Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Trust in the Lord (free pattern)...

It's not an easy thing to trust another person and it's not always easy to trust God.

When life is good, when prayers are being answered, when miracles fall in our lap and the evidence of God's finger on our life cannot be denied, trust will come easy.

But when life is a tangle of struggles and obstacles, when prayers have not been answered in a while, when God seems distant and silent to our needs, trust can slowly trickle away and doubt will flow in to replace it.

This is humanity, the flesh and blood reality of God's people living in a broken world. 
Hearts broken, dreams shattered, obstacles which loom larger than life, illness that does not heal, relationships which crush you to the core, finances that barely keep a roof over your head...every life, every person, will find themselves in the valley at some point and some will revisit it over and over.
And some of us in that valley experience will struggle to trust God completely, at least for a while.

But the Bible tells us He is faithful and just.
It tells us He will supply all our needs, comfort us in sorrow, catch all of our tears in a bottle, lead us beside still waters and restore our soul...the Bible assures us we can trust God.

Don't feel guilty when you find it hard to trust His Word. He knows you are but dust and He has seen every second of your life and understands why you suffer and doubt in your time of trouble. 
He is gracious, merciful, forgiving, compassionate, wise and loving - and often that is why we feel disconnected from him, because we expect to feel those things and yet we see through a glass dimly.

Let me explain.
Many years ago I faced a very traumatic experience and after months of crying out to God for understanding, healing and resolution, I fell on my knees and declared to Him that I believed He did not care. I could not see His hand in my life or on the troubles which had torn my heart apart so I believed He had turned His back on me, that I had failed Him too many times and had no great value.
But I was wrong.

In the quiet stillness of that night, He gave me clear understanding about His perceived 'distance' and I never doubted His presence or plans again. 

You see, God cannot reveal all His plans for my life until the time is right. When He does reveal them He's not just telling me but he's making satan, the enemy of this world, aware too. 
And what General would share his plans with the enemy?
It was not until God had put all His plans in place that the fog cleared and I could clearly see what He'd been at work on all that time.

Have you felt that your prayers are going nowhere?
Have you been doubting God's care and concern for your needs?
Are you feeling alone in your trial?

Believe that your prayers are going straight to the throne room of heaven, to the very ear of God.
Believe that your heavenly Father cares about you more than you can ever in this life imagine, that His love for you has no limits, no expiration date, that every hair on your head is known to Him.
Believe that you are never alone, that Christ is alive in you through God's Holy Spirit and He will never leave you nor forsake you. You are of more value than a sparrow and God knows every sparrow which falls from the sky. 

I know it's hard to see other people's prayers answered, needs met and miracles come true while you stand by waiting an age for your own.
It can hurt and you might even think God loves them more than you, but my friend, God shows no favouritism. You are the apple of His eye and He is doing a very special work behind the scenes of your life, bringing about a plan that exceeds human vision, working all things together for good because He loves you and you love Him.

Please, take your eyes off the circumstances, take your eyes off the obstacles, take your eyes off your neighbour's blessings and keep them fixed on Jesus.

Our understanding is limited by what we see and hear right now which means we never truly grasp the life changing work God is doing 'quietly and unseen' in our life. And just because we cannot see it, hear it or feel it does not mean the will of God is not being done for our benefit, always our benefit, for He means us good and not evil all the days of our lives.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

This is a new free pattern which I pray is a blessing to your heart.
Download "Trust in the Lord" here

My prayer today is that you and I let go of doubt, negative thoughts and impatience; that we are filled with joy and hope and trust as we wait for God's good and perfect plan in our lives - because we can believe that He only has good and perfect plans.

Bless you heaps,


Wendyb said...

Beautifully said Jen-girl ❤️ I hear you and know what you’re talking about but I know that He has His hand in us always and it is not in our realm to understand His reasonings nor is it for us too question.....everything in God’s time. Bless you darling sister-in-Christ. Praying for you always xxx

Nanna Chel said...

That is so true, Jenny. It can be hard going at times though when we can't see God moving. It is always good to remind ourselves that we are the apple of his eye.

matty said...


I was listening to a program yesterday about believing while in the darkness and trusting in God's plan The one take away thought for me was that Everything that happens is moving us toward that final destiny. While it seems life is going the completely opposite direction of where we believe we are going, we have to trust the path is right. Many years ago I faced a devastating loss and felt abandoned by God. But, a dear friend came to me and said, "Keep your head high so you can see God". It made all the difference. Praying for you and all the ladies who are facing difficult, challenging, or anxious times. <3

Little Penpen said...

Thank you for this ... I am so glad that He remembers we are just dust, as I have failed Him so many times. Thank you.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Thank you, Jenny. Your words always come at just the right time. ❤😍

Tammy Lyons said...

I have to keep believing that all of this is just temporary. That he knows the true plan. I have to stop doubting and believe and trust in him more. And keep on praying and give thanks for both things seen and unseen.Thank you for this beautiful design and reminder to trust in him.

Marie said...

Thankyou Jenny, for your timely words today. Such a great reminder to keep the faith!

Cindy M said...

Oh, Jenny, what beautiful words and reminders to my ears and brain to remember God's blessings and not focus on all of our fears and issues. He is there, in His timing He shows us the plan...........but it has to be His plan, friend. Patience and staying in the word - - thank you for this blessing today!

Cindy M said...

Beautiful, Matty - thank you!

Jenny said...

Thank you...this is just what I needed today. Truly such an encouragement. Thanks for all the energy & heart you put into your blog & patterns. You just don't realize how much they encourage others.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Love this post so much - been in that valley too many times, but I can clearly see with hindsight how it has been for my good, and see God's hand in it. If you look at nature, God's creation, you can see how strong things grow with adversity, and so do we. It's not always pleasant but if it's from the hand of God, it's always good. Love the new design sweetheart.

belra said...

Muchas veces me he encontrado preguntando a Dios ¿porqué? o ¿para qué? Pero después de un tiempo de reflexión sólo puedo decir como Job:

¿Quién es el que oscurece el consejo sin entendimiento?
Por tanto, yo hablaba lo que no entendía;
Cosas demasiado maravillosas para mí, que yo no comprendía.

4 Oye, te ruego, y hablaré;
Te preguntaré, y tú me enseñarás.

5 De oídas te había oído;
Mas ahora mis ojos te ven.

Gracias por tus reflexiones, siempre sabias, y por tus consejos y gracias por regalarnos tu trabajo con ese hermoso patrón que con tu permiso traduciré al español.

Que sigas siendo bendecida para que puedas seguir bendiciéndonos a tantos otros.


Ingrid said...

Gracias, Matty. Hermosa reflexión. En un momento de mi vida en el que sufrí una gran pérdida, me hubiese encantado haber tenido a alguien que me dijese: "Mantén la cabeza en alto, para que así veas a Dios". Un hermoso consejo el que te dio tu amiga. A mi me tocó aprender y entender con el tiempo. Lo que siempre le digo a alguien que pasa por un momento difícil es "Suelta y confía... Dios está al mando". Gracias por compartir.

Ingrid said...

Gracias Jenny por tan precioso diseño. Tengo muchos seres queridos que leen las escrituras y me parece algo muy lindo como para obsequiar en navidad. Gracias también por abrirnos estos espacios para la reflexión. Soltemos y confiemos en que El Señor está al mando. Recibe un fuerte abrazo!

Farm Quilter said...

Jenny, what a beautiful, encouraging ministry God has led you into! Through your beautiful patterns and your Bible studies, you continue to guide and encourage us in our walk with the Lord. He is using you to be such a blessing to so many others - I pray that He will continue to guide you and give you the strength to continue this ministry, as well as raining down His blessing upon you and your family. Thank you.

Susan said...

Thank you, Jenny. I knew that, but I needed someone else to remind me today. Thanks for the stitchery, too. I'm teaching a class on Sunday, and if it's alright with you, I'd like to quote part of this. The class is on receiving His spirit to be with you. May you find His blessings surrounding you every day.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Holy Spirit inspired advice your friend gave, Matty. I'm so glad you shared with us. xx

Peascod said...

Thank you!! I so needed to read this today. Your blog encourages me so much, what a woman of God you are. Keep listening to Him and sharing those lovely encouraging thoughts with us. --Jackie

Createology said...

Thank you dear Jenny. I am reading this just when I need i most. Blessings and my Prayers continue for you and Mr. E to find your forever home.

Angie in SoCal said...

Thank you for the lovely pattern and thank you for the encouraging words reminding us of our God's actions in our lives. Bless you.

Sue M. said...

Thanks for this lovely post, Jenny. I needed the encouragement desperately! It is as though it is meant for me right now --- every word spoke directly deep into my heart.
What a blessing you are!
And now, blessings to you and yours.:)

Juliana Torres said...

I love reading your blog. It is a learning and an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your faith. Kiss, stay with God.

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear Jenny for encouraging me this morning. My heart has been heavy for a while now and I needed to hear your precious words of encouragement. The darkness can seem to last a long time but God is gracious and His light shines bright. Love the thought of everything that happens is moving us to our destiny, from Matty above. Such wise words! Hope you find your forever home very soon! ❤️

Anonymous said...

Wonderful encouraging words, thank you Matty! ❤️

Unknown said...

Thank you, I feel that is hardly adequate for the help you have given me in your post. I was struggling with my place in the world now. My body is slowly winding down and I find to try to get up to get to my craft room is a major effort. So trying to do things to keep house is getting beyond me. I rely more and more on my wheelchair and I have lost my sense of self. However, I do have more time to share with my grandchildren and teach them the way of the Lord and as we sit quietly together working on our projects I realise that I am blessed. My husband takes care of my every need physically and we live simply praising the Lord in a place of peace and harmony with our Lord God. Thank you x

Unknown said...

Amen sister, my name is Lorraine and I feel privileged to be a part of this journey with so many wonderful ladies and the spiritual food that Jenny mad Matty have provided.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Dearest Lorraine,
God is using you in ways you will never know this side of heaven. As long as we have breath, we have His purpose being fulfilled through us…isn’t that incredible?
The treasures you are gathering with your grandchildren today will reap a great harvest in their future. Hold on to hope, to truth, to joy.