BOOK STUDY 2019 Gentle Domesticity

You are welcome to join the book study at any time through 2019 and you don't need the book as I'm sharing snippets of every chapter.

The weekly blog posts are listed below. Just click on the week number to start...

one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten

eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - fifteen - sixteen - seventeen - eighteen - nineteen - twenty - twenty-one - twenty-two - twenty-three - twenty-four - twenty-five - twenty-six - ...

UPDATE: From the beginning of May I have changed the book study posts to fortnightly.


Deb said...

I'm coming late to the party but reading over the past post while I read each section of the book will bring me up to speed. Thank you.

Bonni said...

I have been following your journey in the "Gentle Art of Domesticity" and decided that I need to order the book. Thank you for enlarging my Verizon with your snippets and thoughts from the book.

Mias Land said...

Dear Jenny,

A Kisses from Brasilian designer and housewife.
Always be happy as you are!
Asta Wallab -