Wednesday, December 1, 2021

POSIES BOM - final block and quilt instructions...

Today, after a full year of monthly stitching, it's time to share the final block of this year's free BOM "Posies", along with the quilt finishing instructions.

Have you enjoyed stitching your own Posies blocks this year?

Block 12 is rather willowy in nature as I designed it on a breezy day last year whilst watching the long thin branches of our trees, and the wispy garden herbs, carelessly swaying back and forth in the wind.

This block's fussy cut applique vase was a favourite - two love birds. I also chain stitched two wavy lines across the vase.
It's a funny thing when you come to the end of a project, but stranger still when you completed it a full year ago but are only now sharing those last stitches with others. 


A couple of weeks ago I sent off the final block to a friend, Joanne in the Netherlands, as she had been sending me photos of her blocks each month through the year - in fact sometimes they arrived within a few hours of my blog posts. 
I knew she'd complete the last block and piece the quilt beautifully and couldn't wait to see it. Her colours were much brighter than mine, but oh, how lovely is her version of Posies! 
Can you see that she also fussy cut the applique sections? Just beautiful. 

This is Joanne's completed quilt...

How about I continue with a little show & tell today?

This year I ran a membership only block of the month, Simple Days. To be honest I'd call this my magnum opus...the most heart-felt set of stitcheries I have ever created because they reflected my own life and the hopes I have for a simpler life.
At the moment I'm still hand quilting the completed quilt (below) and that's slow going in the midst of our 8-month tropical summer.

One of the BOM members, Robyn, has already completed her quilt and recently sent me a photo. What lovely work she has done! I'm so impressed.

This is Robyn's Simple Days quilt...

Another member of my BOM is Annette, and she has also completed her Simple Days quilt top! Her colours were very different to mine and Robyn's, but wow, so pretty! 

All the Simple Days blocks are HERE in my shop if you missed out on this block of the month. 
They are the kind of blocks that make your heart swell with gratitude for all the simple things in life.

Next week I'll have the final 'days of the week' tea towel stitchery to share with you, and I'll also be able to tell you about next year's free block of the month.
There's a little surprise attached to that as well, which you'll receive before Christmas.

I'll sign off today with a photo Blossom snapped the other day, one which I simply must have printed and framed. It's true to form, as this is exactly what it looks like when the children and I are together. They clamber over me and snuggle close.
 Goodness, how incredibly blessed I am to be their nana. Thank you, Lord.

I hope to see you back here next week my friends, and until then, may our merciful Lord flood your hearts with His abundant grace, kindness, provision, healing and most especially, LOVE.



Angie in SoCal said...

What a very lovely photo of you and the grands. I would want to frame it too! So precious. I really enjoyed this post and revue of the past month's messages. We are settling into advent and my constant whisper for now is Come, Lord Jesus.
Blessings, Jenny

Joanne said...

Hi Jennifer,

What a lovely surprise ! Thank you :)
Wow! How the grandkids have grown !
take care,

Deb E said...

What a lovely photo of you with your beautiful grandbabies! You remind me very much of my Mum, who lives outside Melbourne. I spent a year with them from 1973-1974 when I was an exchange student eons ago, and your gentle spirit is very like hers was. I miss she & dad very much nowadays - Mum now has advanced Alzheimers, but still remembers who dad is -- a blessing from the Lord, truly.

Missy’s Miracle Stitches said...

Oh my… my heart swelled to overflowing when I got to the picture of you with your grandchildren. I know exactly how much joy it contains. I, too, feel so incredibly blessed to have two darling grandchildren and a daughter-in-love that wants my help with them! God is SO good. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season1

Ingrid said...

Gracias Jennifer por esta entrega tan linda y amorosa. Hoy que se inicia la navidad te envĂ­o mis mejores deseos, principalmente la salud que es lo fundamental para disfrutar la vida. Recibe un fuerte abrazo!

Kristy said...

The picture of you and your grandchildren just makes my heart happy! I see so much love there all piled together on that couch! Such a great way to start my day. Thank you for all you share, create and teach me. You are so blessed and I am too through your loving words and gifts of stitchery, baking, photography, writing, creating and living this life in a way that honors the Lord. Have a lovely day. K-

Chris said...

Love, love the picture of you with the grandchildren! Precious memories! ♥

Ondrea said...

Gorgeous family photo. It says it all. Love your Simple Days quilting and the lovely completed quilts pictured. The posies quilt looks so sweet. A wonderful achievement this year considering all the obstacles.

Allie said...

Both quilts are SO gorgeous!!!! You have such a beautiful and generous heart, my dear, and it shines out of everything you do. I adore that picture of you and the grands!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robin in New Jersey said...

Thank you for the posies blocks, Jennifer. I have enjoyed stitching them. I look forward to finishing the quilt in the new year.

Your grandchildren are precious. Enjoy!

Farm Quilter said...

I love your designs so much. I think I am going to try to do the tea towels, even though my hands don't like hand work. That picture of you with your grandbabies is just so perfect and definitely needs to be printed and framed!! That is how I imagine you to be all the time, a light drawing all those near closer.

Jill said...

Jennifer~ I've seen this post twice now and the picture of you and your grands just give me the BIGGEST SMILE! What a blessing they are and you to them. This picture just made my day. So very happy for you they live close. Thanks for sharing. Jill in Tennessee

Susan said...

The finished quilts shown above are beautiful. I really enjoy looking at the photo of you with your grandkids. You are blessed.

Janni Harlick said...

How lovely to see such a happy precious photo of you with your grand babies. Mine do the same - so much joy in being a granny! Reading your posts make my heart sing. Bless you Jennifer and happy Christmas to you and your family xx

Kim said...

Thank you once again for your incredible generosity. The Simple Days BOM is truly a gem. And I love that picture of you and the grands. Charlie looks like he's a little confused about all the girl silliness. Love it!

Christine M said...

Your posies quilt is so lovely Jennifer. I've saved the patterns in my "to do" file. I just love your Simple Days quilt. That's a gorgeous photo of your and the children. xxx

Tammy said...

Good morning Jennifer. I am behind on reading my emails and posts. As I often am at this time of year. Thank you for block 12 of Posies. I really loved seeing the finished quilts...They are all beautiful works and even though it is the same pattern they all look so different with the chosen fabrics each person used.....Really love this quilt . I haven't gotten very far with my stitching on it. This has been such a crazy unusual year for us. I love the photo of you and the children. You are so blessed my friend to have and know and watch your grands grow up . So many memories being made and treasured by you all.