Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Grateful, grateful, grateful...

Well, what a huge five days we just had. When I added that short update to my last blog post, just three hours after I had originally posted it, I did not yet know the full brunt of this monsoonal weather event we were only just beginning to experience.

It was 11am on Friday and Blossom and Ross had just picked up the keys for their new rental property after being without a home for a week. They were excited, we were excited, and the children - wow, they were thrilled beyond words. But just minutes after they had those keys in their hands, the monsoon fell hard. A trip that should only take them 20 minutes to their new home, took more than four hours as roads began flooding and traffic was banked up for miles. The bus company was quickly flooded in and news reports told parents they'd have to find ways to get their children from school as no buses could get there. And so it went on.

A family member living nearby gave them an air mattress, three sleeping bags, and some towels. They couldn't go anywhere once they were in the house. We couldn't do a thing that night for them other than pray - which as we know, is greatly important. The heavy rain and wild winds continued, rivers oveflowed, roads were cut off, but at 4am the next morning my sweet husband found a way back to his work in the car yard and borrowed a sturdy 4WD...then he and I filled it with as many boxes as we could, plus food, and slowly made our way to them checking for any free roadways. 

And so this went on through Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Hubby would drive out when it was safe and pick up Ross. Then they'd come back here and fill the 4WD, and if a covered trailer was available for rent, they fill that as well. Five trips on Saturday, six trips on Sunday, two on Monday...everyday starting around 4.30am. 

We still haven't been able to get the big furniture to their house as there are no trucks available to rent right now, but as soon as we can get one, they will finally have everything (though some has moulded from the rain and humidity and will need to be taken to the tip). I am so proud of Blossom, who has had to scrub that house with every ounce of energy as it was filthy when they arrived, grease over everything. And through it all, she is happy, so very happy, because God provided just as she knew He would. It's a lovely home, just hadn't been cared for, but she will change all that. They did have water flowing in through the back bedroom, which eased yesterday when the rain slowed, but the carpet had to be pulled up. And still she did not complain, but thanked the Lord for a home to care for, a place to lay their heads, and a backyard their children will love.

Whilst the dam is still at 150% full, it has come down from 175% due to regular opening of the dam gates. With another week or more of rain yet to fall, we all have to wait before doing a good clean up outside, and of course, it will take a very long time for the ground to dry out. Our hearts and prayers go out to those north of us, in the small towns that suffered, and are still suffering, the effects of extreme flooding. The highway collapsed between us and them, so they have not had the measure of help needed. Pray for them. xxx


On Saturday, whilst my husband was repairing one of the submerssible pumps in our yard (we have four, and they prevented water from coming in to the house, but they break down constantly due to the plant matter that floods into them), a very frightening gust of wind came through our yard. He had just gotten up from the pump and began walking back to the house, when a huge crack was heard and our large poinicana tree split in half, falling behind him...if he had not gotten up to come inside he would probably have died or been seriously injured. Below - that white circle with the red pump, still not fixed at the time, is where he was crouched just seconds before...

To say this was a life changing event, is an understatement. We were obviosuly shaken, as was Ross when he saw it that afternoon, and Blossom when she saw it on Monday. We praise the Lord for prompting hubby to move away. 

On Monday afternoon, during a wonderfully welcome break from the rain, he sawed off all the branches and ran them through the mulcher. This was so good because you may not see it in photos but when you walk down the yard the water is above your ankles, and adding all that tree mulch to the ground gives us a bit more support as we check on things around our quarter acre. 

Our back fence came down on Sunday after another fierce gust of wind, and the laundry ceiling (which fell through during the 2019 floods) is leaking and damp is spreading across the ceiling again. But really, we got loads done for Blossom, despite the monsoon, the flooded roads and the winds; and our home is predominantly dry inside, and nobody got hurt in all the activity that was going on within the family. 


Each night, we'd all pretty much fall into bed exhausted, but I'd spend an hour or so working on the mushroom wreath embroidery, and last night it was completed. 


I began this at just the right time. Through the past days it has been a wonderful source of creative calm, and though not what is commonly called slow-stitching, it was for me that very thing...a slow, gentle, calming experience. 
Apart from the the scattered leaf fronds, which were sttiched with two strands of thread, everything else is three strands, something I'd not done before. I needed a tapestry needle for that, and found it to be simply perfect for this project. 

As I mentioned last time, this pattern came from Yumiko Higuchi's book, Stitch of Seasons (in Japanese) or Stitching the Seasons if you can find the English version. 

Now that I am on a bit of a Japanese stitching journey, I have started on a very small project by Yula, from her book Botanical Embroidery (also in Japanese). This time I am using a blue linen background, and because even with my lightbox I was unable to trace the small design through the dark dense fabric, I decided to print it up on Sticky Fabri-Solvy. I'll be honest and tell you I really don't like this stuff, but as I am not rushed or designing much these days, I am looking on it as just another slow stitching experience and will be happy as I bring it to life. 
The fabric is darker than in the photo, but I've had it for years and think it will be beautiful with this stitchery upon completion. 

In her book, Yula has a number of tone-on-tone designs, which is what inspired me to stitch this one on a blue linen, with blue variegated thread. I love Cosmo Seasons threads in muted colours like this, and am really looking forward to displaying this in a small hoop when its finished. 

Whilst Blossom and Ross were moving, we had their two rescue cats, Howl and Kiki (pics in the previous blog post). Neither of them are very friendly, having been rescued from atrocious backgrounds, but they are not aggressive, just quiet and distant. They are indoor cats, unlike our Sophie-cat.
But Howl is desperate to get outside, much like Sophie-cat 14 years ago when we brought her home from the RSPCA. And just like her, he looks for ways to escape. His favourite places are staring out the back door, staring out the living room window, or staring out my sewing room window...

We took them home on Monday afternoon, and Blossom's dog Barnaby was thrilled. He and Howl are best buddies and immediately curled up together to get caught up on their nine days apart. ;-) 
Our Sophie cat is just happy the other two cats have gone, as she is a most unfriendly animal, except with my husband, whom she adores. During their stay here she was not allowed to visit inside because she was hissing and spitting at them through the glass door. She's 15 this year so we give her grace. ;-)

One thing I really enjoyed yesterday (Tuesday) was cleaning the house, washing and drying anything and everything that had a touch of moisture in it, and baking. I'd made food for the family during the weather event, but this was felt so normal, and we've all needed that.  Pineapple fruit cake...

Thank you again, for your prayers and kindnesses. 
I probably won't blog again till next week, but I do have something fun to share with you then, a small slow-stitching project for your own quiet hours. 

May the Lord BLESS you, always, with the greatest measure of grace, love, kindness, faith and peace. 



Lin said...

So pleased to hear that Blossom and family (and cats!) are now safely in their new home and that Blossom is working to make it their own. All that rain and flooding is just horrendous and I do feel for you with all that clean up to do, but of course you are all safe which is the main thing. Your mushroom wreath is gorgeous, beautiful stitching and I am looking forward to seeing your new piece come alive. xx

Angela said...

God bless you and continye to keep you all safe 🙏 ❤️

Anonymous said...

Good evening Jennifer,
you and your family have been in my prayers all week and I’ve been watching out for a post from you. I’m so pleased you are all safe and the damage was, I guess you could say minimal. The Lord takes care of His Own and that hedge of protection was around you all, especially when that tree came down and Blossom being able to move into her new home. Lots of work ahead of you all, so I pray for an extra potion of strength for you all. Thank you for the update and know that I will continue to pray for you all. May you all be richly blessed over these next few weeks as you return your homes to normal living and may the sun shine break through and dry things out for everyone who has come through this weather event.
Blessings Gail.

launisa said...

Je suis heureuse de savoir que votre famille a été épargnée par cette mousson. La couronne de champignons est superbe. bonne semaine said...

God is good!!! So happy your are ok. Take care.

Donna P. said...

Jennifer, I am constantly amazed ({and probably shouldn't be ;-)} at God's provision. He is faithful in every circumstance, no matter what it seems like at the time. So happy to hear everyone in your family is well and provided for. Imagine the stories to tell after this is all over of how HE brought you through. Blessings to you and yours and continued prayers.

Mrs. White said...

I have been praying for you and your family. What a blessing how the Lord took care of all of you during this dangerous time! And not only that, but he gave you all the strength to endure and to do all the work for your family. Your home is beautifully taken care of. It is wonderful to hear this testimony of God's provision and protection! It is so sweet that you embroidered when you were able to. That is so sweet, restful, and comforting. God bless you!

Kristy said...

Praise Jesus you are all safe and Blossom and her family have a new home! I have been praying for you all for days it seems! I am so glad you have made it through so far but I know it is not done yet. I will continue to pray for you all and those that have lost homes as well. I love your new stitchery. The colors are amazing and it is so adorable with the mushrooms! I am thankful you are all safe and you gave us an update today. Many blessings on you all. K-

Susan said...

Praising God for keeping you all safe and Blossom's family are in their new home. Will continue praying that the rains let up and things dry out without a lot of mold and mildew removal and repairs needed will be minimal. I am also thankful that you have a respite project. Thankful your husband was spared being hit by that tree.

Anonymous said...

Yes, to God be the glory! Continued prayers for y'all. Esther

Robin said...

Oh my goodness! What an adventure you all have had. I'm so glad your husband didn't get injured and everyone is safe.

Julie said...

Goodness me dear Jennifer - what an ordeal for you ALL. I am so pleased to read everyone is safe & housed again (including cats). Praise the Lord that you all made it safely & especially Mr E missing that tree splitting in two - goodness me that doesn't bear thinking about!
Your mushroom stitchery is just so wonderful & I think every time you look at it in the future, you will remember this monsoon & all that came with it. Take care of YOU my dear friend. Sending blessings & love x0x

Sandy said...

I am so very glad to hear the update. I pray for continued well being for all. I live in hurricane country in the U.S. so I know how awful the water can be.

Anonymous said...

Thankful you are all okay. I can’t imagine that amount of water in such a short time! God is good!

Carol said...

Thankful you are all safe. I can’t imagine so much water in such a short time. God is good!

Janice said...

Boy! Have you had the time of it. Blossom and her family must feel so blessed to have found a home when they did, as accommodation will be even tighter now. That is so scary when you see how close your hubby came to being under the tree when it fell. I’m keeping you in my prayers as this weather event continues to unfold.

Winifred said...

So glad to hear that everyone is safe and well despite your terrible weather. Lovely that Blossom is happy in her new home despite all the awful things going on around her. She's such a force nothing seems to phase her bless her. You and your husband are blessed too, your guardian angels must be working overtime looking after you all. Praying for better weather for you. Your slow stitching will be a good foil for all that stress, it is so beautiful too. God bless.

Annabel said...

What a time. I am almost speechless! I am so glad both households were not flooded but the other things like the trips back and forth in bad conditions, the near miss with the tree, poor Blossom having to clean up a home that should have already been cleaned... the list is endless. I thought I had a bad week but it is nothing in comparison! You must be so tired. Well beyond exhausted. So thank you for the update! Your stitching is so beautiful Jennifer. I hope things will ease off.... I love that pineapple cake! xxx

Anonymous said...

What a time your family has been through! What a close shave your husband had with the falling tree, so glad he wasn't injured or worse. Blossom and family must be so relieved to have a new home, she will have it clean and homely soon.
Your toadstool embroidery is stunning, handwork like that is calming isn't it. You and your husband are a wonderful support to your family. Hope you can enjoy some rest this week.

Penny in the UK

Joanne said...

Hi Jennifer,
Wow ! What ! Really ! Oh no !
I'm sitting with a cup of coffee this morning to re read, re read it again . Those 5 days must have seemed a lot longer. A miracle indeed.
Barnaby, is he named after Midzomer Murders character ?
Mushroom embroidery will be a strong reminder of these recent events. It's certainly has a story to tell.
Just refilled coffee,
Looking forward to seeing how the varigated blue works with your new project.
To record all these events on camera and in writing ,you did a fatastic job keeping it all together !
Yes, it's comforting getting back to the normal indeed.
Wishing you and your family dryer days ahead.

hugs, take care,

Mary-Louise said...

Gosh Jennifer what a very traumatic time for you all and your family. Thank you for your blog through this difficult time. I love your mushroom, Toadstools. It's beautiful. And I I have Solvey but never used it thank you. God gives us His deep Peace within our hearts XXMary-Lou

Miriam said...

We will continue to pray for you all. You made me move while reading the post. A big, big hug to you all and the mushroom embroidery is very nice and helped you in these dreadful days

Tammy said...

So very happy to read your update. I am so glad to hear they are moved in now in a home and not still having to worry about that in addition to all the crazy weather issues. Mom and I have been praying for you and your family . So happy I can call and update mom now. she keeps asking have I heard from Jenny in Austrailia yet

Anonymous said...

So glad everyone is ok! God is good! I praise God for all he has brought you and your family through. Amidst all of this, there are so many blessings too. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Your needlework is beautiful and I'm sure it keeps you centered. I think we all need something like that we can turn to when things get a little crazy.

Big Hugs!
Mary from Florida

Angie in SoCal said...

Oh my dear! How terrible the days you've been through recently. God is good!!
Blessings and prayers continue for all of you.

CarolE said...

Hi Jennifer,
I am so happy to hear that Blossom and her family have found a home to rent. God was looking out for your husband as well. You asked in your newsletter what we do when we are faced with unforeseen circumstances. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I also believe that we will never be given more than we can handle. My husband and I lost our home in the Mountain fire in California last November. We have always had a strong faith and as devastating as this has been for us, we know no matter what we will be okay. God will provide what we need. Just the simple act of praying has such a calming effect on me.
I think your embroidery is beautiful.

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Jennifer..I was so glad to see your newsletter and catch up here - I was so worried you may have been inundated with water.
Praise God for his miraculous saving of your husband's life. He is soooo good .
Isn't it such a blessing to return to the gentle rhythms of life after such disruptions. There is healing in such times.

Michelle said...

I'm praising God along with you that your husband did not get harmed. I'm so thankful that God has been watching over you and Blossom's family during this monsoon. Enjoy your slow stitching.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness in these trying times. So encouraging to read!
JAS, Texas

Robin in New Jersey said...

What a blessing to read that you are all well and safe. Thank you, Jesus!

Your stitching project is beautiful!