Friday, March 8, 2019


Can you believe we're in our sixth month at this new home?
A lot has happened in that time and many plans we had made early on needed to be re-thought, postponed or cancelled. It's not been the best start to a year that's for sure but really, that's okay - because each new day offers opportunity for refreshed focus and a clearer view of what can be done. 

This week I decided to take a good look at our living/dining room area and assess how well the placement of furniture has worked for us since we moved in late last September. 
Now that I no longer have a big office space and corner desk, it's been difficult to spread things out when writing patterns at the small desk near the front entrance. 
The dining table was over by the kitchen where it's handy for meals but I never take my work over there because I need to go back and forth between the laptop and what's spread on the table. 


So in a moment of inspiration whilst vacuuming and mopping the floors on Wednesday I moved the dining table behind my desk and put the couch over by the kitchen. My husband never thought this would work (which is why we didn't try it when we moved here) but it has. 
There's beautiful natural light at the table and now I can sit there to write patterns, do a bible study, plan my week, or just enjoy a cuppa with a magazine or book. 

I love where the turquoise couch is now - just right for cosy prayer time, quiet reflection, or having an arvo rest.

My new Autumn mini quilt is hanging close by...

Bob-the-dog is getting older, turning 12, and likes to sleep under the coffee table so I put his comfy green bed there with an orange mat for when he wants to spread out and rub his back. 

I did a bit of refreshing last week too, in the pantry. 

Again, I was assessing how the placement of things when we moved in was working after five months of daily use. Some sections definitely needed to be swapped about and besides, a good scrub of the shelves and checking for expiration dates was due...

I'm going to sew little tags for the large green storage tubs so my husband knows what's inside them!

As there is no door on our walk in pantry I like it to be more than functional, it needs to be pleasing to the eye when you walk past. It's right across from me as I prepare meals at the kitchen bench and I admit to being joyful when I see the order and simple layout. 

I've hung Allie's Lemon Tree quilt just inside the pantry entrance and this weekend will buy a white board to hang there as well to keep track of my grocery needs each week. 

I'm a list maker and there's too many shopping lists around the house on scraps of paper (and in my handbag) so a white board will be a most worthwhile purchase.

I've been refreshing in other ways too.

Originally it was designed as a set of small redwork blocks and I shared them over the course of nine months on the blog, but I'm not much into redwork anymore.
With all our discussion of late in the book study about using colour around the home and in our lives, a second version of My Vintage Kitchen has been developing because I find beautiful pops of colour make me very happy...

These are the same three blocks from the original redwork version...

Once I've completed all the blocks and designed a new mini-quilt layout to display them I'll have the pattern ready for you.

I'm still working away on my "Phyllis May's Kitchen BOM" but there's a few more blocks to complete before I can bring them all together in one project...and I'll tell you a secret. 
It's not a quilt. 

I wonder how you feel about that?

I'm quite excited.

I'll sign off today with the birthday card my sweet Blossom gave me last month.
We both marvel at the gift God has given us through each other, the bonds we share, the trials we have faced and the ongoing desire we have to grow into better mothers, wives and women.

She's become my closest and dearest female friend, my prayer partner, Bible study buddy and in her own fresh way - a mentor. 
I admire her gentle humility; her honesty about where her life is each day and what she struggles with; her constancy and faithfulness in the roles of wife, mother and daughter; her offering of weakness before our strong God when it all gets too much; and her resilience, faith, hope and laughter which showers sunshine on a cloudy day.

I'm so incredibly blessed...

May the Lord shower your life this weekend with sunshine through the clouds, joy to wipe away tears, hope to fulfill long-held dreams and a heart that chooses kindness and compassion when emotions are frayed.

Bless you always,

PS: Visit my Etsy Shop here if you need something to stitch this weekend.


Julie said...

Your new room layout looks wonderful Jenny. I looked at your first pic & I thought I wonder why Jenny has that orange mat beside her coffee table. When I got to the next pic, I could see a wee precious creature curled up under there! Ah Ha ! I envy you that lovely walk in pantry. Everything looks beautiful & fresh. I adore Blossoms card & it made me laugh out loud this wet rainy Friday Xxx

Nanna Chel said...

Ha ha Jenny, I love that card :-) I thought I could see a little dog under the coffee table. So cute. Your house looks so fresh and clean after having so much mould in it from the floods.

Joanne said...

Hi Jenny,
Light, bright and easy to move around, everything pleasing to the eye! And with an office chair with wheels you can spin around from station to station! Looks like Autumn there is off to a great start! Townsville 30C !
If it's not nailed down or set in concrete there's always a good chance it will be moved around here!
Spring here....10C this weekend! Great weather for a few stitches and the Rewind Club patterns!
If it's not a quilt....I'm happy about that! Looking forward to what creative design plan you have come up with!
enjoy the weekend!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Your home looks lovely. Thank you for sharing.

PennyP said...

That card is hilarious. Daughters are such a blessing aren't they - I am so grateful for my two wonderful girls. I appreciate your kind words and blessings to us all - some days when life is tough it is a balm to the soul to have a blogland friend offer kind words - I'm sure you touch other readers too. Blessings to you and yours too.

R's Rue said...


Little Quiltsong said...

Love, love your pantry - and how you have labeled everything. It must be a joy to walk past. Your living/dining room area looks very cozy and well laid out. Little extra touches everywhere - like your new autumn sign. Even Bob has a special spot. Had to laugh at your Birthday card - so, so sweet! Enjoy this wonderful home you have - and wishing you a blessed day!

Jacqueline said...

Your home is so refreshing and neat. Your pantry organization is inspiring and as soon as my broken leg heals I am going to tackle my cupboards and food storage. Thanks for sharing all you do with us out here in blog land. Love the birthday card.

Kay said...

Your room is lovely and spacious, the layout works really well. I do envy the size of your pantry, so much space! have a good weekend. x

Fabric Freak 49 said...

Lovely home. So organized and peaceful. Love all your designs and your stitching skills, oh my!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I just adore your new look on your "Vintage Kitchen" blocks. And that pantry! Well, I quite impressed. I've started using canisters to store all our food. Having the same ones through out the pantry really gives it unity and calmness. So nice that you have a cozy spot for your dog. (Kudos to you that it looks nice too!)

Holley M said...

I can't wait to see what the Phyllis May blocks will be!!!! I absolutely LOVE the peace and beauty your house shows! Thank you for sharing as always! Hugs!

Brenda said...

Hello Jenny, I always get such a good feeling reading your posts. Each of your beautifully stitched wall hangings are hung in just the right places, I always have trouble with finding that right spot. Plus, your home looks so fresh and beautiful, perfectly inviting. Thank you for sharing all that you do! Love the cards!!

Carrie P. said...

Love your pantry. I also decided to not put doors on mine too. I love looking at it with its turquoise walls and white shelves.

Kim said...

I just love that card! And your pantry is inspiring. I have a goal this month of making mine prettier, more organized and useable.

Elaine said...

It's amazing how the Redwork transformed! I have some other Redwork patterns too and I'm going to look at those with an eye to the possibilities of transformation with color.

Jane said...

I love how refreshing changing furniture around feels!!!!! Your home looks amazing and I admire your pantry!!

Lorrie said...

Your pantry is a thing of beauty! It takes awhile to figure out how to best place furniture for good use. I find that things require adjusting from time to time as activities change. God has given you a lovely home. Have a most blessed weekend, Jenny.

Ondrea said...

Beautiful post, beautiful home, beautiful stitching and beautiful words. Beautiful person. Xx

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Beautiful refreshing!

Leeanne said...

Your home looks beautiful, restful and inspiring all in one! I got the Marie Kondo bug and have been transforming our home, one space left, the book nook!

Mary E. Stephens said...

Dear Jenny, Thank you for this sweet post. I was especially blessed by the ending. I too love happy colors and want to work more of them into our home life. I haven't been around for quite awhile. Life is a bit more intense here these days and I have simply left some things to the side for the time being. Keeping up with my blogging friends whose blogs I follow is one of them. I hope maybe I'll do a little better in the future. It was restful to read about your homemaking and other things. Blessings to you. :-)

Winifred said...

I love your floor, so cool & fresh looking. Would love one like that instead of carpet but our climate doesn't suit tiles. Too cold sadly. Yes I can see how the table is in a good place. I like mine facing the garden & the sun. Even though I have a table in the spare room I still prefer to bring my sewing down into the dining room.
I'd love a pantry too instead of having to have loads of cupboards. We had one at home & it was great, so cool well we didn't have a fridge in those days.
Love how you tell us a bout Blossom, thanks for sharing with us it's lovely.

Sherry said...

Jenny your home looks bright and welcoming. Hard to imagine all the flooding you have just had. Color really does bring brightness and happy to a space. Blessings Dear...xo

Angie in SoCal said...

What a joyful post. Love that card.