Friday, January 8, 2010

The giveaway prize will be....and the ~Bouquet~ Flickr group!

Thank you for all the wonderful compliments on ~Bouquet~!
Have you begun to stitch Block 1 yet? I have set up a Flickr group for you to upload photos of your completed ~Bouquet~ blocks HERE. I can't wait to see them, so please make sure to share your handiwork on the group!
Have you left a comment on THIS post to enter my giveaway?
Well, today I will tell you what you will be receiving if you are the lucky winner drawn next Monday!
I love French General - the fabrics, the stationary, the books! I love French country decrating too! So what will I share for the giveaway?

Kaari Meng's gorgeous book, "Home Sewn"!
Now...if you haven't entered the giveaway, you'd best leave that comment, eh?


I promised you days ago a photo of the shelf Mr Elefantz built for me in the sewing room...

It has made such a difference! Now I have more space on the sewing table for my cutting mats - so much easier to work with. What a sweetheart I have in him!

Stay close to this blog tomorrow....I have FOUR new designs to show you!! For now though, I'll go back to working on that secret project for later this year (while the rain pelts the roof and cools the house). Isn't it lovely to stitch while you listen to the beat of the rain?



Vicki ♥ said...

Well how about that....I am first to comment :) I have been eyeing this book off for some time now Jen and think I am in love :) hehehe...YOur darling man is a treasure thats for sure. The shelf looks great :)

Abby and Stephanie said...

I saw your block yesterday...another beauty. I didn't enter as I don't do hand sewing so I just admire your work. Generous giveaway.

Diane H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pia said...

I have just find out your blogg and wow, here I´ll be a lot!! Much of lovely things....

Veri said...

I'm stitching your wonderful BOM ! Thanks for sharing and have a nice day - Veri

dream quilt create said...

Wow, that French Country fabric is gorgeous! I would love to make a quilt for my bed in those colors and prints. I have never made a king size quilt, just throws and appliques and baby quilts. I shouldn't say just...... :)

Graciela said...

Hi Jenny!!!!!!!!!! que hermoso regalo!!!!!!!!! thanks for the giveaway!
I love your design,

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Jenny....Happy New Year to you, hope you have a great 2010!!! Your shelf would make all the difference...I know as I had my Hubby put one up for me...
Your giveaway is very generous...I too have fallen in love with that fabric and bought myself some...and that book would top it off nicely...Dzintra♥x

Robin in New Jersey said...

Oh my goodness, that fabric is beautiful!

I am still working on your last BOM. I will be lucky to finish it by the end of 2010!

Dawn said...
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Dawn said...

I hav'nt started stiching this gorgeous block yet... maybe next week with my friend... we will do it together...lovely rain... nice relief from the heat....the shelf looks fab... Hugs Dawn x x x

FlourishingPalms said...

Lovely designs, Jenny! And I'd love to listen to rain on the roof while I stitch...instead of the howling wind, and KNOWING it's blowing more snow (33", 83cm so far this winter season) and making for white-out conditions. The only thing this weather is good for is making quilts!

Sue from sunny Cyprus said...

Hi Jenny

Please enter me for your generous giveaway. I am also about to start block 1 of Bouquet. The whole quilt is just divine. Thank you for sharing your wonderful designs with us.
Love, Sue from Cyprus x x x

Denysem said...

Hi Jenny,
I've started to sew my block 1. That generous offer, I would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jen, that shelf looks great!!
It is good you have a handy man, my DH is very handy too. The book is a great giveaway - please put me in the draw --------------


QuiltPeace said...

Just discovered your blog - Happy New Year and Happy Sewing.
The giveaway looks delicious...haven't embroidered in years but might consider your BOM it is so lovely

paulette said...

Hi Jenny,
As usual you don't disappoint! LOVE the new BOM! And I thought Christmas was over!! PLEASE throw my name into your give away hat~ I would love to win!! Thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Brazilian. I am amazed at your art is very beautiful. I made a post talking about your blog. I love your design.

Unknown said...

I forgot, the link of my blog is

Hazel said...

The fabric is beautiful you are so generous with your giveaways .Thank You .I can't wait to get started on you new BOM soon as the snow stops I need to run out for the fabric ,I really enjoyed the Shabby Rose one .

Janet said...

I want to win. lol You are such a busy designer I don't know how you have time to blog, design, sew and do all you do. I so enjoy keeping up with you and I look forward to all your projects of 2010. Love the shelf. I need some shelving in my room. So much stuff and can't find what I need when I want it. I am a little addicted to quilting stuff and I know it. Quilting stuff and read ing quilting blogs. I need to get more sewing in there. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Mercy, what a giveaway! I would like to be entered, I can always dream can't I, grin!

I love the new block, and since I loved the shabby roses glad they have appeared in your new bom.

^A^ngel said...

Hi Jenny! First of all >...Happy New Year!! May this 2010 be bless with health, love and prosperity!

Now...thanks for the beautiful BOM...will start today on that...The General Fabric are gorgeous...So hanks for the giveaway too and the opportunity to win...



SandyN said...

I am one of many who enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for your giveaway.

God bless

Sandy N

Kim D. said...

Hi Jenny, Happy New Year.. Wonderful shelf your dh made. Love the French General fabric and bought a few pieces lately, plus some charm packs. Would love to be entered to win the book for ideas. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, Do you think you ever got enough space? I have a big rtoom for all my stuff but it´s hard to get organised.
My SHABBY ROSES top is finished but I don´t know about the borders yet.
We have lots of snow and real cold -20 degrees below C
Love your blog
Louise D

pojeda said...

Great shelf! Your husband is definitely a keeper!
I would love to win this book! I have been watching this book for a while, but have been putting off buying it.

I have downloaded the first block, and I love this BOM!

Keep up your wonderful work!

Hugs and love!

Denise said...

Jenny, your blog is terrific, so many interesting projects. I really like your embroidery BOM's with the little bit of floral fabric in them. I am still working on Shabby Rose.

Unknown said...

Just love your blog, I can't stay away. Love to covet that book. Sign me up, please.

pippirose said...

What a beautiful new BOM block!
And that fabric...just gorgeous!

WoolenSails said...

I love their fabrics, all my favorite shades.
That would make such a beautiful quilt.


Midge E. said...

Hi Jenny, You have inspired me to start stitching again after many years. Your BOM is beautiful, please enter me in the drawing...
Glad to see you got your shelf up!!

sharon said...

Very nice of you to have this giveaway, the book looks wonderful. Checked out your etsy shop and must say --you make some beautiful things, gorgeous stitching! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Wow! I love those French fabs...oh so gorgeous! I know that I've left a comment before, but figure it won't hurt to holla out again...I really would love to win this giveaway! Really nice!

Maggi said...

Thank you for the first block. I have just printed it off ready to transfer tomorrow when it's light again. Would love to be entered in the giveaway. Almost like fabric a woman can never have enough shelves.

Cattinka said...

The shelve looks so lovely, your room is very organized.... and I´d love to win that book, it looks very nice.

Allie said...

Jenny my girl, what a fab prize you're offering! Your shelf is lovely, hubby did a wonderful job and it looks so pretty! Send him over, I need some shelves too. *G* But only if you come with him.

Four new designs, I can't wait! I love stitching while the rain is falling, or the snow. Glad it's cooling the house for you!

Patty said...

Oh, I would love to have that book. I glanced thru it at a quilt store, but thought I should wait to get it since I bought enough of the fabric to make myself a quilt.

kaari Meng said...

Love that oyu are giving away our book, Home Sewn, in your giveaway! Thanks - if you want, I'll send you some of our new line . Rural Jardin, for your next giveaway. Just e-mail me at

Kaari Meng

Ruthie's Place said...

Hello Jenny,
What a beautiful new block, thank you. Is Mr. Elefantz free to pop over here and put up a couple of shelves- LOL. Keep him close.
Warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenny - I haven't seen that book up here in Canada! I'd love to win it! And I love the block, too! I have it saved; need to find the right fabric first!
Aren't shelves the BEST?? DH built me a couple in our last couple of homes, and I loved them. Now we are renting, and can only put a few small holes in the walls, so I am without :( Oh, well. I know you will truly appreciate them.

Gerda in Alberta, Canada

Deb said...

Jenny, how do you get away with such a small shelf??? I need bookcases!!-lol.
They do make such a difference in our little areas don't they and it is so much nicer to sew on an uncluttered desk-must get onto that, msg to self-unclutter desk!!

Janice said...

You won't know yourself with a new shelf. Room to move, and the little bits and pieces still easy to access. Your special man has done well. The book is a very generous gift.

Di said...

Your generosity continues and we your blog pals appreciate this. Have a few projects to complete before starting another one. Love the shelf.
Would love the book!

Margaret said...

G,Day Jenny, I haven't started block 1 yet still drooling over it. The gorgeous bag I made from the Christmas stitcherie gets fair comment where ever I am. I too would love that book.

Dricca Kastrup said...

Jenny, your blog is so cool !!!

I´ll keep an eye over here, for sure !

Sorry my poor english, ok?


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I haven't started Bouquet yet, but am off to find the fabrics. I am so jealous - what an organised craft room!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Jenny,
Gosh, you do have a great handy man-that shelf looks good!

Ah, that rain must sound wonderful while stitching away and cooling the house down.
Enjoy your weekend!

Jude said...

I like the shelf and will have to get DH to put one up for me. Your new BOM looks great and will be starting it soon. i would love to win the book and heres hopong I can be lucky.

patty D'Elia said...

I don't expect to win as I never do but I do want to say thanks again for such a lovely pattern. I have my first block started and am taking my time so each stitch is perfect. I think this will be one of those heirlooms!
Teddybear hugs, Patty

Kathy Raker said...

How sweet of DH to make a shelf for you. Your bouquet BOM is adorable. Anxious to see the four new designs. Would love the chance to win the book.

Debbie said...

I just discovered your blog through the Painted Quilt and love it! I just downloaded the BOM..thank you so much. Would love a chance to win...I have been eyeing that book for a while. :)


Sylvia said...

What a very kind giveaway. I was just admiring that book in an ad in the recent Homespun. Looks wonderful.

Debbie said...

I would love to win the fabric, thanks for your generous heart. I love "Bouguet" can't wait to work on it.

chary said...


Libster said...

nice new stitcheries too! I love shelves, dont think you can ever have enough shelves!

noga said...

great book, love to try it!
thank you

Heike said...

Hi Jenny, what a beautiful new stitching block. And a great giveaway - wow. I'm going to stitch the shabby roses this year. And perhaps I've enough time for the new bouquet.
Have a nice day

pamdux said...

the blocks are beautiful and i can't wait to finish thank you for your hard work

Jennifer said...

I just love your designs - the roses are divine. Looking forward to starting block one.

Melinda said...

A lovely generous giveawy. Count me in!

lisa3 said...

jenny, thank you for all the beautiful patterns you create and share with us. i'd love to win the book you are giving away. please, keep me in mind. it is wonderful to be blessed with our faith and a beautiful husband, isn't it?! yay for us and for others who share the same blessings.

liloca, liloquinha said...

I am one of many who enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for your giveaway.

God bless

Patricia Lessell said...

Please enter me for your giveaway if I'm not too late. I love your designs and just have to look at your BOMs
Patti x

Flutterbymiss said...

Thanks for your new BOM. Last years was great and this one is certainly up there too. Thanks for sharing your talent. Would you mind including me in your draw please.. I just got myself a google account especially. Thanks kindly