Today is March 1st in Elefantz-land, so no more entries can be accepted for the Binding Challenge.
Here are the final few fabulous scrap binding project entries from clever bloggers!
(Just click on their names to go to their blogs)
Karol-Ann has made the cutest mobile phone case...
Hanna has made two lovely table runners using her scrap binding...
Jessica made a very useful satchel bag with scrap binding for her son...
Chris made a shabby chic bag (which I LOVE and now need to make one myself)...
and clever Carolyn has finished the month with her second entry, a neat tea cosy!
Now after all these ideas that have been shared I think we can have no more excuses for wasting those leftover binding strips, do you?
Of course, some of you have used them as binding once again, and that's wonderful because at least they are being used. My friend Bec is saving all of her binding strips for the border on quilts. She explains a bit more HERE on her blog.
I'll draw the February Challenge winner later today by Random Generator, and I'll also share then the March Challenge! Any ideas what it will be???
Everyone did a super great job!
Fabulous projects!!!! Can't wait to see your challenge for March, Jenny!
I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation for the next challenge
I wonder what it will be...hmmm?
Carolyn ;)
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