Thursday, September 23, 2010

I've gone bananas!!!

We put the huge hand of bananas in our bathtub to ripen. A week went past and they were still green, but within the last three days they ALL ripened and I cannot tell you how delicious these Lady Fingers bananas are!!
We ended up with over a hundred ripe bananas, so after giving some away and eating some, I made banana smoothies with blueberries for breakfast...
 ...before cooking up a veritable feast of sweetness in the kitchen all morning!
I made Banana Parkinson (it's really called Banana Parkin, but my maiden name is Parkinson so that's what Blossom calls it!) from a cookbook I've had for years and only ever cook this one recipe from (weird, I know!)... well as a double batch of banana choc-chip muffins, and a banana chocolate cake!
Most of the muffins are in the freezer now, along with 20 remaining bananas...
Frozen bananas are wonderful for smoothies in summer. I hope we can get through them before Lily Rose decides to pull down the other banana tree. She's a naughty girl...pretty, but naughty!
Gifts are lovely aren't they? Especially when made with love. Louise in Sweden sent me this beautiful stitched card...
....thank you, Louise! :-)
Today I made a heart for my friend, Elizabeth, whom I will be meeting up with tomorrow for our two-days-away-holiday. She's flying in to Townsville at lunchtime, and flies out just 24 hours later. We'll need to rest our voices after a 24 hour talk-a-thon, won't we!? 
I've made three birds for the Sew-In with Wendy on Sunday...
...a little felt zippered case for this month's Challenge...
...and I have finished all the pieces in my new design set, Cafetiere
There are 4 pieces to this set, but I haven't written the patterns yet, so you'll have to wait a little bit longer to see them all. In the meantime enjoy the little sneak peek, and if you are the first to correctly tell me what 'ma tasse de cafe' means in English I will email you the pattern as a gift as soon as it's ready!

Before I say 'ta ta' and head off on my mini-holiday, I'll leave you with this photo...
It has something to do with my Birdcage Weekend Sew-In. I wonder if you can work out what I'm going to do with it?


Lone's Andet Univers said...

Hi Jenny

Love your new design - Or what i can se of it.. ;o)
The words mean in english
My cup of Coffee.
Have a nice weekend with the Birds and cages
Hugs and love from Lone
In Denmark

Cattinka said...

Are you going to paint a birdcage?
You know that everyone who will leave you a comment knows what your french saying means on your beautiful stitchery... I still wouls like to have that cute pattern and say it means: my cup of coffee.

Susan said...

oh well I missed the boat there - but enjoy your time away with your friend - sore fingers wil not stop you chatting I am sure! and I am sure your friend will love her present!
Take Care

Janelle said...

I love lady fingers too... they are always a special treat! I'm too late for "my cup of coffee", but my guess for your canvas is you're going to use it as the floor of your birdcage, or maybe the background, or a 'window' behind the bird cage??!!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

cafetiere means coffee pot and ma tese de cafe is my cup of coffee. I know I am not the first, but look forward to your new venue.

Pam said...

Yes, it means my cup of coffee and the pattern looks very pretty. Hope you have a good time catching up with your friend.

Terry said...

I have a recipe book like that...I only ever use the one recipe from it! The sneak peek of your new pattern looks lovely as always! :0)

Sew Useful Designs said...

Gosh I've never seen so many bananas in one place before!!! Your baking looks delicious Jen!

Have a wonderful time with your friend - not that you need telling! LOL! As for the canvas... mmmm... covered in fabric with birds pinned on to it? I'm intrigued!

Hugs sweetie!
Vikki xoxo

Leslie said...

Hi Jenny!
My cup of coffee! in french.
The canvas? Are you painting a bird cage as a "quilt mat", but putting it on the ceiling or wall, and then attaching all your pretty birds to make a 3D picture?
You are sooo creative!
Have a nice visit with your friend, be sure to wear your hand brace and do your exercises!
Take care, Leslie

Janice said...

Gosh, you have been busy. If you are looking for new ideas for your bananas, I often make this banana bread recipe. It is scrummy toasted with butter.
Have fun with your sewalong. I wish I was going to be home this weekend.

luv2quilt2 said...

I know I'm not first, but I actually know what that means - my cup of coffee. I love your little birds. So sweet!

Bonniedoo said...

Of course your French is correct and it means 'my cup of coffee' but if you wanted to describe your coffee cup you might say 'ma tasse a cafe' but I have no idea how to put the accents on the proper letters on this computer btw, your embroideries are gorgeous!!!

Val said...

Those bananas are amazing! I would love to have my own banana tree. I am amazed what all you are doing with them. Love it! Love your projects too and can't wait to see more.

Sue from Cyprus said...

Drat! Oh well, it means 'my cup of coffee'! Which is what I am about to have since I missed the boat again.... and again.... and again.

Can the last one win aswell?! :)

Love the cute birdies!

Hugs, Sue from Cyprus x x x

Wendyb said...

Hope youre not all talked out when i get there on Sunday LOL....and I hope we share a cup of tea (seeing as I missed the cup of coffee as well!! hehehe).
You've got me intrigued over the canvas....I just cant keep up with your creativity Miss Jenny!!!!
Love and sugary hugs
XXX Wendy :O)

Anonymous said...

That mug wrap saying "my cup of coffee" is so pretty, and will keep you coffee warm - looking forward to seeing the rest of the set.
Yumm, bananas! I have some in the freezer - I really should bake up some banana bread -haven't done that in toooo long!
Enjoy your weekend visit!
Gerda in Alberta, Canada

Anonymous said...

There I go assuming again - I said mug wrap, but knowing you, it's likely something totally different! I look forward to seeing what it is - as for the canvas - no clue LOL

Gerda in Alberta

ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Boy, oh boy Jenny... you have been a busy little bee! Your sweets look yummy, you must be glad that I don't live closer to you! I would have to come over and try out some of that wonderful cake for sure! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the birdcage- I love birds. Hope you have a wonderful time with your visitor! Hugs -Cori

Jytte R said...

Hi Jenny
It is awful to read about all the good things you have made from your bananas and see the photos. My mouth waters.
I have tasted these small bananas once in Spain.
have a good weekend.

Carmen said...

Jenny I am a big fan of your designs and it looks as if I am #20 to say "My Cup of Coffee" !!! Have a prize for #20 LOL??? As for your canvas? Looks like you are making a project from QFDC to go with those gorgeous birds :) which reminds me I need to get busy and make some of my own for the challenge!
Carmen in AK

Alice said...

No one would ever no you had a sore hand--you are such a busy lady. Yummy, yummy,yummy!!! Your heart and birds are so cute. Have a great girls weekend!! L,A-

Joanna @ ShapeMoth said...

:D for last three evenings I'm making similar felt zippered purses :) I want to make a whole set of them in rainbow colours, but at the moment zippers ended...
Best regards

Allie said...

Wow - those goodies look delicious! I love putting a banana in smoothies, very good for you. Sweet gift from Louise - and what lovely things you've made, Jenny! Love the look of your new pattern.
Now what will you be doing with that canvas??? Can't wait to see!
BTW - was so happy to hear that natural remedies are working for your hands, and what a sweet post Michelle did on you!

edyB said...

I'm sure you have a winner ~ it translates to: "My cup of Coffee"

Love the new pieces and all the "banana" foods look yummy!

Jeni said...

My Goodness
your blog is so beautiful and your hand stitching so perfectttttttttt.....I just cant stitch by hand................and the next time you are going to have such a large bake off..................let me know and I will be there to help eat.... and wash up........hope you have a grand weekend

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Here I am another who has missed several boats-LOL. yes, " My cup of coffee" I am enjoying one right at this minute, too. Your design is very pretty and I look forward to seeing the rest. Hugs, sandy.

Janice said...

I can't imagine having to deal with all those bananas. The 'banana Parkinson" sounds really good,would you be willing to share the recipe?

Leeanne said...

I freeze my banana's with the skins on, then when needed I just squeeze the runny banana out of the skin....don't be put off by the skins, they go black.

Anonymous said...

Beaten again in your giveaway!!
Such is life!! and my answer would have been (My cup of coffee) also!!


Melody said...

Hi Jenny,
Everything you have shown either looks delicious or delightful or both. I love your little birds so beautiful.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh boy do all those bananas goodies look sooooooo good, especially the smoothies! Yum!
Love your new designs Jenny. You are such much fun!
Have a wonderful time with your friend.
xx, shell

Kaylee said...

Hi Jenny, thankyou I would love a copy of the pattern, "ma tasse de cafe" in English is "My cup of coffee" Cheers Kaylee

Kaylee said...

Uummmm all of those yummy treats from bananas. Have a great weekend with your friend, she will love our gift. Cheers Kaylee

Anonymous said...

"ma tasse de café "(in french) ="my cup of coffee" in english
easy for me...I'm french

manda said...

lol Wow, that's a lot of bananas and cooking!!! Everything looks so yummy! Love that stitched card from Louise, my middle name! lol
The heart is so sweet, a wonderful way to use up beautiful scraps! Elizabeth will love it!
Your birds are gorgeous!
Love the sneak peak new design!! Very frenchy! lol Are you going to cut your birdcage from the box? Like, cut out the bits you don't need, leaving the "wire" behind? Hugs!!!

Marieke said...

Well it's said before: it means my cup of coffee. And it looks wonderful! And what a delicious things you made with the bananas! Hmmmm. Enjoy the weekend!

Margaret said...

I would have liked to be there when the tree came down. I put my bananas in the freezer with the skin on and then when they are thawed snip the bottom and squeeze them out . I bet they were soooo good,