When I was growing up and even in my teenage motherhood years nearly every home had a display of canisters in the kitchen, typically holding flour, sugar, tea and coffee and occasionally salt.
I remember a particular canister at one home labelled bi-carbonate of soda and though at the time I wondered why anyone would have a big supply of it on hand as I only used a tiny amount when baking Anzac biscuits or banana cake, these days I use it all the time for cleaning and need a very large container to store it.
The set of canisters I've stitched in this final block of My Scrappy Vintage Kitchen are very much like the simple ones my Nana had on a shelf in her kitchen. They were plain, melamine I think, with solid green lids and raised red letters glued on to make the words.
These days many women tend to store their ingredients in glass jars but in Nana's time she would save glass for preserving her pickles and jams.
If you missed the previous blog posts for blocks 1 - 8 they are listed here
Next Friday I'll share the finishing instructions for bringing all nine blocks together as a small wall quilt.
After spending Wednesday morning at Blossom's I wasn't expecting to see her and the girls again until next week but what a surprise when they turned up at my door yesterday with a gorgeous vase of flowers, doughnuts, huge cuddles and the happiest smiles!
While Cully May and Rafaella played (we have a good supply of toys, books and pencils on hand all the time), my sweet Blossom opened the Word of God and we read together, discussed what we were reading and pondered the importance of applying the lessons within to our individual lives.
Though unprepared for their visit, I was struck by the simplicity of our day as it unfolded.
I think many times we over-plan when a visitor is coming, at least I do. It seems there's always a rush to make sure the house is 'right' and food is abundant and fresh.
But yesterday's impromptu visit was incredibly simple because all we thought of was the joy of spending time together. Bloss had brought with her a delicious bottle of kombucha (which we both love), fruit juice, a tray of cinnamon doughnuts, bananas and blueberries - so the four of us feasted well.
The little ones climbed all over me and cuddled till I almost couldn't breathe, in between peeling stickers from my stash of colouring books and playing tea parties, then at lunchtime they finished off pasta leftovers from the night before. Truly it was a simple and simply delightful day and we both agreed these are the sort of days we enjoy the most.
The other day I mentioned a very special gift which I'd received from my dear friend Rosie and today I shall show it to you...
For the longest time I have watched Rosie make the most exquisite books from cardboard and paper; each one a work of art and an example of her craftsmanship with paper.
I never expected to receive one of her unique creations yet wrapped carefully in a large blue box, last Friday this became my own.
Every page has pockets, many hidden inside the page itself, plus all sorts of cards and labels...
...where I can put photos, write recipes or quotes, special notes and thoughts.
You know, Rosie was the first person I shared my heart with about pursuing a gentle domestic life back in 2014. We'd spend hours at each other's kitchen table, stitching in hand, discussing our love for the simplicity of the old ways, the gentle ways.
So I think you can see Rosie poured a lot of that sentiment into her gift for me.
My heart was overwhelmed with this, and it shall be treasured.
How blessed am I?
Another thing I mentioned the other day was sharing a sneak peek at the free BOM I'm working on for next year, but I've decided to hold back on that for a little while...after all, it's still October.
So let's wait until November's page is turned on the calendar, for I think this project is worth waiting a little while longer for, plus my mind continues to think of extras I can add to the final display.
Hint. It's not a quilt.
May the Lord's day of rest refresh you this coming Sabbath and be a true delight to your soul,
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for another lovely vintage stitchery!
a sneak peak will be a fun thing to wait for to brighten up a winter day here in The Netherlands! Days will be shorter and the nights longer and weather gets colder. Perfect days to stitch and quilt! and see whats ahead for 2020 !
enjoy the weekend!
Surprise visits are always a joy!
Thank you for the Vintage Kitchen block.So glad you enjoyed your day with Blossom and the girls.
Thank you so much for the final block of my Vintage Kitchen. Hugs to you Sweetie . Hope you have a great weekend.filled with faith, family and fun
Thank you for another lovely stitchery pattern. Always love the colours you use for each. The gift from Rosie is such a treasure - I know you will continue to love each and every item and pocket. Enjoy, Jenny!
What a stunning gift from Rosie - how special is that! Thank you for the latest vintage block Jenny - my evening stitching tonight. xx
Those little girls have such stunning smiles! xx
Ooh lovely - thank you dear heart! And what a gorgeous way to spend the day, with your girls. They are so precious!!!! I am gobsmacked at Rosie's gift, her heart shines through every bit of it - how blessed you are with such a treasured friend.
What a beautiful gift from Rosie...I know you will treasure it. Wonderful day spent with Blossom and the grands...perfection!!
What a beautiful book Rosie made for you. I'd love to know what paper set she used. I loved your post about simple days and simple visits. What a wonderful surprise your daughter gave you by coming unannounced.
What a sweet, sweet gift Rosie gave you. Aren't friendship and fellowship wonderful---truly they are more of God's gifts to us. I am sorry to come to the end of My Vintage Kitchen but am looking forward to the "set-up". My oldest daughter and I went to an estate sale last Saturday and she found a partial set of vintage cannisters. I just had to get them for her and hope to find the 2 missing cannisters sometime. I love your posts....Blessings from WV/USA.
Iremember those cannisters. My mum and her neighbours had them. I think ours had blue lids and I saw them with red and green lids too. Your beautiful grand daughters make me smile. They are so cute and photogenic. Love the quilt they are sitting on. I have heaps of toys here for my grandsons as well as bath things etc. Oh my! Rosie is soooo talented. Such a beautiful,thoughtful and treasured gift.
Thank you for this pattern. I love the little canisters. My mom had a set too. I believe they were by Corningware. My grandma's set was very large, because she did a lot of baking every day. She ran a large farm and kept everyone fed and happy. Her set was very old and made of white enamel. It even had enamel lids with handles on top. Such precious memories. You always seem to know just which nostalgic designs will touch our hearts and memories. Thank you so much. I love this whole series and will truly treasure it. Your friend Rosie is very talented. Her gift is quite beautiful and so useful as well. I know you will treasure it. It is such a blessing when we find friends who are more than friends, more like sisters of the heart. They are truly a gift from God May God bless you with good health, peace, and happiness.
What a lovely day that was for you girls. Your book is absolutely beautiful, such a gorgeous work of art from a truly generous friend.
Thankyou again for a lovely stitchery. I am enjoying stitching my 7th block now, but it might be put on hold while I stitch the teatowel sentiments, as they need to be ready to gift to my aunt and cousins by the end of November when I go to visit. I have them traced onto a white background, chosen the fabric and thread, and even bought the teatowels, so I am all ready to go. I love the gift your friend made. Such a beautiful gift. I also love your gift of a beautiful daughter and granddaughters to bless your days. What a happy post.xxx
You are blessed, Jenny! You are also a blessing to us whom you share your heart, faith, gifts and life through your blog! Thank you dear, precious lady. From my ❤ to yours 💟
How lovely that gift is, Jenny. Rosie is very talented. It must be wonderful to have two of your grandchildren living so close that you get a surprise visit. Have a blessed Sunday.
May this Sabbath find you filled with the knowledge of your blessings, and the gratitude of faith. What a lovely gift you received from both Rosie and Blossom and the girls. Those precious moments spent doing such wonderful memory building and just being and enjoying - a huge gift. The lovely book filled with thoughts of you and for you, and love from your friend, another wonderful gift. I'm glad you were so blessed this week, and thank you for the blessing of your stitcheries month after month. I look forward to all of them, and enjoy every one. This coming week, I'm putting the finishing touches on the hexagon Christmas project from several years back! Finally!
thank you Jenny - such a lovely group of stitcheries, one day I hope to make them into a quilt. I still have your Daisy quilt on my list to do also.
What a lovely suprise to see all those gorgeous girls at your day, and such an incredible gift - the hours of work put into the book/journal, amazing. I'd love you to share some of the items you put in it ie. recipe etc
Thanks again
Those gorgeous little girls of Blossom's are growing. Rosie has made you such a beautiful book. What a special gift to treasure. Hugs, Christine xx
Just wondering if your friend sells those books. Does she have an online/Etsy shop? I would definitely purchase one!
No, they take months to make so she only gives them to family and close friends as gifts.
Thanks Jenny , reading inbed In N.Ireland cold frosty morning listening to classic FM ,soon to listen to Premier Christian Radio At9.Good solid Bible teaching.I love your Grandchildren smiles!!XX
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