Friday, July 31, 2009

He got the traineeship!

Thanks everyone, for your prayers and best wishes for Slicer's test - the news has just come in, HE GOT THE TRAINEESHIP!!! \o/\o/
The employer was impressed with his appearance, his confidence, his well spoken manner, and his determination to follow his dream - and he passed the test with flying colours. I'm so proud of him. :-)
I've been battling another migraine the last couple of days and I'm afraid it's still lingering, so this blog post will be brief...however, I wanted to share my latest bunch of roses and carnations. For those who have followed my blog for a while you'll know that I adore roses, and before we moved here I always had cut roses in vases around my house to inspire me and to fill the visible space with beauty. I can't cut my own roses anymore but I was blessed to find these lovelies, mixed with pretty pink carnations, in town the other day. I have decided that each week I'll refresh the vase in my sewing room with new blooms so that the beauty of Creation is ever by my side, and hopefully in time I'll once again be growing my own roses.

A parcel arrived yesterday with a gift I've been promising myself since January - a fat quarter bundle! This is Nature's Chorus by April Cornell and I have loved it from the moment I set eyes upon it, but I have been a good girl and held back from purchasing it until after we moved.
I'm not a big purchaser of yardage, but I love fat quarter bundles because I make small projects mostly and I love the way all the colours compliment each other allowing me to mix and match a wide range of prints.
I have so many projects in mind for Nature's Chorus!!

Between being a casual boarding supervisor here at the school, and battling migraines, I have been able to finish another new design...only a few more and all will be revealed to you, but for now another sneak peek to share. :-)

Don't forget, tomorrow I will be sharing blocks 7 and 8 of Shabby Roses!!!
I hope you love them as much as the previous six. :-) The yardage requirements for the quilt top will also be given tomorrow - then you can go shopping!



Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your migraine Jenny. I suffer from them too, so I know how you feel!! I am pleased to hear your son got the traineeship, an answer to prayer. Can't wait to see block 7 & 8 of the shabby roses quilt tomorrow. I hope you are feeling better by then!!!

Allie said...

PRAISE GOD!!!!! That is such good news - congratulate him for me!

I'm so sorry you're battling a migraine - I've been doing the battle too. Your roses are lovely, sweetie. And so is your parcel! How very Jenny that fabric is.

Good timing on the new blocks, I finished "give" tonight. Love the sneak peek. Please get some rest and peace and quiet, dear one. I'm praying your migraine leaves quickly.

Vicki ♥ said...

Jen I do wish for your migrane to go away and not come back. I absolutely love you gorgeous fabric you indulged in, they are delightful. Tell your son congrats and it's really good news he got the traineeship. hugs hug Vicki

Anonymous said...

I hope your migraine is better soon, I know just how awful they are. Congrats to Slicer.........
Well I'm off to work now, its friday yippee. Take care and rest. hugz xxx

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Slicer ...Great Job.Hope your head gets better soon Jenny & a lovely fabric bundle there...
have a good weekend

Sew Useful Designs said...

Fantastic news for Slicer! Bless him! :-) Please pass on my congratulations!

I'm sorry to hear you've had those awful migraines again Jenny... hope you are well again soon. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch as much as usual, just been very busy.

I LOVE the new fabrics... and that sneak peak is looking tempting! Is that stem stitch? Just beautiful stitching, Jen!

Lots of love, catch you soon!
Love and hugs, Vikki xoxo

Deb said...

Yahoo Jenny, how wonderful for your son, such great news. I am so sorry to hear about your migraine. My 10 week run ran out 2 days ago, but thankfully it was short lived and I think it maybe because of a sinus infection. I hope you are feeling much better quickly hun.
I absolutely adore thoise fabrics, yummy, I could do so much with them , I love those colours. I so agree with your decision to have flowers in your sewing room, they are so inspiring. That is one thing I continue to do since my Mum passed away as we used to take turns buying the weekly flowers if there were none in the garden. They have a way of making us smile.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Congrats to Slicer! Hope your head is better soon. Looking forward to the new blocks tomorrow.

Country Nanny said...

Dear Jenny, I'm so happy for Slicer! Congratulations!!!! :)
I'm so sorry for your migraine. I suffer from migraine too and I know how terrible it could be. Get well soon!

Di said...

Dear Jenny
How wonderful for your son!

I am saddened to hear of your continued migraines. As a fellow sufferer, I offer two potential solutions. Firstly the no drug method -> rub good quality peppermint oil and lavender oil on the forehead and lie down in a darkened room with a cool flannel on the brow. Secondly a non homeopathic solution, 1000mg Aspirin and 2 panadeine. Lie down, darkened room and cool damp flannel on the brow.
May your head clear, and your days brighten. Di xx

Shari said...

Hope you are better soon! And glad to see you've treated yourself to some new fabric - they look lovely. And a big congratulations to your son! You must feel very proud...

A Bit of the Blarney said...

My heartiest congratulations to your son and wishing you well SOON! Cathy

Evas Passion said...

wonderful that your son got the traineeship!!!!!great!!!sorry about that you got migraine!!!i've had it 3' terrible!!!we go in vacation for two weeks tomorrow,so i cant follow you for a while!!!hope you have a good time and i will visit you when i'm back!!!

Colleen's Blog Long Island NY said...

Hope that your migraine is better soon. I suffer from them also, so I can sympathize. Congratulations to Slicer. Your parenting has helped him achieve his goal.

Janice said...

Well done Slicer! He must be thrilled. The new fabrics are devine. I think you will have great fun creating with them. I hope your migraine goes quickly.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Huge congratulations to your son!!! Migraines are nasty business. Fortunately I have very few of them. They do tend to take you out of commission for a couple of days. Be well and enjoy your roses.

Judith Tetley said...

Oh dear migraine's are "not nice" so I hope yours fades away very soon Jennie. Congratulations to your son on gaining a training position, without a doubt your love and guidence as a mother shone through, I'm sure.
I am in love with your new fabrics!Cannot wait to see what you do with them...your energy is inspirational.

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations to Slicer. The flowers are so lovely. What a sweet breath of beauty they share.

Crispy said...

Hooray for Slicer!!!! Love the fabric and those darn sneak peeks LOL. Take care of your head Jenny


Maggey and Jim said...

So sorry bout the migrane, my daughter has them also. Not fun. Your work is so inspiring and can hardly wait for the rest.First it was just something to do with hands while I watched tv but then fell in love and wanted to do all. Praying for easing on the head now.

paulette said...

Hi Jenny,
Hope you're feeling better! We have a lot in common-a love of roses and Nature's Chorus fabric. I am making a hexagon quilt out of mine. Very pretty. I just got a free yard of it from the Buggy Barn. I spent too much $$$ so they took pity on me! ha ha
Take care! Paulette

Lurline said...

I'm thrilled for Slicer and the whole family, Jenny! Hope tomorrow is pain free, God bless, I will check back!
Hugs - Lurline♥

darcey said...

Oh, Jenny. So sorry about the migraines. The worst part is the frustration at being limited in your daily activities. Congrats on the traineeship and your new home.

Terri said...

PTL!!! I'm so happy he got it!!
I'm terribly sorry about those pesky migrains.
Now I love your new fabric.....have fun dreaming up your plans for it.

Sarah - Kala said...

I love AC's fabrics! I have a table cloth that resembles the blue you have there with the larger redish florals . . . if there are birds on it, that look rather oriental in a way, then we match! I like fabric, too. Hope you feel better soon and congrats to slicer!!!!!

God bless you and give you your good health. Love your peeks! Can't wait to see it all in full colour.

Leslie said...

Sorry to her about your migraine, Jenny! Hope you feel better very soon!

Congrats to your son, too!

I'm stalking your blog, waiting for Shabby Roses 7&8! LOL Like I don't have enough to do

Have a great day :)


DIDI said...

Congratulations to your son!
And I wish you a quick recovery of your migranes (at home we know how torrible they are), try to get yourself some rest for a few days. I also love flowers although I don't do gardening (I haven't got the time!)
The sneak peek looks great, enjoy your new fabric!

Jude said...

I'm sopleased foryour son and can't wai until tomorrow!!!

Julia said...

I'm still catching up Jenny..
Congrats to Slicer...migraines are the worst..hope your better now!
Julia ♥

jugglingpaynes said...

I feel like I'm coming late to the party, but I want to add my congratulations to Slicer! I had no doubt that he would get it. :o)

I hope your migraine has ebbed a bit. I had a nasty one today. It coincided with a big storm system. Feeling better now.

Peace and Laughter,

Miriam said...

Congratulations to your son getting his traineeship. IT is a great career! You should be very proud of Slicer!

I certainly hope your migraine has passed now and you are feeling well recovered.

I loooove your flowers!!! Yellow roses are my absolute favourite (hence my blog name!!) Fresh flowers inside are wonderful.

love your new fabrics!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Congratulations to your son such exciting news....and so sorry to read you have not been well.