cully Mae looks like she is saying, me?sick? you have to be kidding. I wish we could
bounce back like children.
Thanks for the recipe. Did not know it would be that soon. Easier than I thought it would be too. This is going to Wed. night service dinner.
Thanks so much! your generosity is beyond compare; the recipes sound wonderful even though I have given up sugar. I will have to give them a try for my husband and I do always love your stitchery!
Your Granddaughter is so cute! Thanks for the recipes and stitching....really a cute idea!
What a great idea, thank you Jenny!
Look at those teeth! She's a happy, fortunate little girl. I really like the idea of your recipe book and stitcheries - I'm sure everyone does! Thank you so much for thinking of this and doing it. I know you are always looking for more things to take up time. LOL
What a WONDERFUL idea, who can pass up a recipe, and then a little stitching to go with it - great for the upcoming holiday, or for any time I say. :) Thank you, Jenny for always thinking outside the box, dreaming up the lovely items you create, and for your kindness and love shown in your blog. I certainly enjoy your "realness"(is that a word?) and seeing your sweet are blessed beyond imagination and I appreciate you sharing everything you do with the world. You are so creative and loving, I really, really look forward to your blog every day (and miss it every day you don't blog :( ) It is alot of work so I totally understand - but you are an inspiration to me and you make my day complete. We are kindred spirits and don't even know each other only through technical media.
Thank you again - I so look forward to this recipe book and stitchery idea.
Sue, it may have gone missing in cyberspace as a stray one or two do occasionally. I'll resend it today. :-)
This is such a lovely kind thought Jenny, Thank you so much a wonderful idea...Love it... Little Cully Mae is so cute... Looking forward to trying these yummy recipes... May x
Oh that face! What a cutie! She makes me smile every time. Thanks for the yummy recipes and cute stitcheries. You really do spoil us! Have a lovely day yourself. K-
You are so generous. Thank you!
Both recipes look delicious. Thanks for sharing them with us and what a wonderful recipe book it will be. Your granddaughter is adorable.
To add to my "Perfect" comment: At 80, I have soo many recipes (family, friends, etc.) that I decided to put them into the computer and write a note regarding it ... info on who, what, why, when, and where ... lol Unfortunately, it was an old windows data base and I can't add to it or print it out anymore. Thank goodness I have a hard copy. I will be redoing it and I'll be adding a section called Jenny's Recipes. Thank you so much for all your gifts.
I am so grateful for your gift of sharing. You are so generous. This is going to be so much fun! Cully Mae is such a baby doll. Never get tired of that million dollar smile. Thank you, Jenny, for the blog. I always love your posts.
Exciting very! Wonderful idea. Cully May looks beautiful! Love Karen, Miss H, and Baa. xxx
Jenny Dear you are always so very giving and generous. Of course having your recipes with accompanying Stitchery project will be Fantastic. Thank you so very much. <3
Jenny thank you for the beautiful gift of both recipes and stitchery! Can't wait to try both. Cully May is so beautiful and I can imagine how much fun you must have whenever she visits.
God bless
Love this idea and looking forward to it!
You are so good to us. It's a great idea, and I love your layout for it. I look forward to seeing what else you cook up.
Muchisimas gracias Jenny, siempre tan adorable¡¡
Besos Nora
That's a brilliant idea Jenny.
Just been discussing the recipes Lauren & I are going to make next week when she is on holiday. Now we have 2 more. I can almost taste that raspberry & coconut slice. Scrumptious! Thank you so much.
Cully May certainly looks like she's enjoying the goodies!
Many thanks! Baking and stitching, a lovely combination!
We are in the midst of few days of high heat index so I will be saving these for fall! My favorite weather!
Although might squeeze a few minutes to stitch some of the stitcheries before then ;-).
Your beautiful grand baby's smile with those pearly whites peeking out... so cute!
Hi Jenny! You have encouraged me through the years...Thank you. I do have a problem though...I can't seem to download the recipes. I've never had a problem with the patterns but when I download the recipes it goes to Dropbox and then the screen is blank. I don't know what Dropbox is. I'm not very savvy when it comes to computers ( mine is a iPad). If you can help...thank you. Kathy
Hi Kathy :-)
You'll need to join's free. Then you can access all the recipes.
The pink recipe pages are through google...maybe try them? See this blog post -
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