All my life she has been my Queen, and since 1991 when I came to faith in Christ, my sister in Christ.
Every day in school we began by standing and singing "God Save the Queen", and He did. The world, the Commonwealth...has lost a wonderful woman, leader and monarch. Thank you Lord for her life and service.
I will miss her Christmas Day messages, encouraging and always reminding us of Christ and why we really celebrate the day. She never shied away from sharing this truth.
I know there will always be those who have harsh words to say about Her Majesty, but none of us ever had the weight of a monarchy lain upon our shoulders for seventy years as she did. And she carried it with dignity and kept the promise she made on her 21st birthday...
"I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service..."
Writing with tears today, but also rejoicing in my heart because I believe she will indeed hear those words, "Well done, oh good and faithful servant."
Oh, Jennifer, how beautifully said. I was in England 2 weeks ago for a family funeral (I live in
Canada) and I took my 10 year old granddaughter with me. She and a cousin "went to London to visit the Queen" but the queen was at Balmoral. Elly got to pet the horse and have her picture taken in front of Buckingham Palace. The Queen took the throne a few months before I was born. She was born the day after my mother. That is how I always thought of her. In context with my mother.
Jennifer, I am an American who is deeply touched by the passing of the Queen. The TV channels have closely covered the day's events and the life of the Queen. My thoughts and prayers are for family as they grieve.
Cris in WA.
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for writing about the queen so beautifully .
She was our Queen.
What an amazing life as well as knowing/ working with 15 Prime Ministers !
hugs, take care,
Thank you Jennifer for writing those heartfelt words about our wonderful Queen. She will be sorely missed but we are thankful for her life. What a shining example to us all.
Thank you Jennifer for your words about the Queen. She will be sadly missed not least because for many of us she was the last link with our parents, grandparents and a different way if life. I'm sad, but she will be reunited with her husband, and now will be in a better place.
This is a lovely tribute. She was such an inspiration! Thank you for writing this! God bless!
Rest in perfect Peace our beautiful Queen. Thank you for your wonderful service to the Commonwealth, so very much respected and dearly loved. The world wont be the same without you in it.
A lovely tribute Jennifer, she lived by those words until the very end.
This is a lovely post about a lovely woman. As a Canadian, I, too began each school day with "God Save the Queen" and the Lord's Prayer. The Queen has been an inspiration to me, through her faith and her unwavering attention to duty. I pray that King Charles III will have learned these lessons from his mother, and I pray that he, too, will rely on God for wisdom.
Thank you for a lovely post. As an American, I will mourn along with all of those who she led.
Although an American, I too mourn the passing of a great lady - whose unwavering service and loyalty to her subjects will live on. My favorite story of her - she was a diesel mechanic in WWII, and taught her children to drive. One time, entertaining a Saudi prince (who informed her that women didn't know how to drive, and weren't allowed to in his country) she took the wheel and proceeded to scare the daylights out of him, lol. I absolutely love that story, and so many others of her. She had a wicked sense of humor. But she'll mostly be remembered for the grace, dignity, and compassion she embodied. If the crown ever rested heavy on her head, she never showed it - she was an absolute treasure not just to her realm, but to the world. To quote King Charles II, "may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."
Beautiful words. A sentiment most would agree with. So sad!
I always thought the Queen was a classy, compassionate woman. We share the same birthdate, April 21
Here in the UK Jennifer, we are heartbroken as is most of the world when I think of my Queen, I cry she was my Britain like you Jennifer I have always had the Queen she was a constant in our lives we will all miss her greatly. Rest in Peace my Queen in the arms of our Lord. Thank you, Jennifer, for a heartfelt beautiful post
A lovely post, for a lovely lady. There will never be another like her. I did not know she had such a deep abiding faith. I read an article today that her parents brought her up with scripture memorization and Bible reading which she continued into her adult life. She was a humble servant and will be missed.
I am really sad about the passing of our Queen, life will not be the same without her. She was truly an incredible Ruler and King Charles has a lot to live up to
What a lovely post about the Queen. I spent a wonderful year in Australia as an exchange student nearly 49 years ago. I vividly remember standing outside while "God Save the Queen" played over the loud speaker and everyone singing it. What a remarkable leader, woman & devout Christian she was - and this was long before all the changes happened for women to be treated more fairly. My Australian Mum, who I loved since the day I first met her, passed away on August 23rd - and the Queen followed in death just 16 days later. Deb
She was a true example in life - as we all should be to our Lord Jesus. Her dedication and loyalty was a wonderful example that all could trust. She kept her promise, in good days and bad. We will truly miss her! Love the picture you found, Jennifer!
Yes she was a wonderful special lady Our Queen who kept her promises. She loved Christ.
As an American, she wasn't my queen, but she was The Queen. She obviously loved the Lord, her family and the people of the UK/Commonwealth, striving to serve them to the best of her ability her entire life. I am glad she lived as long as she did, she was an uncommon lady in an uncommon role, which she executed with dignity and grace. She will be missed by so many of us. Beautiful tribute to her, Jennifer.
Her Majesty wasn't my queen, since I'm American, but I always thought of her in a special way. Such a great leader, always trying to take care of her people, day in and day out. She had a wonderful example in her father. I had just ordered a book about her and her faith a few days before she died. I look forward to reading that book when I get back home. As for your comments in your newsletter about blogging, YES, please keep blogging. I've never been on FB or any of those other sites (except Pinterest, where I save things for me). I haven't read or posted much on my blog this past year (extenuating circumstances) but plan on getting back to reading blogs again when I finally get home next week. I love the people I've 'met' thru blogs. I've even met some of them in person. I have a few bloggers that I call upon when I have a prayer request, and they always come thru with prayers.
I am American but have always thought the Queen was amazing for her life of service and devotion to her people. It was great to hear all of the information that came out about the Queen and her faith in God. One story that I heard was so amazing. She told a church leader that she hoped Jesus returned in her lifetime so she could lay her crown at his feet.
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