As promised the other day, here is a new free tea towel pattern for you! Actually, it's a slightly altered remake of a pattern I shared many years ago.
This tea towel was from a shop in the USA and they are called Dunroven towels.
And below is the simple redwork "baking" tea towel pattern I shared in January this year.
Some of you may have all of the old patterns already, but if not, I am gifting you this pattern bundle today in one file.
Use the link below to download the pattern bundle.
DOWNLOAD Tea Towel Pattern Bundle 2023
Would you like to join in a tea towel swap? Just like the apron swap we had in November last year, this swap is open world wide and I will do my best to pair you with someone in your own continent.
You must make or embellish one tea towel for your swap partner. Make something you'd love to receive yourself, so take time and put some love into it.
You must also include a second tea towel that you have purchased 'just because it's pretty' - no embellishments required with this one.
You will need to contact your swap partner via email (I'll send all that information to you) at least twice before posting her your tea towels.
Do not include anything more than those two tea towels, as we know not everyone can afford to add extra gifts, and by keeping the package to two tea towels your gifts can more than likely be posted in a large envelope which is much cheaper than parcel post.
EMAIL ME with your postal address (include your country please) and tell me if you're happy to post overseas or prefer to post within your own country or continent (for those in Europe). You will find my email address HERE or leave a comment with that information plus your email address and I will contact you instead.
All swap parcels will need to be posted by May 9th, which will give you more than two weeks from the time you receive your swap partner's details.
I will need all your information by Thursday April 20th, no later. Swap partner information will be emailed to all participants on April 21st.
I hope you're going to join in for this swap! I will be for sure.
Bless you heaps, and have a wonderful weekend...
Such pretty embroidery, Jennifer!
I was looking forward to this swap, but will have to miss this one. We are moving in May. All my time and energy is being taken up with cleaning out closets and cupboards and packing.
Thank you for sharing your God given gifts and talents with us.
Hi Jennifer,
remember the bird in a pot tea towel pattern ! I used it in a quilt project that was donated. I'd love to give this new version a try :)
Thanks for the pattern bundle :)
Have a great weekend !
hugs, take care,
Thank you Jennifer so very pretty!. However I can't see myself doing it atm. So generous of you to share though and much appreciated! Bless you Richly.
I’ve usually steered clear of embroidering tea towels as they get such rough use ….. it then a friend gave me a tea towel she had made by weaving!!! It’s kept for certain use and so I figured reading through your post …..well, why not!!! And May just happens to be my Birthday month so count me in ……. I will email you 💕
Thank you for the new version, and the bundle; what a lovely gift that is! I'm so tempted by the tea towel swap, and I have some of those Dunroven towels, as well as plenty of flour sack in white and colors. I'm going to think about it a couple of days before jumping in. I tend to jump in too fast, and I love swaps!
I would like to be a part of your tea towel swap. My information is name is Anita Roth My address is 10415 Kaufman Rd NE, Silverton OR 97381 USA I would like to be paired with someone from the USA My email address is Can’t wait to be a part of this ❤️
Thank you so much for the pattern bundle! I have wanted to try the turned under applique so I've got your pattern noted in my idea journal. Bless you for your blogs and sharing of ideas. Patti
Thank you so much for these lovely designs.
I have to say they seem too lovely to use but would look great hanging in the kitchen as decorations!
I haven't seen any plain tea towels recently and all of mine are terry towelling.
Think I'll try the latest needle turn flower design and hang it in the kitchen!
Take care & God bless Jennifer.
Jenny Thank you SOO much for these tea towel patterns! I love 💕 them all. God Bless and thank you! Norma Karr
These are just beautiful. Thank you so much!
These are such beautiful tea towels. Looking at the state of our tea-towels, I think I'd be too afraid to use any that are these pretty.
Needle turn applique is such fun and I love seeing your projects using this technique. I also prefer needle turn over blanket stitch applique (although I haven't done either for a long time).
Hope you have a lovely week :)
Thank you so much for this very generous tea towel pattern package dear Jennifer. You are so kind with all that you share with us.
I would love to take part in the teatowel swap but unfortunately I have another trip to see Mum looming & I would not be able to make the time frame. Perhaps another time as I love taking part in these simple fun swaps. xx
Hej Jenni!
I would like to participate the tea towel swap.
My name is Lilian Costa Machado and my adress is
Ålgårdisstigen, 4 - Oskarshamn - Kalmar län - 57 262 - Sweden.
Maybe I can swap with anyone in Sweden or Europe.
Thank you so much for opportunity and have a nice week.
Thank you Jennifer for the Tea Towel Bundle. It has just solved my problem of what to make for a dear friend for her birthday. Now to start stitching. Thank you once again.
Jennifer...I had a lovely time making the tea towel for the swap and now have a new friend via Email! Thank you for this fun project that, I hope, brought others together as well!!
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