Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sneak peeks....and Di's challenge for August

Today has been a busy one so far and it's only lunchtime!
Almost 17yo son, Slicer, is sitting a test to gain a traineeship in IT and I have been praying non-stop that it comes through - this is his dream, and we all want out children to achieve their dreams - but we've also been rushing about town organising paperwork all morning and I hope he is relaxed enough right now to think. He is sitting the test right this minute!

The last few days I've been fine-tuning some new designs, Christmas themed stitcheries that have an air of fun and delight about them. Thought I'd share a couple of sneak peeks with you....

I have about 8 designs that I'm finishing, but it will be another week before I can show you the whole lot. :-)
Be patient, my friends...they will be worth it. I'll even share a free Christmas design with you that may come in handly for the challenge I've written about below....
Do you find that you rush about in November and December trying to make and finish all those lovely handmade presents and decorations you vowed you'd have done early this year? I know I do, so I've signed up at Di's blog for her Christmas in August Challenge.
The plan is to finish 3 Christmas items in August - now, that's not hard is it? Well.....let's just say I could use this challenge right now!! I *really* want to be prepared this year with gifts, no chasing my tail in the last weeks. ;-)

Now, I must away and prepare dinner early. Tonight I am on duty in the girl's dorm and won't be home to eat with my family. I think a nice chicken and pasta salad with honey mustard dressing will do them nicely...



Country Nanny said...

Hi Jenny. Here is breakfast time. This morning I have to go to Florence(I study in Florence): how you can imagine I'm happy because it's a very wonderful town, but it's also very hot...I hope I will survive the high tempertures!!
You're sneak peack make me wonder!!! Hope to see the whole project soon!
I whish Slicer could realize his dream. Here in Italy when you have an exam use to say "In bocca al lupo" which means "In the moouth of the wolf" and you have to answer "Crepi!" which means "I hope the wolf dies"...poor wolf ;)
Now I have to left you...I have a train waiting for me!
Chicken and pasta salad? May I come there for dinner?

Anonymous said...

What lovely stitcheries Jenny and so well stitched. Would I like such a close up of my work?? I don't think so. Can't wait to see them finished!!

Isabella said...

Oh Jenny wish I'd known earlier about D/S exam but will still pray now. have fun in the girls dorm, just been sitting here stitching my second set of Shabby Rosies :-)

Anonymous said...

Right now, it is 7am. the start of my day....
GOOD LUCK Slicer with your exam.
Bright Blessings xxx

Lurline said...

Best wishes to Slicer and looking forward to Chrissie stitcheries!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I'll put in a good word for slicer before I go to bed this evening.

You are a tease with your photos :0)

Sarah - Kala said...

That dinner sounds awesome. I'm making mine chicken salad sarnies for dinner tomorrow. The chicken is ready, I just need to assemble. :)

Can't wait to see your Christmas designs!

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hi Jenny! :-)

Ahhh, I'm thinking of Slicer and wishing him well!

Have fun tonight, I'm sure it's great to get to know the girls that Blossom goes to school with. And I'm sure the air is filled with lots of giggling, squeeling and boy talk!

LOVE the designs - you little tease! he he he... Can't wait to see them in full glory.

Hugs and love!
Vikki xoxo

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Hi Jenny,
Hoping Slicer does ok. Looking foorward to your xmas designs. Have a nice day.

carole ann said...

good luck to Slicer, keeping good thoughts for him, and I cannot wait to see the Xmas projects. Oh and thanks for the heads up about Di's challange, just the push I needed.

Grateful Gramma said...

Hope all went well with your son's test!

Your stitchwork is so beautiful and even. Any advice for a relative beginner? When I'm doing a backstitch, I either seem to get slanted stitches (when I'm "positive" that I've gone back in the same hole) or the size varies a lot because I'm trying to make a curve not look like a sharp corner.

Crispy said...

I have all my fingers and toes cross for Slicer...I'm sure he will do fine.

Chicken pasta salad sounds wonderful, I think I'll make that for our supper tonight, I like to put cherries, grapes and nuts in our salad and use a raspberry vinegarette...thanks for the idea :0)


Abby and Stephanie said...

Great little sneak peeks. Good luck to your son.

Yes, last year rushing was NOT fun. The Christmas in July swap got me motivated to start earlier!

Jocelyn said...

Hope Slicer did well on his exam. It can be so nerve wracking.

Leslie said...

Di's idea is a good one! Every year I wait until the last minute and I'm working like an idiot the week before Christmas to finish everything and end up not getting it all done. This past year I started a month early but it still wasn't quite enough. I found myself sick of stitching...something I thought would never happen! LOL

I can't wait to see your little designs that you were sharing a peak of. I know everything will be wonderful because you do such great work :)

It's a rainy day here in central Pennsylvania. I wanted to paint or stitch but instead I'm baking chocolate chip and white chocolate chip cookies and preparing to make stuffed cabbage for dinner!

Have a great day!


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Hi Jen...good luck to your son I just love your sneak peaks..

Chookyblue...... said...

hope the exam went well........goodluck getting some xmas projects done

Allie said...

I'm sure he's done by now, seeing as how you posted this 21 hours ago - I hope and pray he did well! Love the sneak peek - so very Christmassy! I won't join any Christmas challenges - last year everyone got quilts from me and this year we're buying gifts. I'm sure there are a lot of bargains out there. I'm fresh out of things to make for gifts!


Hi Jenny--Thank you for joining my Christmas challenge--I always say I will start in Sept. but then I get carried away with fall and fall colors and there is just not enough time between Thanksgiving and Christmas to get all the Christmas done and yet have some time to really enjoy the holiday--and for some reason July is too early for me--I am just into summer things!!!
Pray that Slicer did well--have a great day--hugs, just, Di

CindyMae said...

Can not wait to see the rest of your new designs. Your sneak peaks look fatnastic!

Evas Passion said...

Very nice the challenge about finishing 3 christmas work in august.Sad that i go in vacation on saturday,then i come home 15 august....if not i could also try year!!can't wait to see what you are working on.....
have a nice day!!!

Bec said...

Oh my gosh Jenny 8 projects! You HAVE been SO busy alongside moving across the country too! Looking forward to seeing you in print.....

Pam Marshall said...

What a delightful blog.