Saturday, September 29, 2018

What a week...

I have had so many requests to show inside our new home as we settle but it's been a week of such exhaustion in too many ways that blogging, along with other things, hasn't been 'up there' as a priority. But I know you all are patient and don't expect much of me right now so bless you. xx

Everything is now unpacked, put away, or in a temporary spot that can be changed in the weeks and months ahead. We moved in last Sunday and I've been making all our meals since Monday morning. Last night however (Friday) we opted for take-away from the local Thai restaurant because I was ready to drop, and it was so delicious that we decided it would be a monthly treat from now on! 

My kitchen is a delight and the oven is the best I have used. 
Roast chicken, veggies and gravy baked perfectly on Wednesday night, as did yesterday's Rock Cakes which I made for Blossom's first visit to the house since we moved in. 

Apart from that we've had a lot of easy dinners like Salmon Patties and coleslaw, Gnocchi, different salads with eggs and fresh bread, plus simple sandwich lunches or leftovers from the night before.
Not a single meal has been eaten inside because the undercover outdoor area which overlooks the garden, trees, pool and a multitude of visiting birds is quite truly the most wonderful place to share breakfast, lunch and dinner.

This cockatoo chatted away in the tree just near us as we ate breakfast this morning...

Over time I'll share parts of the house, but it's a relatively small home so not many areas to show really. This is the main living area which combines the dining room, the lounge room and a small corner office for me. 
Bob the dog also resides here in the afternoons on his new red bed.

There was a time when we were homeschooling that I had ten, eleven or twelve large overflowing bookcases, but now I have only the books I need or enjoy so organising them into categories to fill two bookcases and a small ladder shelf is easy - plus it's fun because I am a person who thrives on order. 

Next time I'll take you through the sewing room which has come together beautifully, despite my initial concerns.
Downsizing hasn't just allowed us to 'fit' into this home, it has given us peace within the spaces we now have. My 'new' corner office is sparse and useful and pretty - and that's all I really needed.

These past six days have been exhausting and joyous in so many ways, whilst also being a time of sorrow as we mourned the sudden passing of a family member. 

With extended family living scattered across Australia it became very important to band together via phone, messages and in prayer. It was time to give extra hugs to the ones at your side, to forgive, to let the past be and to really cherish the day before us and the people we share it with.  We cannot change what has gone before but we can appreciate what is now, and look for the good in what is yet to come.

Around the same time my new Instagram account was hacked and I found myself locked out again, unable to access any of it...but in light of the sad news we had received I decided that in the big scheme of things Instagram was not important and to let any idea of opening a new account pass from my thoughts. It's not worth the effort. 

My family require my time and deserve my efforts. God requires my time and deserves my efforts. 
I am worth the effort of taking care of my own mental and emotional and physical well being so that I can be there for the ones who need me and allow them to be there for me. I've known this in the past, but it resonates deeply now in an almost urgent way.

I suppose death does this - shakes you up, rattles your everyday life and draws you away from the unimportant to seek that which truly has value. I have a feeling that God will use this past week to grow me, to deepen my dependence on Him, to expand my understanding of 'blessings' and to widen my view of the good before me. He never wastes an experience, a sorrow, a joy, a trial, a triumph. 
Every life experience grows us. 
So my beloved and I are happy, and we are sad...but we have HOPE and we look ahead to what is yet before us, side by side, committed to God and to each other.

God bless *you*,


Suzan said...

Good afternoon to you. Your new home looks lovely and it already seems like a serene nest for you both.

I am sorry you have had sad news this week. Much love to you.

Julie said...

Oh Jenny ... what a week for you my friend. Such mixed emotions. Your new home looks so lovely & peaceful & restful. We too have a small sized home & its just fine for us. I look forward to seeing you put your unique special touch on your new abode. I am so sorry to read your Instagram account was hacked yet again! I enjoyed your posts so much. I am saddened to read of your sad news ... you are SO right, we cannot change what has gone before but we CAN look for the good in what is to come. Sending love & friendship your way Xxxx

Emma Christian said...

You have done an amazing job of unpacking and making it so homely. It all looks just beautiful and full of light.

I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear family member. May you know God’s love and peace in this time. And yes, blogging will wait, the most important thing is being with our loved ones. Holding your family in my prayers as you remember your loved one.


Nanna Chel said...

Jenny, firstly big hugs at this sad time. You have made your home look quite beautiful already as I knew you would as you like to be organised from what I have read on your blog. You are is not worth the effort with Instagram if you keep being hacked. Why people do that is beyond me. I am sure that Blossom really loves your new home and I can imagine you both sitting outside in that lovely area enjoying a cuppa together while you watch the little girls playing.

Glenise said...

Condolences Jenny. Sending hugs your way.

Margaret said...

Jenny, looks as though you have really settled in well. Sorry to hear of the sad news ... sending hugs your way. Love that cheeky visitor - he has a real gleam in his eye. Also love the look of those yummy rockcakes. Is the new oven gas or electric? (I never thought I would say that my electric is as good as my old gas one but there you go, it is. Wouldn't trade the gas cooktop though.) Happy to hear that you are enjoying meals outdoors - a real treat isn't it? Take care and relish those moments outdoors with the birds. xxx

barcord said...

Jenny. You have done so well. Having your home looking beautiful inside a week. I am truly impressed. I was reading my bible when I decided to look at your blog. Your words are so helpful to me in my walk with Christ. I have jotted some down to share with my friends. Sorry for your sad news. May the Lord comfort your family at this time.

shirley flavell said...

You will be truly happy in your new home. It looks wonderful and with your tasteful clever talents it will be fabulous. So sorry you received sad news,hugs sent to you. We don’t know what’s around the corner for us, make the most of now.All the best to you and hubby.

Kay said...

Your new home is looking just lovely, wishing you many years of happiness ahead there. So sorry to hear your sad news, sending hugs and prayers. x

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Margaret, the cooktop is electric and I much prefer gas, but it's all new and works wonderfully so I am going to love it regardless. The electric oven is indeed better than gas. LOL! In total agreement with you.

Nancy said...

God bless you Jenny! Thank you for sharing, for inspiring, and bringing the beauty of heart and soul to so many!

Wendyb said...

Oh hun so sad to hear of the passing of someone in the family....I can understand 100% how difficult that is If you need a cuddle I’m here for you. Praying things go smoothly here on in xxxx

Allie said...

From the mountain top to the valley in one week - oh my dear girl, I am praying for you both. You've both just been through two major life events that doctors tell us can have so much impact on our health, in such a short time, get lots of rest both of you and eat healthy as you I wish I could give you a great big rib-cracking hug. Your new HOME is just lovely, I'm amazed at how you've brought it together so quickly. I'm sure that outdoor space is an enormous blessing, the perfect place to relax. I wish you many many years of great joy in your home, dear girl, may it be a place of peace and laughter and blessing to all who come through the door. Love you my precious friend.

Friend said...

Your new home is just lovely, mainly because of the obvious touches of love scattered all around! So sorry to hear of your family loss. You are in prayers, and though we will likely never meet here on this earth I am blessed to know you through your blog.

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

Sorry for your loss, losing a loved one is never easy.
Your living space is lovely, I especially like the blue sofa! So brightly coloured!

Maryannep said...

Jenny, thanks for your blog post. I am glad you have settled in now. Sorry to hear about the death of a loved one. Can see you have both fans and a reverse cycle air con. in the living area. What about your bedroom and sewing room? On the mid north coast of NSW, where I live, there is a ceiling fan in main bedroom and r/c air con in the kitchen/living area. Hubby put another air con in my sewing/junk room for summer time. Nice and cool tonight though. I am so pleased you finally have bought your first/only home. All the best!!!

Little Quiltsong said...

Jenny - so, so sorry for the loss of a family member. I'll be praying. Also so sorry your instagram account was hacked again - that is awful and worrisome. Your place is lovely. You've organized everything so beautifully and it all looks so cozy. Wishing you God's Blessing in your new home!

dwortman said...

My sincere condolences on your loss. Your new home is lovely, and I wish you health and happiness in the future!

Lin said...

So sorry for your loss Jenny, a sad time for you. However your new home is looking lovely - just the simplicity of your living area looks restful. I look forward to seeing the rest of the house in your own good time, meanwhile -ENJOY! xx

Createology said...

Jenny Dear my deepest condolences. You have a wonderful way of focusing on what is most, God and self health. Your home is beautiful and your small spaces will serve you well. Blessings Dear Jenny...xo

Anonymous said...

Bonsoir Jenny
Oui un départ est toujours triste ,mais cela nous apprend à relativiser , de se consacrer à l'essentiel.
Votre maison a l'air paisible , cela vous aidera à vous ressourcer .
Bises de la France

gracie said...

Thank you for sharing the home pictures. Sorry about the family loss.

Farm Quilter said...

Your home is lovely...a calm oasis in the midst of the churning world. So perfect for you and your family...I am so glad your dream of home ownership has been fulfilled. I can completely understand why every meal is enjoyed in your beautiful garden with your chatty neighbor :) Prayers for your family during this time of loss.

Shepherdess55 said...

My condolences for the loss of a family member. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the tour of your new home. I love its simplicity.

Ingrid said...

Hola Jenny! Siempre me quedo admirada de lo eficiente que has sido manejando tus mudanzas. He tomado nota de tus experiencias y las tendré en cuenta cuando las necesite. Que Dios bendiga su nuevo hogar.
PD: Que bella la cacatúa que te visitó. Te dio la bienvenida. Me imagino la reacción de tu perrito, jejejeje. Un abrazo!

Susan said...

Your little corner office looks very efficient and sufficient. The rest looks homey, and exactly what you needed. Eating outside sounds heavenly! I'm so sorry you've lost a loved one, and pray for comfort for you. In the midst of all this, what a blessing to be in your own home, and making a good life better. I'm praying for you and thinking of you every day.

Carol said...

What a Love-ly place the LORD has Graced to you and your husband. May you know much Blessing and growth within its walls. And may HE continue to give you HIS Strength, Joy, and Peace in your making this house, your home. I am always Encouraged to find that you have posted. The Gentle LovingKindness of the LORD seeps out through your words. I am your sister in the LORD in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Love in HIM, carol

Tammy said...

Praying for your family's loss . Love your new home. I love all the white. It is so fresh and clean and your colors all pop . Which I dearly love. I love those nice thick block walls too. That should really help insulate your home from the heat in your part of the world. And I know Mr. E is gonna love that big shed or garage. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous pictures of your home. Oh that bird looks amazing. Love you my Gentle Sister in Christ and Stitching. Hugs from SC, USA

Alison Ryan said...

So sorry to hear of your sad news. Your new home looks so lovely and as for it being small, I think my entire house would fit into your lounge area, you seem to have much bigger houses than us in the UK. I love the picture of the cockatoo, so cute!

Winifred said...

Oh my Jenny your new home looks big to me! A lovely spacious lounge diner.

You are so right about not being able to change the past but we can move on & look to the future. My sister & the rest of the family were estranged for over 30 years. It was very sad as we had been so close growing up together. Through a very sad time for her we got back together & don't look back. We can't change it but thankfully we are close again.

Looking forward to seeing some more of your new home when you get time. I agree in you giving up Instagram it's just not worth the hassle & the company is obviously not reputable allowing this to happen. Have to say I don't use it nor Facebook.
God bless x

Kim said...

I am new to your lovely blog. How wonderful to move into your first home that it is yours. The photos that you have shared are lovely. Everything looks fresh and beautiful. How sad that you farewelled a loved one; a week truly filled with mixed emotions. May you have a gentle week within the blessing of your new home.

Karleen said...

Your house looks lovely. Sorry about the lose of family this week. Now that you are over the worst with a move you can set back and enjoy your new home. So happy for you that all worked out for this wonderful move. Look forward to all the posts that you give us.

Unknown said...

What a lovely home for you and your husband to make many memories. So sorry for the loss of a family member. So look forward to your upcoming post. You are a insprinspir and a blessing to me. God bless

Elaine said...

So sorry for your loss, Jenny. How wonderful for you to have this lovely home and fabulous outdoor space. I believe the garden is a healing place and birdsong accompanying it is such a gift. Please allow yourself to rest now.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Hi Alison...yes, you're right about the houses I think, but when Blossom was in the UK (2012) she said houses had two or three floors (levels) whereas we have one. By saying this house was small I meant smaller than previous homes (which I should have been clear about), but it is open spaces which allows the home to stay cool in our hot tropical climate. :-)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

We live in the tropics, Maryanne, so every room has a ceiling fan and air conditioners. Couldn't function in our endless heat otherwise.

Sharon said...

How fresh and pretty your room looks with the blue couches and white walls. It looks wonderfully summery.

Martha Roberts said...

Dear Jenny, your new home is lovely and peaceful. Thanks for sharing your home for us to enjoy. You have had the highs of happiness and the lows of sorrows, at the same time. I am sorry for your loss of a family member but share in the joys of your very own home. Blessings on you and Mr. E.

Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

Dear Jenny, your house looks simply darling. I am sorry for your loss and I hope you and your family can find peace and comfort soon.

gail said...

Your home looks lovely, but then I knew it would. So sorry to hear of your loss. Take care of yourself. Blessings G.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I loved seeing you on Instagram but I totally get it. I not only have downsized to the home we have now had for almost thirteen years but I blog a lot less than I once did. I will make certain to read your blog posts now!

Diane Buhrmaster Byrum said...

So happy your new home is a sanctuary for you, God's timing is perfect. May you feel the love that surrounds you from near and far.

Glimpses of My Heart said...

My dear friend you have had such a full week both physically and emotionally. I am blessed to see your home and hear of the happenings in your life. I am sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Letting go of certain business things is a good choice. I don't think the Lord ever wants us to strive to make something happen. We need to be faithful to what He has put before us but when it becomes a burden to us physically, emotionally or spiritually it's time to step back and reevaluate. Sometimes God has to shake us up when He is changing our direction. I have no doubt the Lord will continue to use you in a mighty way through your blog and your beautiful patterns. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, if even in a tiny way, from the other side of the globe.

Kezzie said...

Jenny your home looks beautiful. I can see it will be a peaceful haven from the cares of life for you and your family. So sorry to hear you have had sad news-it certainly sparks in those left what the priorities of life are for each one. So good to hear you are taking time for yourself to recharge, and then to be there for your family. Both of these are most important.
Blessings to you and your family as you enjoy your lovely home.

Suze said...

Many prayers for your grief for the death of a family member. Also, prayers for the continuance of your improving health. Your work is still stunning. Although I have not started on my alphabet pincushions. I adore seeing each new lovely one and am saving the patterns with the thought of making mine. The inspiration is absolutely divine. I adore the aqua sofa in your home. I wish I had the courage to downsize in the home I presently inhabit. I know much of my reluctance stems from years and years of others discarding my possessions without consulting me. Now that I live alone, I have the control and it is difficult to let go of anything that might be of use later. For example, when I was in college and my brother no longer lived at home, one Sunday afternoon he was visiting at home. I was downstairs. I went up to my bedroom. My mother and my brother were cleaning out my closet and throwing away things that were mine without any input from me at all. It was totally based on their opinions as to what I should have. I do need to at least bless some others with some of my treasures that I will never use. Thinking of you and sending prayers and best wishes for blessings in your life.

Anne said...

So very sorry for your loss. Each departure changes the dynamic of the whole family. Our loved ones simply leave a hole that cannot be replaced. Your faith-filled reflection of God’s call to greater dependence on Him has been my inspiration today. Thanks!

LyndaTreen said...

I am loving the letter pin cushions. I especially love this weeks with the blanket stitch. I made your little scissor keep with the stitch when you did it and love the stitch. Have not seen many designs using it. So this one is especially nice. Thank you for incorporating different stitches. Makes for something unique to stitch.

KingsailK said...

Jenny ,I had sent you an emailfirst without reading blog,I am so sorry about the loss of a family member.I also understand re the Instagram.I am so new to it anyway,And I got some strange people on it before I turned on private settings.Your photos are LOVELY and inspirational xxMaryLou