Do you like my new blog header?
After moving forward with my decision to close down all social media pages I wanted to 'decorate' the blog in a way that exudes a very honest sense of welcome when you visit.
The sidebar is also in the midst of change and I'll continue working on that in the week ahead, hopefully making it simpler to find things like the Psalm 23 block of the month, my Etsy pattern shop, tutorials, stitching and supply helps, the Faith In Hand stitchery club, popular blog posts and direct links to some of my current patterns.
A reader mentioned how much it reminded her of spring, but as I'm heading into autumn here in the northern tropics of Australia I chose the lovely olive green, red, ochre and blue hues to be a mix of both seasons...together they are joyous colours for any season.
A number of readers have mentioned they cannot see my blog sidebar and after discussion we realised it's because they are reading the blog from a phone. Unfortunately only the blog header and posts can be seen on a mobile phone, so if you are unable to find what you need that way please visit the blog on a computer or iPad/tablet to gain access to the sidebar links and helps.
On Tuesday I have a special project for you to make, one which celebrates this year's theme of The Homemakers Heart, and will hopefully be fun and useful as it will provide a place to store all the recipes, tasks, ideas and home-helps shared on the blog through 2020 and the years which follow.
Later in the week I'll also be sharing the door stop tutorial (mentioned here) as quite a lot of you are keen to make one of your own. First though, I need to make another so that I can take photos along the way.
Another brighter change is a new Homemakers Heart button which you're welcome to add to your own blog sidebars, and it would be much appreciated if you linked it back here so our community of home-hearted women can grow.
If you have missed any of this year's Homemakers Heart blog posts they are here.
Just scroll through and catch up with a nice mug of hot chocolate and something tasty to nibble on.
I usually write one new Homemakers Heart post on Monday or Tuesday of each week.
Aren't these water colour digital elements used throughout my various blog buttons beautiful?
I purchased them the other day through The Hungry Jpeg and also a licence to use them, but the different arrangements (apart from the the wreath) and the added wording I did myself through PicMonkey.
Whenever I update my blog using watercolour elements a number of emails arrive asking 'how did you do that?' which is why I'm letting you know. I'm genuinely doing what I can to lessen my email load every day and part of that is to consider what questions may be asked from each blog post.
Hopefully as the months go by you'll be discovering more and more of the behind-the-scenes doings of Elefantz and some of it may be just what you needed to know.
Tomorrow I have Blossom and the girls coming by for the morning and it's sure to be special because whenever we're together it's always wonderful, but it also means I'd best be away from the computer and into the kitchen for a few hours of baking and meal preparation. Sunday afternoons are usually spent making hearty salads, sauces and healthy treats for the week ahead so that Mr E has yummy lunches at work and I have them at home...and so that Cully May, Rafaella and Blossom can enjoy some delights at our tea parties.
May your new week be blessed with unexpected joys, pockets of sunshiney smiles and heart-felt moments of God's love poured out in abundance.
Never miss a blog post.
Hi Jenny,
Yes, of course ! Autumn !
Loving the new blog colours and style!
Updating the Homemakers heart button on my blog today. Thanks for sharing!
Love it !
It's beautiful Jenny! Love the Watercolours look! So looking forward even more to your blog happenings this year. It's going to be very special.
Love the fresh look! Enjoy your time with your girls!
Lovely bright new look Jenny. xx
Oh yes definitely Jenny, I LOVE the new look on your blog!
Enjoy the tea party with your girls xxx
I love the new look! Those colours say "vintage kitchen" to me. So pretty.
Readers on cell phones can just scroll down to the bottom and choose "View web version" then they will be able to access everything.
Thank you Jenny for always sharing your love of God, family and life!
No need to reply!
There IS a way to see the whole blog on your phone! Scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the blog post/page and there is a link to "Show web version" or "Show desktop version" and that will take you to the same page you would see on a computer! It will shrink it, so you'll have to use your fingers to zoom in, but it will all be there.
Your blog is always welcoming and beautiful and the new design is gorgeous! Enjoy your day with your sweet guys!
I do like the watercolors. It all seems appropriately Jenny-like, and very welcoming. I look forward to the tutorials this week. =) Thanks for all you are doing to make things wonderful for readers. Enjoy that family time, as I know you always do. Love, Susan
Your blog is looking fresh and lovely, Jenny! I think it’s great that you’re focusing on it. I’m sure you haven’t lost any devoted followers because of dropping out of other social media platforms. Also, please let me help you advise people who say they cannot see your sidebar when using their mobile phone. Yes, they can! From your home page, simply scroll to the bottom and tap “View web version.” Voilá! There it is.
Your blog's appearance is a direct reflection of you...peaceful, uncluttered, warm and welcoming. I really like it. No need to reply, dear friend. Enjoy time with those you love.
Hello Jenny, Love your new blog design, it's so fresh. I'm pleased your plans are making progress and look forward to future posts as always. I hope you find a new peace as things settle down. God bless you and Mr E always. Regards Mandy xx
Hi Jenny! Your new blog design is lovely! Thank you for continuing to share with us. Blessings to you and the family.
Oh, I miss your newsletter, but I am so very, *very* happy I’ll still get notice of your blog in my email inbox. Happy! And congratulations on freeing yourself of all that social media. I have never been in any, except Twitter, briefly, and don’t feel any lack for it. Responding to your blog, and sometimes commenting in the comments section of the gocomics website for the 4 comic strips I follow daily is about my only “social media” I frequent. =^_^=
You create such lovely and inspiring embroidery patterns, thank you for sharing them with us!
Oh, and happy belated birthday to you! =^_____^=
P. S. I do admire your new header! Strawberries, geraniums, sewing pins, and bluebirds(?) are quite attractive. =^_^=
The new look is just beautiful...but I would expect nothing less from you. Blessings...thank you for all you do and all you share...
Love the new look to your blog. I am so happy you chose to keep blogging as it is my favourite social media platform. We are impatiently waiting for the snow to stop but thankfully the sun is warming up and so spring can't be too many months away.
Love it☺ It is just perfect!!!
Love it☺ It is just perfect!!!
Love the new look! Very fresh and cheerful!
Whatever your do to your blog is always lovely and welcoming. I love your heart and your blog. I added your button to the sidebar on my blog. Have a blessed week.
Very nice, Jenny. Fresh, breathable, what you were looking for. Change is good for us all at times. Looking forward to the tutorial for the door stop. Be well.
I love the new look! So sweet and colourful. Looking forward to the special project on Tuesday and I just love the theme The Homemakers Heart. Most of my adult life I have spent as a homemaker and relished in the privilege and what I saw as my 'job' as I waved to my husband leaving each day to support us. I loved seeing the washing blowing on the line in the sunshine, my two sweet children waiting at the window for daddy to come home and smell the dinner waiting for him. My heart has always been in my role and will continue to be for the rest of my days.
Loving your new look.
Sending hugs,
Karen B.x
I love the geraniums! And the little birds peeking out from the pots!!
Love your new blog header, Jenny! Looking forward to your future blog posts - and all your lovely sharing of projects and recipes.
I love your new look. As you're making changes in your business and life, I wanted you to know that I'm praying for you.
Beautiful new artwork you have chosen for the blog.... Love you Dear and praying for you.
Love the new look Jen xx
I love the freshness of your new header and sidebars. It's a welcome sight as we head into spring here in the states.
Love your new header, so fresh and clean. A welcome sight as we head into spring here in the states.
Your blog is beautiful - always feel so peaceful and relaxed browsing. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of use.
Love your heart!
Hi jenny
I'm so glad you were able to sort out the costs to make it more economical to produce your newletters. I missed them as I always enjoy the lovely things you share-and your gentle, sweet spirit that comes through your sharing!
The new website is gorgeous. Your header and the other art elements are fresh and bright and remind me of your beautiful embroidery designs.
Hope your health is continuing to improve.
it was so nice to see your newsletter in my emails this morning! We in New Hampshire are in week 3 of stay-at-home orders. I had a doctor's appointment on 3/13 and she said I'd probably be able to go to the gym for a couple more weeks before things got bad and that afternoon our governor closed the schools. Needless to say, life took a dramatic turn. We are coming into Spring here. Although I live in a large city, the city has a lot of parks and I can see lots of trees budding. I love your new look, the watercolors are wonderful. Thank you for sharing so much. Right now you are a burst of sunshine here!
I love your pages. They are welcoming, beautiful and spiritual. I enjoy hearing about where you live and the differences between Alabama,USA and Australia. That is the only place I have ever wanted to visit. Your writings make me feel like I am there. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world
The new design is lovely. Thank you for the continuing newsletter.💕💕
The new look Jenny is Beautiful Love the peaceful colours, Have a super happy time with your Family x x x x
Hi Jenny, I love the new look what a bright spot in such troubling times. You and yours stay save.
Jenny, I too love the new art. Very light and cheerful. I also want to take this opportunity to tell you how happy I am that you are able to continue your newsletter. I've been a quiet follower for years and was already missing you. Thank you so much for sharing you life, loves, and troubles with us (also the recipes and patterns). Take care of yourself and your family during this crazy period in our lives.
Hi Jenny
It looks fabulous. So glad to get emails again from you. I feel like you have been a friend in my life for a very long time. and was missing the regular contact. Stay safe to you and your family xx
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