THANK YOU so much for all the prayers for our menfolk. I am thrilled to tell you that both our men are now employed, and most grateful.
Blossom's hubby and mine have both lost a considerable percentage of their previous incomes with these new jobs, but as we know, the Lord provides where there is need, and we PRAISE Him with full hearts for three reasons - work for our menfolk to do; income to pay rent/mortgage and put food on the table; and a biggie...more opportunities to learn ways to live on less. My husband broke a bone in his hand whilst working in the garden, and that came just as he began the new job so he could not take any time off. Fortunately, he's still able to do the work, and we're hopeful for a swift healing.
Blossom is back to home-schooling, and her heart overflows with delight at this. After experiencing the public school system, she and Ross decided it was not the right place for their children. Cully May is already enrolled in the local Christian school for next year so they may continue with that plan for her, but Rafaella and Charlie (who is on the autistc spectrum) will be home-schooled. So as you can see, there are changes and challenges afoot within our family, but we are a happy bunch, and always there for each other, so with the Lord by our side we shall continue to grow in His Word and His ways.
This time of year in the tropics of Northern Australia always is my worst season for migraines, the barometric kind that simply cannot be stemmed. I'm quite used to them after a lifetime of chronic migraines. There are many triggers that I can keep under control by avoidance (if possible) such as certain foods, tiredness, bright lights, certain chemicals etc...but the barometric (weather) related migraines cannot be avoided at all. Anyhow, I accept them, and always look for ways to function in the midst of them.
This year I have discovered that gentle crochet edging is incredibly calming and so I spend my down-time each day or in the evenings, with this very simple and pretty craft. I began with a couple of small circular projects with fabric and cotton 5ply yarn, more as a practice than anything, and when I realised how relaxing it was to make them I began on larger projects using cotton drill on the front and fabric on the back.
Hubby and I took a lovely day trip to Taylors Beach and Lucinda last week before he started his job, and I completed this green table topper in the car on the way home (I get very tired on the trips home unless I have something to stitch, or crochet).
Next I made a slightly larger topper with some floral linen I bought back in 2014 and red cotton yarn crochet edging, but forgot to take a photo. The following project was made with some of my vintage stash of Cath Kidston cotton drill...
...and it now graces my desk. Honest, this makes me smile every time I sit down at the computer!
Yesterday I completed another runner using more of my my Cath Kidston stash, and a pink cotton crochet edging. This was made to cover the side table I use beside the couch, which holds my bible, iPad and whatever craft project I am currently working on. I chose fabric which blended with the turquoise of the side table, and it looks so pretty now.
Something else I made to enhance the home décor this season, was to frame some lovely cards I had purchased a while back. They have been sitting and waiting until I found just the right frames, and the other day I found some at the local cheap shop for $5 each, and they framed the cards beautifully.
I think these type of framed cards would make lovely gifts for this time of year, don't you? The cards were purchased in a pack of twelve from Koorong last year. The frames were purchased locally at the Reject Shop
Bless you heaps, dear ones, and may the favour of the Lord be upon you in all you do, say and need. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Your posts are always uplifting. I look forward to them because of the blessing I always receive. You have the ability to make me thankful for all God has given to me. Our Heavenly Father is faithful to see us through every challenge and grow us up as believers every day.
PJ from Kansas
Your crocheted edgings are so pretty, Jennifer. I am very happy that your menfolk have new jobs. Such an answer to prayer. Blessings, Lorrie
I'm so glad that your husband and Ross both found work. Sorry about the bone in your husband's hand. Will pray that it heals quickly. I got a burn on my right hand two days ago. Part of the palm blistered but it doesn't hurt. I am thankful to the Lord that it wasn't any worse and seems to be healing well. My relaxation lately is cross stitch. When I sit and stitch, time flies by my troubles disappear for a while. Many blessings for you and your family, Jennifer!
Hi Jennifer,
We have had the wettest October on record since 1906. November started out just as grey as well. So, yesterday I got out the Christmas decorations and lights :) A day spent sorting and organizing was also involved. Looking through the Christmasy keepsakes and reminders once a year is also part of tradition for me. Now we can enjoy them longer. It always seems the days speed by the closer it gets to the new year . Before we know it it's January 2024 !
Your crochet looks gorgeous ! Beautiful photos of Summer colours and fabrics !
Great to hear employment has been found for both :)
hugs, take care,
Good to read that Ross and Mr E have both found jobs, I hope they go well for both of them and if not, well I always say it is easier to find another job if you already have one! Ever the optimist me.
Your crochet projects look very pretty Jennifer. xx
With your crochet edges do you hand blanket stitch around the edge first.
I am delighted to hear of the work that has been provided for your husband and son-in-law! Such an answer to prayer and a blessing!
Your projects are lovely, and your home is beautiful.
I pray your headaches improve and good health and joy fill your life.
Definitely a time of praise as my hubby also got a job and starts next week! I get tingles all over when I think of your hubby (praying for complete recovery!), Ross, and my dh getting jobs at the same time! I thank you for the prayers!
I'll keep you in my prayers for your migraines - my daughter also suffers from them.
My dear I am jumping up and down with the news that both men got jobs!!! Not happy to hear that Mr. E broke his hand, but I will pray for that! I fell asleep last night praying for him and your family. Glad to hear the news about homeschooling as well - especially for anyone on the autism spectrum, no matter how slight, that is the way to go for sure. I will pray for wisdom and strength for Blossom!
Your crochet edgings are so, so pretty! Quite lovely framed cards as well! I used to have some Mary Englebreit cards that I framed, no idea what happened to them, lol. They're probably still packed somewhere from the move, which seems like a lifetime ago.
LOVE the new patterns. Especially the autumn (northern hemisphere, lol) colored one. And the way you've posed them so pretty - you have a knack for that! Every single time I see one of your designs that you've made, after all these years, I'm still gobsmacked at your gorgeous stitches.
Praying always for you, my sister-in-Christ and sister-in-heart; love you so very much!
Jennifer, You must write a book! Your thoughts and encouragement are very uplifting. You need to share this with the world! Also, you show there needs to be a pause from all of the noise and stress because you have and are living through these adversities. It’s fine to be gentle and not jumping at every opportunity, to take care of what is needed. To learn over again the meaning of day to day living is all about. Not to run away from your problems, but to pray and keep your heart open.
I know I am just an ordinary person trying to encourage you to see yourself as others do. But, most people are just living day to day trying to get a meaning from it. That’s where you shine God’s light into the darkness.
Thank you for being you and proud of it!
I am so happy that they both found jobs! Your crocheted table toppers are beautiful, how do you attach the crochet to the edges? It looks like a large blanket stitch.
Such good news about the men being employed again!
I love to crochet edging also. One way I recently used it is around a t-shirt neckline after I cut off the worn out and stretched part of one of my husband's t-shirts. I now wear that t-shirt as a sleep shirt! I love to upcycle things and this made me happy since I was using an otherwise perfectly good t-shirt that my husband could no longer use.
Thank you for your uplifting blog posts - I always find a bit of help in them.
Dearest Jennifer
What wonderful news that Ross & Mr. E are both employed now. Answered prayers for sure. I love the crocheted edgings you are making. They are so very pretty. I am busy picking and dehydrating herbs . And also cleaning up in the garden. And deadheading and saving marigold flower seeds for next years gardening. My marigolds did much better this year than ever before. Love you Dear friend and so happy to know they men are back at work. I think it is a wonderful decision for Blossom to home school the 2 younger children.
Oh no! Poor hubby. I hope it heals quickly. I also find crocheting to be very calming and I love your idea of crocheted edges. Some of my grandmother's embroidered doilies have crochet on the edges. Great news that Ross is employed again. So sorry to hear you are still having so many migraines . X
Very True! Mary-Lou
I hope Mr E's hand heals quickly dear Jennifer. That is such a blessing that they have both found employment .. I can imagine the relief for you all. I am sorry to read you are still having so many migraines - constant pain is so wearying. Those sweet crochet edgings just take my breath away - simple & perfect 💚💗
Coming out of lurkdom to mention something that might help you with your migraines. I don't know if it works but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I can't do a direct link for you but if you 'ask Mr. Google' to find a TikTok video about migraines by Gary Brecka you should be able to find it. He suggests it could be a salt imbalance in the diet so has a 'solution' you can make using Himalayan salt. I sent it to our daughter-in-law who suffers daily from migraines and she was going to try it but she hasn't told me if it helped her. It's worth a try anyway!
Such good news about the jobs. The crochet edging is so pretty, I especially like the pretty Cath Kidston fabric. I have always thought that crochet edging looks so pretty and feminine. For the life of me I can’t figure out how to do crochet, a few friends have tried to teach me by I can’t pick it up. At least I can admire it from afar.
What great news you have shared about the mens jobs. Praise! And Blossom returning to homeschooling must bring her great joy. I know it puts a smile on my face. 😊 So sorry about the migraines. I know you have lived with them for years. Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you down there. You are a treasure!
The best news! I am sorry about your migraines and suffered them for most of my life... atmospheric pressure, stress, not enough sleep... I rarely get them now and dont know why! The crochet is divine. I hope your husbands hand is not too painful and heals quickly! All such great news! xxx
So happy to read both menfolk in your family are mow employed. Wonderful news. I keep telling myself that I will learn to crochet, your work looks so beautiful, very imspiring
Oh gosh, I'm so glad the guys are employed! I hope the work won't hurt your husband's healing hand. It's so rewarding to hear Blossom is taking the kids' education seriously and doing what they must. I tutor kids at my local elementary school and it's astonishing to see that many kids can't read at 8 years old!
I too am a 'weatherhead.' Here in South Texas, we all need rain so desperately, and I pray for it knowing I'll be in pain when it comes. It's worth it.
I love the crochet edging and need to learn more crochet. I think you did a tutorial on your crochet edging once before.
Thank you for letting us have a glimpse into your life. Sending y'all prayers from Texas!
Jenny your table toppers are gorgeous and so inspiring to me. They are cheerful. As for prayer you know already how I am there.
I am so glad about the men having jobs, the homeschooling, that you did not flood... that you are Blossom support each other. That you are grateful for every blessing. I watched a short sermon last night about coming before God first with a grateful heart and first thanking Him before we start on a new list of wants and needs. In my sadness I could think of many many things to be thankful for. So many. This helped me enormously. xxx
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