Today I'm sharing the last of my five free Christmas patterns for 2023 - "Glory to God".
It's definitely a good pattern for button lovers, but you could also applique the little berries or satin stitch them instead. When I first designed and made "Glory to God" back in 2016 I chose to use buttons as I had a lot of pink and red ones that blended so beautifully with the border fabric.
The background was made from alternating strips of soft golden green prints, which to my eye gave the whole thing a touch of royalty, and indeed that is what the birth of our Lord Jesus was about. Royalty come to earth as a man to save His wonder the angels sang Glory to God in the Highest!
Use the link below to download the free pattern
This morning I went to visit Blossom and the children, taking freshly baked cranberry scones and a pineapple fruit cake which I had baked yesterday. It's been raining here for days, and yet walk outside and it's hot (odd thing about the tropics and rain) we stayed inside, turned down the air conditioner so we could imagine we were in a cold climate watching the rain, brewed hot cuppas, and feasted on scones and fruit cake. Blossom put a crackling fire on the television (from YouTube) and with that wonderful scene and sound, we chatted, played hangman with the kids, sang songs and really just enjoyed being together.
It was such a special morning and as we thought about our Christmas plans we decided to change them. Instead of her, Ross and the children coming for Christmas day brunch, they are coming on Christmas Eve afternoon instead.
The children can play in the pool with Ross and Poppy while Blossom and I prepare a Christmas feast for dinner that night. It means a much quieter Christmas morning for them at home the next day, before they head off to Ross's father's place in the afternoon. Usually there's a lot of rushing, stress, time management and weary children when the day is split between two we considered all this and are now excited to have a family Christmas Eve here!
She asked if her dad and I would be sad on Christmas Day, but I assured her that would not be so, as just knowing that we had a relaxed evening beforehand with no need for anyone to hurry off, and the children allowed to swim, play and eat until they were exhausted (meaning straight into bed when they got home) - oh how much fun that will be!
It's always saddened me hearing of family disputes about where to have Christmas, and at who's place. This season is really about rejoicing in the gift of Jesus, showing love, humility and care for others more than ourselves, putting aside what we want to make another's life easier. I am already bubbling over with happiness at being able to really bless my daughter and her family by giving them the gift of 'time' together with their children on Christmas morning, time without the need to rush off, or have others rush in.
May you and yours be especially blessed this Christmas!
Love and hugs
PS: Here's an oldie but a goodie!!
Lovely design Jennifer, thank you. In France it is traditional to have a big family dinner on Christmas Eve so you are in good company. xx
I love your pattern will have to give it a go after Christmas for next year! Thank you so much for your generosity.
Oh I agree about spending Christmas with family. Before our parents passed into glory, we would drive all day to one state for Christmas and then a few days later to another for a second Christmas. For the longest time, we never had Christmas at home. We were bound and determined to never have that happen when our children were grown with families of their own. And so glad we did. We just say, have Christmas Day with your families and we will see you before or after. No big dinners - pizza is just fine!
Glad that the grand kids are better!
Blessings to you and yours.
A lovely design!! Thank you so so much, Jennifer. Love from Holland.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for rounding out 2023 in a very creative way !
Your time spent together while watching the rain and enjoying a cozy " winter" day indoors was just perfect :) I watch those fireplace films as well :)
Sounds like you are all going to have a very family relaxrd loving Merry Christmas.
Hugs, take care,
have a great weekend
Another wonderful pattern thank you dear Jennifer & look at that Tilda fabric just shine so beautifully! That sounds like a wonderful visit with Blossom & the children - I love those crackling fireplaces you can get on YouTube.
I think your Christmas plans sound wonderful - I well remember rushing with my own children here & there on Christmas day - trying to please everyone & fit it all in ... hurrying the children in the morning to open their gifts as we had to "get going". I think you have made a very wise decision my friend. Enjoy the weekend - its overcast here so a bit milder & the dull days make the Christmas lights really pop. The heat will be here soon enough. x0x0
Thank you so much for the beautiful pattern! Have a blessed and merry Christmas.
This Christmas solution makes much more sense to me than the tired, whiny one! Good for all of you. Your day with Blossom and the children sounds delightful, too. Thank you for pattern 5. I am behind and will catch up without comments, but know that I am grateful for you and your talents, and God's gift of discernment to you. I'm doing ok.
You are a Jewel! I know you and your family will have a Wonderful Christmas! Thank you for being the Person you are. Merry Christmas to you all!!!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pattern. Your tiny stitches are so peaceful, my more goal is more consistent stitches! We have Christmas Eve dinner as well, with lasagna. (Everyone is over a traditional meal by then) When our grandsons were younger we would take cinnamon rolls over and see what Santa had left. Holiday blessings to you and your precious family! Enjoy your quiet day at home.
Dearest Jennifer: Thank you for this gifted pattern. I am Blessed by the Glory of God each and every day. Your Christmas Eve plans sound so much more relaxing and enjoyable. Family time is precious. I remember all those years long ago when family dynamics took over and ruined the JOY of Christmas. Merry Christmas Dearest to you and your family. XOXO
Dearest Jennifer,
Thank you so very much for the lovely Pattern. So many beautiful gifts you have shared with us all. Sounds like you all will have a wonderful Christmas eve together. God blesses me each and every day beyond measure. Just to be here and with my family is a huge gift in itself. Have a wonderful Christmas Holiday Dear. As we celebrate it and know the real meaning
Merry Christmas to you and your family!! I look forward to your postings every month. It's like having a secret sister from far away saying "Hello". My husband and I are relatively alone at the holidays as our children and grandchildren all have time with their "other side of their families". So, having you send me a Christmas greeting just means so much and I am not quite as alone as I was a minute ago. Mary Lynne
Hi Jennifer,
Loved your new Blog Spring tulips look !
hugs, take care,
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