There's no getting away from the fact our house has felt a bit like a war zone of late. Things that had to go, things that needed scrubbing to within an inch of life, holes in the ceiling, and sheer exhaustion because there is always something else to do.
I decided the best way to lift our spirits was to add some bright and cheerful colour to the unaffected areas, and to buy some new indoor plants for that spark of 'life'.
This morning we slept late - first time in so long I can't remember. We gave in to the weariness and allowed ourselves to forget about chores and just drift into deeper sleep. I highly recommend this.
Once awake and able to think clearly we headed out to Bunnings for those plants.
For inside we bought a beautiful glass bowl with three lush greens to display on the 'restored after the mould' coffee table...
...and two single plants in beautiful blue ceramic tile pots...
For outside in the garden I also bought a tray of coleus seedlings and planted some under the shade of our big ixora bush, and planted two more in Mr E's old black boots.
After a simple lunch of crackers, dip and boiled eggs, I chopped up our very ripe peaches and made a couple of pots of jam. We'll savour some on fresh scones tomorrow and I'll use more in a Matrimony Slice for hubby's work morning teas next week...
My sewing room has been scrubbed, anything remotely affected by the water damage removed, and new curtains hung after Mr E added an extra shelf above the sewing machine.
Next week I will re-cover all the dining chairs (one is in my sewing room) but for now they have white cloths over the padded seats so having the sewing room up and running again is needed.
Today it was a joy to work in...
On my list of 'brightening' activities was to finish that sweet little row of sparrows I appliqued last week as a cushion for the couch.
I love the large floral print because it's blends beautifully with the gingham and brights of the birds...
Simply machine quilted and with a zippered backing, this was a quick finish...
With the new plants and the cushion we're on the way to bright and cheery again.
Let me show you what came out of just one air conditioner yesterday.
It took the cleaner two hours to remove all the mould and looking at this it's no wonder I've been so sick with a mould allergy. Last night, with clean air flowing through our home again my recovery began.
Back to something nice - some brightening things for home and heart, yes?
I'm crocheting the Sweet Pea blanket for Rafaella's 1st birthday early in March so shall revive my yarn mojo next week and get it finished. This was such a joy to do before I was otherwise occupied and I'm ready to pick up where I left off and enjoy some more crochet bliss before her big day...
At night my downtime before bed is being spent inside the pages of this really lovely book.
Who thought boiling water would be such a special experience? Loving it.
In the kitchen Mr E was spoiled with a lemon meringue pie for Valentines...
...and during my afternoon cuppa I've been really enjoying episodes of Michael Pollan's "Cooked" on Netflix. In fact, I'm about to watch episode two again because it inspired me to return to slow cooking once more.
Well, that's it from me this early Saturday evening. I have a leg of lamb slowly roasting in the oven and need to peel the potatoes for creamy garlic mash.
We'll feast on more pie afterwards and watch a movie if we can stay awake that long.
Slow cooking, brightening the home, sewing, reading books that inspire my gentle domestic heart, adding a splash of living green around about and planning for the week's been a good day.
Thank you Lord for carrying us through this month and for being faithful in all things, even when we falter...may your kindness and care overflow into every heart reading this post and bless them abundantly.
I'm glad you've been able to get the air-conditioner cleaned. The plants and the cushion look wonderful.
Good on you for thinking of some quick wins... I cant' imagine what it has been like for you. The cushion is lovely, and that shelf is so pretty and so useful!
What a nightmare time you have just lived through but your faith in the Lord has sustained you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your lovely home with us. ❤
That is a lot of gunk out of that air conditioner! The plants look so lovely. Such a great idea to use them to brighten things up. And the cushion looks gorgeous. I think it is saying make me some friends....hee.....hee....
Pillow is a sweet addition to your room. I'm sure every time you look at it, it makes you smile. Glad things are getting back to normal. "God's in his heaven, All's right with the world."
So lovely to read this post Jenny. Floods for you and fires down south. Yes, what a month it’s been. I’m so glad life is getting back to normal for you. May your Sunday ne a day of rest and rejuvenation.
Jenny you have done so well. The plants do man a difference! They improve the air too so thats a win win. If that picot isn't a reminder to clean the air con and filters nothing is! I think fresh air through the home will improve the air quality a lot too. I hate mould. I have never had it really badly... but I know how awful it is to breathe. I think you have done an amazing job to have things looking so lovely, spotless and beautiful at this stage of the game after all that you have endured. Well done you are an inspiration! xxxxx
Things are looking cheerful. So glad that you are on the road to getting things back to normal.
It is so lovely to see you feeling very positive and revived. Your plants and pots are lovely and I am pleased you saved the crochet.
Amen!! Your place is looking lovely again all clean and fresh. I spied another Jane Brocket book so will now have to look on book depository!
I don't know where you get the energy Jenny but I suppose when the need arises you just push yourself.
I love those blue & white ceramic pots, my favourite type of pottery.
Yes crocheting is a very relaxing thing and it grows so quickly too. Blossom will be delighted with Rafaella's gorgeous blanket & Rafaella will love it too. So cosy yet so beautiful. My granddaughter loves the ones I made her & she's 14 now.
Best wishes for your recovery Jenny, take time & take care to relax.
So grateful to hear things are starting to return to normal for you Jenny! Enjoy! Hugs!
So glad things are improving and you are so right about a little greenery picking up one's spirit. I have the Vintage Cake book coming and I am enjoying the Susan Branch books and blog.
Your home looks absolutely beautiful and I love the new plants. I'm hosting our book club next week and our book is An Everlasting Meal. I've read it once and am now rereading it in preparation for the discussion. I love the way she writes!
So thankful you made it through and everything is looking bright and cheerful again! What an awful experience - yet so grateful for the strength and protection that you received at this time. Answer to prayer :)!
So glad to see your post today. Seems like blessings abound. Clean air, healthy well prepared food, setting your home back to rights. Spoiling your hubby. I agree, very nice day.
Your post was so inspiring. Brightening up an area can do wonders for the spirit. The pillow is wonderful.
Your home is really looking bright, cheerful and clean! Having gone through a flood, I can relate to all you are feeling. <3 Onward and upward is the only way to go!!!!
Que bom que tua vida está aos poucos voltando ao normal!!!
Não sabia do teu aniversario!!!! Que seja um dia abençoado junto a tua famÃlia!!!! Uma semana abençoada para todos!!!
Oh so happy to hear your Air conditioning is cleaned of all the mold... You are on the right path with bright and cheery. Your pillow is beautiful....I always love your fabrics so much....Your choices always watch beautifully. Beautiful plants too that you all bought.. Love that crochet along blanket too... Love you my sister in stitchery and Christ. I am so happy to see things are getting back into a normal rhythm for you and Mr. E. Hugs dear one and may the rest of your weekend be peaceful and blessed.
It's no wonder the two of you are so exhausted, but it is obviously worth it!
You are doing a great job of brightening. Lovely cushion.
Yes, thank the Lord for carrying you through such a hard time. I'm so happy for you to be able to get back to enjoying your home again!
I've added 'An Everlasting Meal' to my book list & 'Cooked' to my watch list. I have found so many wonderful new books/shows/crafts/foods by discovering your blog! Thank you for sharing.
Pretty cushion Jenny. Your plants are beautiful - nothing better to brighten a room and if Mr E fancies a holiday I could do with a few shelves like that! Glad things are getting back to normal - enjoy your crochet. xx
So glad things are on the upswing for you! Your place is looking lovely. Isn't it amazing what a little beauty does for our surroundings and our souls!
It is all so lovely Jenny. I just can't say anymore.
Hello Jenny, You have created such a lovely cushion that definitely does add brightness to your beautiful home. Your new indoor plants and planters are another great addition, I especially like the blue planter. The boots are such a fun way to add garden delight and a great way to begin conversations also! It is a blessing knowing that you and Mr. E are taking care and even sleeping late when you need to and that the blessing the Lord led you to, is still a blessing to you both even though there is a whole lot of work still yet to be done. God Bless You and Mr. E and Thank You so much for sharing your strong faith!
Home is definitely looking and feeling like your refuge again! I'm so glad you aren't breathing that mouldy air any more and have gotten more plants to clean the air inside...your health should definitely improve! Between the physical and emotional exhaustion you and Mr. E are dealing with, I'm surprised you didn't sleep until tea time! Continuing prayers for those in your community who are still dealing with the aftermath of the flooding...any reports on them?
This is such a happy post. I am so pleased that life is returning to some kind of normality for you. x
I admire your resilience and enduring spirit. You accomplish tasks in sprints...seemingly with great gusto...followed by downtime to be restored.
Your family photo on display is sweet. Nice fresh plants and pretty pillow. Glad you both got extra sleep. God bless you. Alexine
So glad you got all that gunk out of the A/C. I can't even imagine what you have faced and gone through. Every little improvement back to normal is such a blessing and incentive to keep at it until fully finished but I'm glad to hear you both got some needed rest. This winter for the US Midwest has been so odd with the Vortex, lots of snow, rain that turned to ice that night....this is not a typical winter here. Was this monsoon typical or just extra harsh? Maybe you don't know just moving there but I pray you don't have to face this every year. God Bless
Jenny, I am so glad you are getting back to normal at last and I can imagine you have both been quite exhausted. We are crying out for rain down here in the south but certainly don't need the sort of rain you had up there. Hopefully there won't be a repeat of that any time soon.
This was just a lovely post filled with hope, accomplishments, and stitchery. So glad things are finally moving in the right direction of recovery. You have been working so hard, glad you were able to have a bit of a sleep-in. Love to you and Mr. E.
You sound so much better after the trials & difficulties of the past month Jenny & its good to hear. Your new plants are lovely & certainly do freshen & brighten the place. I just love that photo of you & Mr E & Blossom in its frame. My friend discovered black mould spores high up in her hallway ... she lives in a very old villa with a high stud. It had been making her very sick for quite sometime & she got it professionally cleaned & is now alot better. Its amazing how unwell it can make us. Happy Weekend to you my friend Xxx
there's much to praise in normalcy, however long it takes to get there after so much. Happy for your blessings.
You handled all your difficulties with such grace. I would have been whining and crying like nobody's business! Looking at your home, you could never tell you had water and mold problems at all. It's so bright and sunny! God bless you and Mr. E!
I'm grateful for the goodness and mercy the Lord has shown in your life, Jenny. I hope the worst of the cleaning and sickness is over, and that it's another 500 years before anything like that happens in your town again. I pray for all those still digging out from the mess. I know there are many, and it's heartbreaking work. I'm so glad that your lives are getting back to normal. I hope Mr. E's school is also a clean atmosphere again.
Hi Jenny,
Wow ! Your home looks lovely and such a joy to be in after all the floods! The sewing room looks great! Love the potted plants!
Not too many garage/yard sales in your area the coming weeks?
and to see what will grow, what surprises will show up!
Your home looks wonderful, I love the sparrow cushion, you and hubby have worked so very hard I am glad it is all starting to sort itself out. God bless you both. Sue
Wow, all that and blogging too. No wonder you are tired. The cushions are adorable and fresh greenery always raises the spirits. Let’s hope your health has mproves.
So happy that you are getting things back to normal, whatever that is! I look forward to reading your blog and enjoying summer with you while it's much cooler here. Have a blessed week!
My first visit here. What a cozy blog. I'm sorry to hear about your mold issue. Do hope it's been all cleared up. I will visit again.
Thank you for that beautiful prayer~ I can always use a little blessing. :)
I think your decision to get plants was perfect. They're cheerful & they're medicinal in that they're cleaning up that air some more.
What is a "matrimonial slice"? I've never heard that phrase before.
Jenny Dear I can hear in your words the relief of the horrific monsoon and water damage and mold you have endured. Your home is once again lovely and has the perfect homemaker touches you do so well. I love everything you sew, bake and decorate. Bless you and Mr. E for your hard work and determination. Thank you for your prayer looking out for all of us too. Special Love Dear...xo
A lovely post, Jenny, full of getting back to normal after a really horrific time with the monsoon. Our homes are so important to us - places of refuge and restoration - and it's important to maintain them as such. Your plants and new cushion add beauty to your rooms. Enjoy settling into the regular routines once again.
You are so inspiring, to get everything right back up and running again, and I love those little tile pots - so precious on your shelf.
Beautiful new plants!!! So very glad you were able to get that a/c cleaned, yuck. I really love your cushion, the fabrics are a perfect match, and those little birds are just so happy!!!!!! Feel better sweets, thanking God for watching over you and seeing you through!!!
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