Thursday, June 10, 2010

The doctor's results, some Challenge projects, and books...

Hi dear friends!
It's winter here now, but only at night - the days are lovely and warm and we're still wearing t-shirts. The downside of the cold nights is the effect it is having on my 'trigger finger'. All the tests for my joint problems have come back and I do not have any of those nasties I was warned about - thank you Lord! We did however discover that my medication for hypothyroidism (I have been hypothyroid for 15 years) needs to be substantially increased. My dosage was cut in half last year by a doctor I was seeing, and ever since my TSH levels have risen, meaning I am not getting enough medication - this in turn has caused a lot of health problems, one of them being 'trigger finger'. The lovely doctor I have now had never heard that hypothyroidism and 'trigger finger' were linked, but they are.
I can't get in to see the ortho surgeon for another 5 weeks (he is on holiday) and it may be weeks after that before the surgery can be performed, so I'm having a cortisone injection in my hand next Tuesday to tide me over until then. Now that the medication for my thyroid has been increased again, I should see some relief in my other symptoms over the next 6-8 weeks.
All this means that I need to cut right back on blogging (typing) and emails. I'm sorry, but I won't be replying to comments or private emails for a while...this finger must be rested or it may become permanently locked before I can have that surgery. 
I can still do lots of photo posts, with minimal chit chat, and some gentle hand embroidery is good for me to keep the joints flexible, but that's about it. 
Thank you all for your concern and caring comments over this issue of late. {{{hugs}}}
I'll try and share all the bits and pieces that need to be shared in this post today - then I'll give my finger a holiday.

Here are some denim challenge projects. All are amazing!!
From Kris...
And check out Sheila's HERE and Teresa's HERE!
Make sure you click on all the links in the sidebar to the other bloggers that have taken up the challenge! You will be inspired! :-)
A few bloggers have emailed me this link to another denim Challenge, and I am so in love with these slippers! Have a look HERE. There is also a page of 25 things to do with old jeans HERE.
For those who love Tilda fabrics but have trouble purchasing from sites that are not in English, Lone sent me a link to THIS online store in England.  Thanks Lone
You all sound like you would have loved the new Tilda's Summer Ideas book I gave away recently? Katrin sent me a link to look at all the pages - it's beautiful! I cannot wait for mine to arrive in the mail. I purchased my copy HERE, and you can look through all the pages HERE. Thanks Katrin!
In this month's issue of Australian Patchwork & Stitching magazine you will find an article about me in the 'Getting To Know' section. 
...and you'll find the pattern for my 'Snail Trails' baby quilt. The writer did a wonderful job of the article! I was a bit teary reading back over it.
This is my latest book buy, from the talented girls at Prints Charming!
 I bought it HERE at Book Depository. (It has a different cover depending on what country it is published in) They teach you how to screen print your own fabrics, and have templates you can use to make some gorgeous designs!
I'm also making a project from this book that I got at a clearance sale last month at Dymocks Book Store...
I love this bag but I am using seeded homespun for mine, with a deep blue thread for the emboridery. 
Now, what have you been up to this week??


Unknown said...

Jenny, I hope what you're saying is that all the health problems are due to the medication problems with the thyroid.Sorry to hear you have to have surgery. I know how hard it can be with health problems, I was recently diagnosed with severe arthritis in my feet. today I recieved my doctors form to go to Licensing Office that I need "permanent" disability sticker!!! It's hard to accept that "permanent" I'll miss gettin g so many posts from you, but I know we'll see lots of pics of your work. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember we all need to take a little time just for ourselves!!!
Ruth xxx

Sarah Oldham said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you! I think you will find ways to enjoy your "break" - I hope so! I just love your crafts and cooking!

I am also bringing my son back home for 7th and 8th grade. He wanted to come back home after a year in the local school.


Deb said...

Hi Jenny, as much as the results have come back meaning surgery it really is good news as it could have been so much worse. How wonderful that they have found out that your meds need sorting out. Everything is turning into a positive outcome. Take care of your finger/hand and rest (lol)
hugs Deb

Susan said...

Hi Jenny, I am so glad that the news was not as bad as you may have been preparing yourself for. We will all miss your lovely posts - but unnderstand and we want you to get better asap. Hopefully you can still sew a bit - maybe machine sewing?/. And I am sure you wil do lots of reading!
Hugs to yu

FlourishingPalms said...

What a relief for you, Jenny, to know you're not dealing with an odd Aussie virus or unusual condition. I'm so glad to know it's something "normal" and treatable. Please don't reply to this comment, but know you are being thought of and wished all the best.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Jenny Dear - take care of you and your health needs. If you don't we would miss your talent and sweet spirit here in blogland.

Jeanette said...

Hi Jenny, i hope all goes well for you.I'll be thinking of you. doles Shall miss your blogging. Hugs, Jeanette

Jeanette said...

Hi Jenny, i hope all goes well for you.I'll be thinking of you. doles Shall miss your blogging. Hugs, Jeanette

Unknown said...

Well, I hope that increased meds will alleviate the other health issues and hopefully that shot will help the condition with your trigger finger! Just know you will be in my thoughts while you take the rest you need from blogland typing and such. Happy stitching, my friend!
great big hugz, Pam
oh, hopefully I will locate the issue of Aus Patch & Quilting so I can read the lovely write up on you and your stitchery!!! love the looks of that!!!

Amanda said...

It's good to hear that most of your problems should improve now they've sorted out your medication, and hopefully you'll be a new woman once the operation is over.

Fiber Babble said...

Jenny, I had trigger finger problems and the cortisone shot gave me over a year's relief before I had to get a second shot. The second shot didn't wasn't as effective, but somewhere along the way it got "enough better" that it doesn't hurt or inconvenience me any more. I hope you have a similar good reaction to the shot - beats a trip to the surgeon any day!

All my good thoughts are flying over to you...

Cattinka said...

Hi Jenny,
this was a very long post, I hope you didn´t strain your trigger finger too much.
Take care of yourselv and please to spoil us with pictures.
You asked what we are doing this week, I am sewing Tilda teddy bears

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

So glad your health issues seem on the way to being sorted. Be a good girl and rest that finger!

Pam said...

Hi Jenny, Glad to hear that your health problems are getting sorted out. I love your blog and visit whenever I can. Take good care of yourself.

Sue said...

It's good news that your health will soon improve. For someone who should be "resting" there's heaps of lovely news in this post. Well done, I love it all.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny, of course there is no need for you to reply. You just need to know that we all care and are thinking of you. Hope you make a good recovery very soon. (((hugs))
You have my prayers.

Sandra Henderson said...

Wishing you continued good news... Lovely projects! XO

Unknown said...

Glad to hear the Good can be Fixable...Hope all goes well with your Finger...R & R is the key...

Ozjane said...

Be blessed as you rest and do things a little differently for a while.
You may even manage a little finger picking typing.......but rest is best.

manda said...

Hey Jen, I've been praying and will continue to pray for you! I expect you not to do too much until you can at least see the surgeon. So no replying to my emails, unless it's just a smily face, or you get Blossom to do it for you. Hey, did you know you can get a plug in device taht when you talk, it types what you say? Cool huh?
I know I have some denim lying around somewhere, I might have a go at making something for the challenge.
The mag layout looks great, I love the pics you chose, although I do notice that YOUR picture is from before your haircut. Gets pretty cold here in winter doesn't it? I was up in the Atherton tablelands in May and it was freezing!!! Although I can't say I miss the heat all that much either. I do miss a bit of the humidity though. My skin and nose is so dry! Hope you didn't throw out all your jumpers when you moved up to CT!
Love that cot quilt in the book, especially as I've gone baby stuff mad after the birth of my niece, Lily.
And the front cover of that embroidery book - love!! I can never find craft books on sale at book stores! Must be because people like you grab them firts huh? ;D
Hugs to you and the family Jen! Take care and stay well!

jugglingpaynes said...

I hope you feel better soon, Jenny. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid after Sierra was born. Not fun. Get the rest you need and know that your fans will be waiting for you when you return!

Peace and Laughter,

Anonymous said...

jenny please rest as much as you need to we can not risk you permanetly damaging your finger.I hope the cortisone will give you some relief.
no need to reply just know we are all wishing you well.
Hugs Denise

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Jenny,
I'm glad to hear most of your health issues are under control.
Good luck with the surgeon when he returns from his holiday. (at least he'll be nice and refreshed)
Hm, bit hard to believe a Dr hasn't heard of hypothyroidism!
Take it easy my friend.
Big hugs coming your way,

Bec said...

I am so pleased that news from the Dr wasn't so bad. I was hoping you wouldn't have to have surgery,bu am so happy for you that things aren't as bad as feared. Rest Rest Rest - I know it will be hard to do.
WOW, what an excellent magazine article on you!
The Prints Charming book looks lovely, and very inspiring.
The embroidery book you are using to make your bag looks very intriguing; love the bag you have chosen to make. Will you be using red thread on the seeded homespun???

Munaiba said...

Hi Jenny
Sorry to hear you're up for surgery. I hope all goes well and you're back online soon.

Teresa said...

Hi Jenny... sorry to hear you have to have an operation, but really hope that it fixes the problem. Take it easy and rest .... that will be hard for you to do I'm sure. I have finished another little sunglasses case for your denim challenge and I absolutely love the denim slippers you gave us the link for. Take care,xx

Potpourri said...

Jenny try a plastic surgeon for your Trigger finger. They also operate for it. You may get an appointment in a more timely fashion. all the best.

MamaT said...

Get well soon. When you feel better I'd be interested in hearing more about "trigger finger" I also have the thyroid problem--take medication everyday. Had my thyroid removed 8 years ago. But I have some joint problems and have never heard that that could be thyroid related. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.

Jude said...

Will miss you but that finger healing is more important, goodluck.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Jen...great article...sorry to read about the surgery..please take care...Peg xx

Alice said...

Hi Jenny-
So glad that your finger will recover and that it is nothing more serious. Not that surgery is not serious...I think patience is the hardest medicine there is to take.
Congrats on your latest publications--I finally found a copy of The Quilters Newsletter. Great article! I have found myself slowly shifting from the stem stitch of my youth to using the backstitch on most everything.
Well, I am rambling. I will miss your frequent blogs while you are recuperating. Hope you feeling yourself again soon!!!

Jeannie said...

Glad on one hand it's not the bad stuff but on the other a thyroid problem is not fun either! I think this can be fixed easier though. Will be keeping you in my prayers.

Micki said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Jenny! Sorry to hear that you will be having surgery!

Phyllis said...

Take care of yourself so that you can continue your beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thyroid info. My mom had the trigger finger surgery in Feb...and died in Apr (not due to the surgery). I wish she hadn't gone through the surgery. It wasn't pleasant and didn't really fix the problem at all. I have had a thyroid problem for 25 years, and now have a lumpy thyroid with a goiter. :/

Lone's Andet Univers said...

Hi Jenny - Thanks for your private mail - But I as only one among a few hope you get the surgery done - cause it's wery helpfull -I have had 2 done now on my thumbs, and my thumbs are working better than ever...(smile. I see that you friends down under dont like the surgery method, but i Love it, and I'm not scared to have any surgery at all.
I have had the same problems with the thyroid as for 8 years now also among all my other diseases. (Diabetes type 1 - High Cholesterol- Thyroid..Rheumatism - Frozen shoulder, and several more.) And I think that somehow they all are connected in a way we dont fully understand in our minds.
But My Dear Jenny - You promise to let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do at all for you, just let me know - Even though I Live in Denmark - You can always ask my anything, and you just get better so we can enjoy YOUR LOVELY blog, and all the LOVELY work you are doing.
Wish you a whole ship full of happy thoughts and a million hugs to ease your life a little bit..

KaHolly said...

Jenny, It sounds like you at last have a handle on your health concerns. Finding the right doses for meds can be such a tricky thing. Glad you are back on the road to better health and although it will take time, it is an opportunity for you to do other things; things, perhaps, you've been putting off. Relax, enjoy, stay positve!! Congrats on the article! ~karen

Sandy said...

Rest that hand as much as you need least until the cortisone shot....that drug is a miracle drug, amazing. Good luck.
Cute, cute sneak preview of what we will see in July.

Debbie said...

I will be thinking of you
I had a cyst on my right
index finger and had it
removed was off work 6 long
weeks but, as of April I
have returned to applique,
and sewing by hand. Its
taking time but, its so
much better than it was.
I hope everything work well
for you and just know I will
be thinking of you.

Debbie E

mimi'sdarlins said...

Jenny, sorry I'm so behind in reading your blogs....guess I've been so busy stitching up new stuff w/ my old blue jeans :-) Glad to hear your problems can be treated, what a relief! The blue jeans projects so far have been so much fun to admire! Thanks for the fun challenge :-)