Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A new family member...


Meet Harry. 
Our almost 7 week old Cavalier/Dachshund puppy. Adorable, huh? :-)

For quite a while hubby has wanted us to get a small dog, a companion to keep me company during the long hours he works six days a week. We did not go into this lightly, as we have had to rehome a dog once before, and that's not a fun thing (even if it is best for the dog). Being mindful that we're older now, and this neighbourhood is not safe for walking around, we decided on a very small breed, one which would think our quarter acre to be a huge place of adventure and exploration, and also be happy to spend much of the day inside cooling off from the tropical sunshine. 

We looked at a few breeds, and a few pups, but it was little Harry who felt 'just right'. A true Goldilocks moment. 

Our little boy has a Cavalier King Charles father, and a Miniature Dachshund mother. So far we see him looking more like his dad, apart from the fur which is like his mum. His body is not as long as a dachshund, and he doesn't have the long snout either. His chest has that lovely white V which we've seen on many Cavaliers. 

Harry is so tiny, and won't grow a lot, but he's full of energy and mischief, whilst also loving cuddles. Since we picked him up last Saturday he has already adjusted to sleeping in his crate, to the point of collapsing at 8pm and waking around 3- 4am each day...which of course has left hubby and I very tired during the day, for Harry is full of beans in that early hour.  

He spent much of Sunday morning following hubby around the yard while he did chores...

...and late afternoon as my shadow while I watered the gardens. 

We have an almost bare patch of garden opposite the back undercover area (seen above) which is his potty, and I'm amazed at how quickly that training fell into place. In fact he'll cry in his crate when he wakes up so he can get out there. Bless him. 

He has a few good sleeps during the day, and I'd love to nap through one of them, but there is a bit much to do around the home/garden right now...but I am hopeful of catching an hour this afternoon. My husband and I look like zombies at the moment from lack of sleep...reminds me of early days with my babies (when I was a lot younger!). Such long days now. But eventually this will settle and we might enjoy sleeping in till 6 again. 

This very hot and humid early spring has knocked us all about too. I'm pulling out the vegetables that have finished in the raised beds, moving pots and things around to give them shade cover, and generally trying to prepare the gardens for a long hot spring/summer and early autumn with cardboard and sugar cane mulch, to keep good things happening underneath in preparation for planting again in mid Autumn (April).

Something lovely in the garden right now are the sunflowers! I threw a handful of seeds to the wind, and they're popping up under trees already, their joyous yellow faces a sight to behold. 

I've cut some and have them in a vase on the dining table. So bright and cheery, I hope they keep growing under the trees. 

Inside, I've not had much time to do any baking with a new puppy at my feet who needs playtime and cuddles, but in the few little breaks while he naps I do keep on top of the housework. Meals are simple, the house is clean, washing and ironing are done, and if I have an extra half hour or so I'll pick up a bit of hand stitching. 
At the moment I'm working on a little design to share with you later this week, or early next week (all depends on my sleep and energy). The fabric was a gift from my lovely friend, Jo, and inspired the small design I drew. 

I hope you're getting enough rest? To be honest, I haven't had my energy topped up since before having Covid in early July. Some days I do feel as though I'm recovering and get excited, but having our puppy has assured me I'm not refreshed and gathering energy yet. Most days it feels like I'm wading through mud...but I do believe this shall pass, so in the meantime I'll continue doing what most needs attention and let other things be tackled when I have the time and energy available.

Are there any new happenings in your life? I'd love to hear about them. And if you've got a Cavalier or Miniature Dachshund (or a cross breed of both, like Harry), perhaps you have some advice or tips for us?

Harry has been playing at my feet since I started writing this post but has now taken himself to bed in the crate, so I will sign off and go finish the stitchery (this is usually just a short nap for him). I'm think of using it in a simple mug rug or snack mat...haven't made one of them for a long time. 

If you're in a season of weariness, I am praying that it is temporary, that you can feel the Father's arms carrying you along until you're able to stand again. Just as I am trying to do, nourish your body with good food, rest when you're able, and spend quiet time in the presence of God - for that has more restorative power than anything else. In fact, that's just what I'm going to do right now. The stitching can wait...


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Joanne said...

Hi Jennifer,
What a surprise ! Harry !
Thanks to Google, I learned what his pawrents look like.
Rest is important ! :) Especially when adjusting to the weather and activities in and around the house. Glad I have indoor hobbies such as handwork !
Here we're getting a few things to make Autumn warm, cozy and enjoyable such as new tea blends and an infrared heater.
It's almost October ! The nights are getting longer !
hugs, take care,

Kay said...

Oh my, how adorable. Harry is the sweetest puppy, I know that he will bring you lots of love and fun. Our Monty is 11, he’s a Patterdale/Lakeland cross and I love him so much but couldn’t do the puppy stage again of weeing in the house and chewing everything. Wishing you the happiest of times and joy. X

Val said...

Jennifer your puppy brought me to tears as I lay in my hospital bed this morning. I have a very large cyst 15.3 cms on my liver that is squashing my right kidney. I have been in since the 14th in our small hospital and now in the big city waiting for the specialist to do his work and remove this pest. Your post and Harry brought me joy today which is very much appreciated. I also am Post Covid since May and get slamming headaches now only 2 days a week thankfully but today is 1. I am hopeful today is finally surgery day and I am so grateful to be in Canada where there will be no bill at the end. I love your blog, thank you for sharing your peaceful life. You have inspired me to make significant changes to make a simpler life. Thanks again. Val in Canada

Anonymous said...

May God bless you with many happy years together ❤️🙏😊

Suzan said...

Dear Jennifer,

May I start with a thought and a prayer for Val in. Canada? I pray that our doctors are blessed with wisdom and that you receive the very best od treatment.

Your puppy loos so. sweet. My. daughter had acquired two daxies over the last year. It sounds like your little Harry has learned ore about manners that are two have. It seems he is a good little man. Hopefully he well extend his sleep times soon.

I pray that the weather is not too humid and that you adapt to the summer heat very soon. I have visited Townsville twice and both time it was in December.


Michelle said...

My two favorite breeds in one! It will be fun to see what he looks like as he matures. I have two Mini Doxies at present. They are numbers five and six. Doxies are famous for defending the castle and barking ferociously at anything they perceive to be an invader. Maybe that moth, or leaf, or the wind, or nothing at all. Also, he will love you forever and want to be with you 24/7

Nanajan said...

Jennifer! What a dear little fellow! He is a sweet addition to your family. You and Mark will make him happy and I know he will bring great delight to your home. Please try to rest and re-charge when he does. Stitching and "dusting" can wait. Your health is far more important!

Allie said...

Well Harry, welcome to the family and the internet! He's absolutely adorable. I don't think I'd have the energy to take one on anymore - my hat is off to you! And you have my prayers for the training season, girl, especially that it won't be a long one. As with any new baby, rest when you can, everything else can wait. Harry sounds like a smart pup, he should catch on to your routine quickly.
Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Ciao Jenny,
I don’t have a dog, but Harry is very, very nice and cuddly. I had the Covid last month, the days before my birthday and feel tired and shuttered yet. I don’t have energy and strength. I feel soon tired when I do the housekeeping daily routine...
A big hug for you and a preyer for Val in Canada,

Anorina said...

Harry is a sweetheart. What a cutie. Enjoy those puppy cuddles x

Ruth said...

Jennifer, congratulations on your little precious puppy. Get ready for lots of love from him, he's adorable!

Susan said...

The Father's arms are definitely holding me up. Your little dog is adorable. I grew up with a full-sized Dachshund my parents brought back from Germany. He was beautiful and oh, so loving. I still miss him after decades!

Mary-Lou said...

Awe welcome little Harry! He is lovely! We have 2 dogs, Bonnie is a Borador and, Sam is a Welsh Springer 8!

Shepherdess55 said...

Harry will be a wonderful companion for you and your husband. Looking forward to often reading about his antics.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Dearest Val, I am holding you in prayer, alongside the other ladies here. May you have skilled surgeons and health staff, a complete recovery, and a return to full health from both the Covid and this surgery. Bless you heaps dear Val xxx

Kristy said...

What a sweet surprise to see such a cutie such as Harry! He is adorable. Especially in his bed all snuggled with his friends. :-) I hope that you can get some naps to catch up soon. It is so hard to function without full rest. We have just moved to a new state in the US and are settling in to our apartment from a large house. It has been freeing to have less stuff to manage and more time to create. We will be looking for a new place to live in the next year and then sell our house at some point. We need wisdom in choosing a place where Jesus wants us to be a blessing and we can live wisely. Love your blog and your family. You are such an encouragement to me. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Susan said...

Harry is cute. I have never owned a dog. I always had cats. Now I am allergic to both. :-(
At this point in my life, if I get a dog, it will be a service dog. :-)
Prayers going out for Val in Canada that the surgery went well and recovery from both Covid and the surgery will be swift.

Maria McCabe said...

Oh Jenny! Harry is precious! What great company for you. Our animal friends are great company! We have two bunnies who roam free in the house and are liter box trained. They are my little buddies! I hope you and Harry stay cool in your warm Spring! God bless you and your family (including Harry of course!)

Shelley said...

Hi Jennifer😊 where did your recipes link go? I came looking for the recipe for Matrimonial Slice and couldn't find the side bar link. Harry is adorable🤗. Thanks, Shelley in Canada

Marian said...

Hi Jennifer,

Harry is gorgeous, and if I were allowed dogs in my little 'gated community' I would be off to get a similar dog. Sadly, I am only allowed a cat - yes, only one. Thank you for your kind words for those in a 'season of weariness', the hayfever from the pine pollen is making for sleepless nights.

Best wishes to Val in Canada, may your recovery from Covid and surgery be swift and uneventful (((Hugs)))

Tania said...

Hello Jennifer,

What a cutie pie Harry is. He is going to be a wonderful companion for you.

My eldest daughter has a miniature dachshund named Duke, and a Chiweenie named Bram {cross between chihuahua and dashy}. They are definitely energetic dogs and so full of energy and fun. My youngest daughter breeds mini Dachshunds.

Looking forward to catching up on your blog after a long absence from blogland.


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I adore your little pup - hope he turns out to be the best companion ever!

Donna P. said...

Harry is darling! And what fun and source of comfort!
We just adopted a dog - 3 yrs old - from the shelter where my grand kids volunteer. His name is Dash - which he does! LOL!
He's having a bit of a time getting used to things as we've been traveling and staying out of the way of Hurr. Ian - we had to leave our campground but will be back this weekend.
Love your sunflower - they're my favorite!

Rosie said...

Your new puppy looks cute, and he will certainly keep you on your toes. Love that fabric.

CathieJ said...

Oh what an adorable pup! I can understand yur exhaustion. You little stitchery is pretty. I hope Harry starts sleeping a little later for you.

FlourishingPalms said...

How delightful for you! A puppy will grow into a wonderful companion, but the "growing" part is the reason we won't own another pet. As good as it is to have such a friend, it's also a big obligation. I truly wish you the best, and lots of happy cuddle times. There's nothing like them. I'm feeling grateful that hurricane Ian turned into a tropical storm by the time it reached Central Florida, where I live. I am hurting for the people who lost so much - homes and lives - along the south Gulf coast of Florida.

Anonymous said...

Harry is adorable!!! I love both breeds and would so love to have either one! Don't push yourself, is the best advise I can give after Covid. Rest as you can!!

Sharon of Salem, IA said...

A hint on puppies which I just got 2 of (miniature schnauzers) is to make sure that the room he sleeps in is dark in the early a.m. I finally got my babes to sleep till 7:00am, but mostly 6:45. Your little fellow is just so adorable!

Beverly said...

Harry is adorable! My neighbors have a ‘new’ puppy. I say new but he is maybe 4 months old. I’ve been dog sitting since he came to live with my neighbors. First I took him out twice a day along with his older sister. Ollie is a miniature dachshund. He is so cute and smart and loving. His sister is a mix but I don’t remember the breeds. She is a sweetheart. I now take them for a walk once a day and play outside with them. I love them both. I guess I’ve run on. So sorry. Can’t wait to see your Harry grow. I love a dog but for me at this stage of my life it is a bit too expensive. But dog sitting works for me. I have another dog a dog sit for, a shitzu. He is a sweetheart too. I really don’t need a dog of my own. Ok, that’s enough. Love your sweet Harry!

Patricia said...

Congratulations on your new puppy! If Harry is anything like our King Charles Cavalier was, he will be the most loving pup ever. Our Freddie loved being in my lap. If I was doing handwork on a quilt Freddie would be snuggled up in the quilt. Our pup passed a little over a year ago. We miss him terribly. A much larger breed pup lives with us now. He is very loving but almost too energetic! We are adjusting! :)

Winifred said...

Ah bless him Harry looks so sweet. I am exhausted after looking after my daughter's dog even for a day so I know how you feel.

Love & prayers for Val to have a speedy recovery & lovely that your post lifetd her up Jennifer.

Carol said...

Praying for Val here too! Jennifer, I identify with your continuing weak feeling. I had some health issues in early Spring which are taking forever to go away. Let me encourage you by my experience which is that I'll go about an activity with which I've been struggling and realize that it's not as hard to do as it was previously. So strength is returning slowly but it is returning and I'm sure that will happen for you too. Your new pup is so cute. He reminds me of my neighbor's mini doxie who was called Flash. The name fit him perfectly since he was the most engetic little guy.

gracie said...

Good6, he is precious.

gracie said...

Oh my, he is precious.

Maria Duque said...

Lovely pup! For who needs this today…


Lee said...

What a cutie! A have a soft spot for doxie mixes! Our sweetie who was also 15 yrs old we had to have put down three months ago.... last week we rescued a four month dachshund mix and I empathize with the lack of sleep but love the puppy fun! Our Cookie is also a dear puppy who loves exploring!

Anonymous said...

Probably the cutest puppy ever🥰

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your new puppy. He is adorable! I am sure he is a lot of work. I recently got a two year old dog and she is a lot of work to train and accustom her to the rules of my house. (no biting or jumping or running after squirrels! But she is a lot of fun and hopefully we will settle in fine.

Anonymous said...

Cavalier King Charles are very smart and can be stubborn. We lost our Red Cavalier a couple of years ago. He was 15. Their energy span is fast and short. My Percy would run the yard very fast and loved it when he would pretend to charge you and you clapped your hands. Go figure. But less than a 1/2 hour later he would be ready to climb up on the couch or chair with me and relax next to me for hours.He learned to stay off my lap quickly so I could read or do hand work. Cavalier King Charles" were bred to be companions to humans and suffer from separation anxiety. Our Percy loved car rides and happily went with us everywhere, Keven camping. He was just happy to be with us.

Enjoy and have fun with Harry. He will be great company for the both of you.

Orla V said...

Such a sweet little thing (although, I pity the Mum a bit, as they may have been a bit of a strain). But it all ended well, and I couldn't think of a better home to have landed. I hope he fits in, and settles in quickly - he is a very lucky little fur baby.

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute Harry is. I am a dachshunds owner. A mini, wire-hair male 14 yrs old and a mini, smooth hair female 6 yrs old. I don’t know anything about the Cavalier King Charles but the doxies part of Harry you will enjoy. They are little clown that will keep you in stitches. Doxies can be stubborn hang in with them though you will win them over in the end. It has been my experience that kindness & constancy goes a long way with doxies. Since you don’t know yet which will be dominant just fall in love with your darling puppy & enjoy

Tammy said...

Dearest Jennifer
Harry is absolutely adorable. What fun the puppy days are. I love the new mug rug pattern and design. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Your grand children must be so excited about Harry. I hope you have a lovely coming week.
Love Always,

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on your new puppy. We adopted a Cavalier King Charles puppy the day after Christmas (born Nov 2nd). He settled down pretty quickly, thank goodness and is full size now. He has a dog bed in my sewing room and loves to be in here with me. Enjoy Harry! Puppy cuddles are the best!