Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sweet 16....

She had a wonderful day! 
Thank you to everyone who has left birthday blessings for Blossom - she was very touched and felt quite embarrassed that you would care so much. Our little family of 4 is very close so birthdays are very special indeed with just ourselves in attendance.
She loved the tower of cupcakes and sparkling grape juice...
...and the lamb and potato curry. She always chooses her birthday menu.
Her favourite gift (so far) was the silver pendant she has been looking at in a local boutique for the last 8 months. It's called a 'poison bottle', but to Blossom it reminded her of Lucy's precious bottle in the Narnia movies. She had no idea I was getting it for her ...
She also loves owls, so a beautiful shabby chic ceramic one was found... well as a 'wise' paperweight.
This exquisite hand mirror is another item she has oohed and aahed over for months...
Did you guess that I bought those three items at *that* shop?
She also received other sweet gifts from her dad and I, as well as a beautiful charm bracelet from Auntie Dawn, and computer *stuff* from her big brother, but her main gift cannot be purchased until Saturday. I bought it  over 3 weeks ago and when it did not arrive in the mail by Monday I contacted the company only to be told they had overlooked my pre-paid order and had now sold out!
I am still waiting for a refund and pray it will be given swiftly, as it was not a small amount.
So on Saturday Mr Elefantz and I will drive to the big town on the coast and purchase a Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet and Pen....THEN Blossom will have her big 16th present at last. \o/
She's very excited as she'll be using it to design my new pattern covers and logo.

We ended her birthday at the cinema where we watched the new Robin Hood movie - it was fabulous! 
On the sewing side of life I have been finishing a lovely Christmas project for those who like to keep things as heirlooms...
...and I am slowly restitching my Shabby Country Roses blocks in fresher fabrics, the lovely VERNA. I have also enlarged them as I think they will look gorgeous as pillows. To see the original blocks go HERE.
My doctor has just sent me for a barrage of tests, and this may well affect how I approach my designing and sewing in the months ahead. There is a part of me that is full of sadness, but another part telling me I just need to diversify and 'find another way to create'....
I shall listen to that soft, gentle voice.



Debbie said...

Happy Birthday, Blossom! (Sorry, forgot to say that on my comment on the other post.) Thanks for sharing your day with us.

soggybottomflats said...

Now I am bad. Blossom, happy birthday! I have a gillion things going and rarely remember to breathe, no excuse! I pray your tests come back to your liking. May all work out well. Big hugs, Elaine in Texas

Margaret said...

A lovely bunch of gifts for a sweet sixteen, Owl paperweight will be a present to pass on to generations just like your new sewing pieces.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I SO look forward to reading your blog entries. They always make me smile and feel good. :o)

Blossom's gifts are all so beautiful. I'm sorry to hear that you have had problems with the main gift but I'm sure with all the beautiful things she recieved and the love of her family around her, she doesn't mind waiting.

Your stitching work as always is exquisite.

Crowing Moon said...

Sounds like she had a great day and was spoilt rotten ;) Happy birthday Blossom. Lots of lovely gifts

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased that Blossom's Sweet 16th Birthday went so well and I hope that your health (is it the migraines?) will improve Jenny.

Our dear daughter will be 30 in January, just after I turn 60. She is our adopted Indian Princess and came to us when she was 13 months old. She is a much loved member of our own family of five plus our extended family of grandfather, aunties, uncles and cousins. How the time has flown by since we picked her up from Sydney airport in 1982.

Best wishes always to your family!!


Deb said...

Happy belated birthday dear Blossom. Loving all of your sepcial gifts.
Dearest Jenny, I so hope everything is okay with you and it is nothing too serious. Sending you much love and hugs and strength and hope for positive outcomes from your tests,take care dearest friend,
hugs Deb

Jodie said...

what a lovely birthday, I really love the pretty cupcakes, and especially the poison bottle, gorgeous!
I always enjoy reading your blog, and it has become a part of my daily coffee break, I hope all goes well with your tests, stay strong and positive!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Aren't artistic daughter wonderful? Looks like it was a wonderful day. Always gorgeous projects to see at elefantz.

Susan said...

Jenny, please do take care of yoursself - and I hope the silver lining in your cloud of troubles comes shining through!

Janice said...

Happy belated birthday to Blossom. It will be a birthday to remember with such lovely, thoughtful gifts. I hope all goes well with your tests.I'm thinking of you.

esquiltingpassion said...

Hi Jenny,
I am so glad that Blossom had a wonderful birthday, she appears to be a great child. Thank you for sharing your day with us. My prayers are with you.

Orcsmom said...

Thank you for including us in Blossom's Birthday celebration! I hope things go well for you!



Jeannie said...

What a special Birthday and with family is the best kind!
I will keep you in my prayers and know that He knows best :)
lots of hugs ()()()()

FlourishingPalms said...

It was so nice to see the birthday pictures of Blossom. The cupcakes stand is such a clever way to make a cake. It'a also interesting to see her interests. How nice for you that she's following her Mum's love of old-fashioned pretties.

Whatever your physical challenges may be, know you are being prayed for. Thanks for sharing yourself with all of us.

manda said...

I tried sending you a bday card via 123gretings yesterday Blossom, but it wouldn't work! Stupid computer. I love owls too! I collect (and make) them, my bedroom is full of cats, owls, lizards and books! lol We have boobook owls living in the park near our house. Have you sen or heard any yet? They live in CT!
Love the cupcakes and love the presents! I saw a "poison" bottle on etsy the other week that was in the shape of an owl, and it's head screwed off! I loved it so so much, but it was too expensive. How did your exam go today?
When you go to Townsville Jenny, duck into Target, they have some owl candles and plates and things, ON SPECIAL! Yay! I got a huge purple owl candle the other week for $2.43!!
Jen, I know it's hard not to worry, but give it all tothe Lord, he will look after you! "All things work for good for them that love the Lord."

B J Elder said...

What a special day for Blossom. Thank you for sharing it with us. She is so fortunate to have such a wonderful. loving family.
I hope your health challenges aren't too serious. I know when I was diagnosed (16 years ago now) with fibromyalgia I had to make major life changes, but God opened up new things for me to do and it has worked out beautifully. I may not be quilting if it were not for the fibro as I was such an outdoor active person. I truly believe that when he closes a door he opens a window AND he will NOT give us more than what we can handle.

Allie said...

What a lovely birthday for a lovely young lady! Blossom, you will adore that tablet - they are really fun! And so much easier than a mouse.

Jenny-girl your designs look fabulous - but oh dear I'll really be praying about those tests. No matter what, you will find a way to keep making the world a more beautiful place, I know.

Nima said...

Lovely gifts and i love the cup cake tower too

Cattinka said...

Jenny, whats wrong? What kind of test do you have to go through?

Jacqueline said...

It would appear Blossom had a wonderful birthday..

Hope your tests come back the way you want.

Maggey and Jim said...

What a wonderful birthday for Blossom. She got so many nice gifts..Her big gift sounds interesting.. Loved the owls too. Your new projects are really pretty too. Always love reading of your lives in the down under.

Loralynn said...

It sounds like Blossom had a lovely day! She certainly received some wonderful presents! Happy Birthday Blossom! Enjoy your 16th year, it is such a blessing!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Jenny,
Oh wow, How spoilt is Miss Blossom.
I want to be your daughter. lol
Such yummy presents!

The new revamped quilt is looking fabulous.

Do take care of yourself and good luck with the medical tests. Thinking of you. I don't have a Dr in the house but I do have a very knowledgeable nurse if you need any information.

Alice said...

I am so glad Blossom had a great day! What yummy presents. I think I am glad "that" shop is far away. The cupcakes are gorgeous. My prayers are out there that your tests turn out ok and that you can continue doing what you love. L,A-

Munaiba said...

Thanks for Sharing Blossom's birthday. It looks as though she had a great time and that is really a very lovely pendant.
What is"that shop", am I being a bit dense?
I hope your health improves.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

You have given us all lovely patterns as gifts and now I pray that you will be well and able to care for yourself in whatever way necessary.

Sew Useful Designs said...

So happy that Blossom enjoyed her sweet 16th! She chooses beautiful gifts - what wonderful taste she has! I just Lurve that poison bottle!!!
Your sneak peek looks divine Jenny, and I love the Verna in your shabby roses quilt - gawjus!

Love and hugs! Vikki xoxoxoxo :-)

Lisa said...

She looks so very pretty! Happy Birthday to Blossom. Looks like she made out like a princess. She sure has good taste. :) Such lovely things.

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

Hi Jenny,

Looks like Blossum had a wonderful day...where would you be without "that shop" :)
I do hope all goes well with your tests. Best of luck.
Bear hugs, Sharon

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Gorgeous gifts for your Blossom....thinking of you Jen...Peg

Gala said...

Поздравляю!!! Счастья!

LindyloufromOz! said...

What a lovely birthday Blossom had and lovely pressies. You have lovely ways of celebrating special days in your family. Have just read the post about your afternoon tea out in the garden. How lovely! It is nice to make a celebration of something simple. Love reading your blog Jenny.....take care

Cath Ü said...

happy belated birthday to Blossom..... a pen and tablet she will love it... I love mine... so much fun.... I meant to say in the other post I love your Christmas cloth idea... it is fantastic....
Cath's Blog
Cath Ü