Saturday, February 6, 2010

February Challenge giveaway prize...and something dreamy.

You've been so patient waiting to see what the giveaway prize will be for the February Binding Challenge - thank you! Today I can show you...
...a bundle of French General's "Rural Jardin" woven stripes and checks (donated by the lovely designer Kaari Meng!), and a lovely French inspired lavender sachet I made incorporating my design 'Rainbird' on the front and stitched on some of the Rural Jardin fabric. I used vintage cotton lace as well, and some lovely old silk ribbon - French General fabrics always transport me back in time so I wanted to make something reflective of the simple 'olde world' days in the sachet.
To enter this giveaway you'll need to make something from your scrap binding strips (or scrap strips that you have doubled lengthwise to resemble binding) - you can read the original Challenge post here. Once you've completed your item please add a photo to your blog and leave a comment to let me know about it. If you don't have a blog please email me a photo. :-)
The next issue of Homespun will contain a special project of mine that brings our thoughts to wishes, hopes and dreams. Here is a small sneak peek...
You'll have to wait for the magazine to be in the newstand before I show you any more of my project, but I can show you a companion project I finished this week, something that will be a perfect match if you wanted to make a set. 
It's a journal cover for a record of all your hopes, dreams, prayers and wishes.
I even used a piece of scrap binding leftover from the Homespun project to make the bookmarker, so I can add that to my Binding Challenge ideas this month. 
I haven't decided whether to make up a pattern to sell for the journal cover yet. It will depend on whether there is enough interest in it. But for me, I have the secret Homespun project and the journal duo, so I can begin to write down all those wonderful dreams I have that bring hope to my soul, and plot a path to my future...
Do you record your hopes and dreams? What is the thing you hope for most of all in your life?




JENNY-- you make me "dizzy" with all that you get done and you even have a family to care for---I am jealous!!!!
Love the "sneak" peaks!!! they look so beautiful--congrats on them being printed!!!
Isn't time for you to go to the kitchen and bake something--to give the rest of us some catch up time????
Hugs, and Smiles--Di

Jeanette said...

Hi Jenny, i love the journal cover. I do hope you will consider making it a pattern. Can't wait to see your project in the Homespun magazine. Hugs, Jeanette

Dolores said...

Jenny, your journal cover is gorgeous. I do not record my hopes and dreams but there is one thing that I would love and that is grandchildren. One day...

FIONA said...

Lovely fabrics Jenny! I love your projects - they are always inspiring! Congratulations on the beautiful work and praise God for your wonderful gift! xx

Allie said...

What a lovely prize, Jenny - making me wish I could join the challenge! Your project for the magazine looks wonderful, and I LOVE your journal cover - yes please make a pattern!

I record mine as I think of them, but I don't have a nice journal [hint hint, we need the pattern] to record them in and my lists get scattered and pitched. The one thing I hope most for? For my children to love and serve the Lord with all their hearts and minds.

allsewnup said...

What a lovely journal cover. I should put my hopes and dreams on paper to remind myself at those times when things are spinning out of control. This will make a wonderful gift for a young friend of mine that will soon have to endure major back surgery and will be laid up for a number of weeks.
The prize fabric is gorgeous and I am pulling out my pieces and getting "zee little grey cells warmed up" for your challenge!!


Maggey and Jim said...

What a beautiful journal..It is so dainty and petite..I love the florals and the design you put on it.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Always pretty things to see here. I record funny-isms...things my children said when they were little and lots of what we call Grandpa-isms. My dad has lots of funny sayings. My biggest hope, like all moms, is that my children live a life filled with good health and happiness.

Colleen said...

Jenny, Those are beautiful. I wish we got that magazine here in the States.

Anonymous said...

That is adorable and I always love a journal pattern!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice Jenny...

CHRIS said...

Hi Jenny, Thank you for your fantastic blog. Your generosity and knowledge sharing is beautiful.I left a comment somewhere but I'm new to this blogging and I think it went into space. Anyway I made this a bag for your Feb Challenge hope you like it. Chris