It's still bucketing rain, and I still have my migraine. :-(
However, let us not dwell on the negatives, but look to the brighter things each day brings...
A rainbow.
A Christmas in July gift package all finished and wrapped, ready to be posted to the USA next week.

A Paper Bag Swap package all finished and packed, AND posted today!
And a new pattern found in an old magazine!
On spying it at the local patchwork shop I borrowed it, brought it home, and traced it out ready to sew on the trip.
It's says exactly how I feel. My true love, (hubby!) has had to do most of the cleaning of the house so that it is ready to be inspected tomorrow. He has scrubbed windows, light fittings, the oven, ceiling fans, and weeded between the bricks in the drive-way. Due to the tendonitis in my hand I cannot set my wrist in certain positions nor put pressure on the joint - but not once did he complain, just asked "What else can I do for you, sweetie?". Yes, he is indeed my True Love.
It is now just 37 hours until we leave Esperance forever. Only 98 hours till we see our children.
The days have passed, and you kept me company. You have no idea how wonderful that has been!
{{{{Hugs to every one of you!}}}}
PS: Anna asked if I could see an acupuncturist about my migraines. They are triggered by things like high winds, stress, hormones and chocolate, Anna. I have had everything except the chocolate lately...maybe I should have that chocolate after all. ;-)
However, let us not dwell on the negatives, but look to the brighter things each day brings...
A rainbow.
A Paper Bag Swap package all finished and packed, AND posted today!

It's says exactly how I feel. My true love, (hubby!) has had to do most of the cleaning of the house so that it is ready to be inspected tomorrow. He has scrubbed windows, light fittings, the oven, ceiling fans, and weeded between the bricks in the drive-way. Due to the tendonitis in my hand I cannot set my wrist in certain positions nor put pressure on the joint - but not once did he complain, just asked "What else can I do for you, sweetie?". Yes, he is indeed my True Love.
It is now just 37 hours until we leave Esperance forever. Only 98 hours till we see our children.
The days have passed, and you kept me company. You have no idea how wonderful that has been!
{{{{Hugs to every one of you!}}}}
PS: Anna asked if I could see an acupuncturist about my migraines. They are triggered by things like high winds, stress, hormones and chocolate, Anna. I have had everything except the chocolate lately...maybe I should have that chocolate after all. ;-)
You look after that man good ones are hard to find :-) No Really Bless him .
Wont be long for you all now stay safe.
Bless you, Jenny!
Your hubby certainly is a keeper! But then I suspect he thinks that about his gorgeous wife, too!
If we don't chat before your travels, have a safe journey sweetheart! Thinking of you!
Hugs and love
Vikki :-) xoxo
Jenny, I think I'm starting to have sympathy pains for you. Sure wish thhose headaches would leave you. You Dh is definitely a keeper! Sending you extra hugs,
Dear Jenny, I'm so sorry you still have migraine. I suffer from migraine too and I know how painful it can be.
Hope you get well soon.
Tell your husband he has just won the first price as "HUBBY OF THE YEAR" :)
Dear Jenny, I'm so sorry you still have migraine. I suffer from migraine too and I know how painful it can be.
Hope you get well soon.
Tell your husband he has just won the first price as "HUBBY OF THE YEAR" :)
Jenny, you are truly blessed with such a wonderful hubby. Could mine get a blood transfusion from yours? Mine doesn't have the trainable gene or the do a chore without being nagged gene...he's hopeless but lovable regardless LOL.
Yes, your hubby sounds like a great guy. Hope you get to feeling better.
It is tough to have migraines. I have had them too. (hormonal)
What a sweetie you have. I hope that you plan on keeping him for a long time. I am sorry that you still have your migraine. I think maybe the stress of moving has a lot to do with it. I hope that your tendonitis improves so that you can use your hand on the trip to get some embroidery done. Get some rest it is almost time to go. Colleen
Hubby sounds so wonderful jenny, you are a lucky girl. Not long till you are all reunited..... and go be a devil eat chocolate. hugz xxx
If we dont get to chat while you travel, take care, be safe and may angels carry you both with soft wings.
Bright Blessings
Happy and safe travels Jen. I like the new cherry look for the blog BTW!
Will look forward to hearing from you when you get where you're going..... (is that double-dutch, or what??!!).
Fee x
Another beautiful rainbow!!! Glorious! Rest and relax!!! Cathy
Well at least you know what brings on the migraines! Low pressure systems and aged cheese does it in for me :-( Can't eat bleu cheese dressing and such. Sounds like you have a keeper of a hubby :-)
(((((Jenny)))) What a hubby you have - may God bless him mightily for his faithful servant's heart. Be safe, enjoy your stitching, I already can't wait til you're back! I wish I could be there to help you.
He is definately a keeper Jenny :)
I am so glad to have met you IRL I just wish it had been a bit sooner.
Its not long to go before you see your treasures again and your new adventure begins. How exciting.
Oh my Jenny! Having a migraine added to your last few days there is not good. Not good at all! I hope it dissipates for you soon... Especially for your long drive!
What a sweetie your hubby is for you... Sounds like you are blessed as I am with such a good man. 8-)
A wonderful tute on that little pincushion... I laughed at your making do with your bathroom counter-top. Any surface will do when needed! 8-)
37 hours sounds much shorter than 2 days... I can feel your excitement... 8-)
Safe and happy travels to you and yours Jenny!
God bless!
Buon viaggio Jenny!
Happy travel Jenny!
Your Hunney sounds like mine. One of the very best.
Counting the hours with you.
Praying for a safe journey for you and your husband.
Safe travels!
You have a gem of a gent! I reckon you know that already.
God bless!
The true love stitchery is lovely! It is so wonderful when hubbys are such a help. Looking forward to seeing what is inside your Christmas in July swap parcel.....*grin* it's most exciting sending something, wondering what the other person will think!
So sorry you still have that awful migraine Jenny ... hope it goes away soon!! You've been truly blessed with your lovely hubby - but I bet you know that :o)!!
Joy :o)
It has flown by Jen and I cant believe you are just about ready to hop in your car and head have a safe trip and take lots of photos on the way :) Your sweet hubby is definately one to keep :) He sounds like a real sweet man.
I do like the Penny Edged doily you found in the book..its great. If thats what it is. You and me both have a thing for those edges.
Hugs hugs :)
Hi Jenny--Those headaches will go away as soon as you get on the road--at least I sure hope so--you have so many projects to work on while on the road--and a great reunion at the other end to look forward to!! Do you "hire" out your DH????? Tell him I said" thanks for all the help is to you--he's an angel" for sure. I got 2 more shabby rose blocks done and will start on #6, the boot tonight when I get off this--it's all ready to go--I will be posting pictures of the blocks done as soon as I finish this--take care and I pray you are well soon--hugs, just, Di
Oh Jenny, I feel so sad about your migraine, would offer to have it for you if I could as I have the time to put up with one at the moment but I must say its been 7 weeks (touch wood) since I had one, I can't believe it. The doctor put be onto some meds to take at night to try to prevent them and maybe they're doing their thing.
You look after yourself. Your husband is a lucky man having you and he obviously thinks he's pretty lucky having you also. We are lucky to be able to have such wonderul men in our lives aren't we.
bigs hugs hun. xx
Jenny,best wishes for your health,hope it improves. I am a bit curious,no a lot curious which book did that cute pattern come from? I hope you have safe travels.enjoy the journey across the country.
Sounds to me that you two sweeties were made for each other.
Have a safe journey, we'll all be here for you when you're ready to log back into the blogoverse :-)
Hi Jenny,
I hope you will get rid of your migraine soon! I have it once in a while and my doctor gave me triptan to cope with it, and it helped me, maybe you can ask for that at the pharmacy.
Take care
Hope that your migraine goes away soon! Lovely pic of the rainbow! Have a great time and be safe in your travels!!
Cindy Mae
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