Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A rescue, a tutorial, and verse 2 of "Give Thanks"!

I was just asking God yesterday if we could possibly have some quiet time for a while. The last few months have been a roller coaster ride and with sorting and packing the New Beginnings flood appeal sewing kits that have begun to arrive - and will continue to arrive for the next 4-6 weeks - my heart desired a time of peaceful and non-eventful months. 
Not to be.
Last night as Mr E and I were out walking Bob-the-dog at dusk we watched as one of our local Tawny Frog-Mouth Owls flew right into the barbed wire that runs across the top of a brick fence along the boarding school across the road.
We prayed it would release itself, but it flapped and flapped, trapping itself more. Mr E went home for leather gloves and climbed the fence to see if he could release it, but two hands and some wire cutters were needed as the owl kept attacking his hands. I stood underneath with a flshlight pointing up at them (this was all taking place 15 feet above the ground!). 
 A neighbour arrived with a ladder which made it much easier for Mr E to keep his balance, and our 18yo son fetched the wire cutters. Eventually Mr E released the bird but it had a long piece of barbed wire caught in it's wing. He carried it home and I rang the emergency vet. He told us to keep the owl till this morning.
We still had the box that we brought Sophie home from the RSPCA in, so we put the owl in there but it kept thrashing around because of the wire. 
Mr E felt he had to remove the wire so Blossom cut around the wire, releasing the feathers, while Mr E held tight to our patient. 
The wire was successfully removed...
He was dropped off to the vet this morning, subdued but still alive and looking like he will need his wing re-set and some time of recuperation with a Bird Carer before being set free in the park across the road to rejoin his mate - she was flying about quite concerned while this went down last night.
Mr E agrees, we need to avoid excitement for a while. ;-)
I have been asked how I put my binding on the mini-quilt verses for my "Give Thanks" BOM (or should I call it a Block of the Whenever the Mood Strikes Me???" BOWTMSM?), so I have done a tutorial for you. You can download it HERE. Hope it helps - I *love* binding on things, the smaller the better. :-)
Now, in light of what happened with our friend Mr Owl last night, the 2nd Verse block for "Give Thanks" is quite appropriate. Hope you like it. :-)

You can download the pattern for Verse 2 HERE.
Send me a photo when you've made it, or a link to your blog post, so I can share your work on Friday Show & Tell.
What is happening with my January Skirt-to-Apron Challenge???? Did you think it was too hard?? Surely not! ;-)
Don't forget that I am having a giveaway for one of you who can show me what you did with your Challenge. Read about it HERE.
You'll need to have your before and after photos to me by January 31st (or a link to your blog post). 
Back to the deep cleaning of the house now...bookcases, watch out! 


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Oh my! I'm so glad Mr. E was able to release the owl from the wire.

Hope he returns to his mate soon.

Billie in TX

Jo in TAS said...

God definitely has big plans for you, the owl was lucky he had you all there to rescue him as it could've been much worse for him. I hope he recovers from his ordeal and you all do too!
I love your latest Give Thanks block, beautiful!

sunny said...

I love the new verse! I can't wait to get started on it. I blogged about my wallhanging.

Allie said...

Oh the poor little thing - SO glad you were there!!! I hope and pray he'll be ok, and meet up with the Mrs. before too long.

Mr. E, you're my hero.

I think verse two is just in time, Jenny -that's the cutest little birdy ever! What a PRECIOUS design! Thank you sweetie!

Ceci said...

Thank for share this beautiful pattern!! Love the verse!!!
God bless you!! Hugs from Argentina!!

Terry said...

That owl was very lucky you saw him! Love the stitchery with the bird! Thanks Jenny! :0)

Sara said...

OH how I love this idea each time I see it on your blog. Thank you sister in Christ!

Penny said...

That is one luck owl!

Thanks Jenny for the second BOM. OMG!!..it's so adorable..love it!!

Margaret said...

I blogged about my attempt of Give Thanks , I loved making it knowing where it will go . Love the next verse and it is so . so ,much in Giving Thanks.

CherylAnn said...

The bird is so beautiful! I can't wait to start sewing it and seeing it in my home.

manda said...

Oh Jenny!!!!!!! You know I am just...jealous, thankful, amazed and relieved!
The Lord is always sending animals in distress my way, I'm sure he does the same with you!
Yesterday my Mum and I were two cars behind an 8yo boy being hit by a car. He's fine, don't worry. But he ran out into traffic and the driver just managed to swerve (into oncoming traffic - us) and brake enough so that he was only hit with the edge of the bumper bar. The boy, Jesse, dropped and rolled across the road, badly scraping and bruising himself. The poor kid was terrified, but wanted to just get up and go home (the house down from where he was) but we wouldn't let him and I made him sit down beside me and kept rubbing his back as we waited for the police and ambulance to arrive. The fire brigade arrived too! We waited for the ambulance and I sent his friend to fetch his Mum. I could feel him starting to shake as shock set in, and the ambulance arrived and took over. His older sister ran out to him, followed by another older brother and his older older sister. Their Mum was asleep. The paramedics checked him over and told the older sister to fetch his Mum, which Jesse tried to stop them from doing. The Mum simply ambled out of the house and wandered down to where we were. The poor kid started crying when he saw her. She started yelling at him, it wad terrible. You could tell she had once used drugs, was a smoker and a drinker. The oldest sister was bald except for a fringe too, which was weird. Anyway, long story short, the Mum wouldn't allow the ambulance to take him to hospital, and they finally agreed, cleaned him up, gave her supplies to keep the scraps clean, then eventually left when the police arrived. They took Jesse's statement, and the poor driver who had hit him. Poor man was shaken but ok, he was just relieved that the kid was alright. They took our details, and everyone left. I know that Jesse will be ok, he's learned a lesson and will not forget it in a hurry. But his Mum really needs a good kick up the bum and schooling on what it means to be a parent.
Anyway. My point was, God sends things our way because he knows we can help, deal with it, and fix it!
Love the new little embroidery!!

vernagrace said...

Glad you got the wire off the owl, and hope it gets back to it's mate soon.
The new block is beautiful, and I can hardly wait to start it. I have all the materials for Give Thanks.

Hardly wait to see what God has in store for you two next!

God bless you and yours!

Sue from Cyprus said...

HI Jenny! God works in such wonderful ways. Just think... if you weren't there to save and care for the owl....?. God planted you and Mr E just where you were needed. We just have to trust our Lord and allow him to work through us. His plans for us are much bigger than we will ever know!

Jenny, also love the cutie bird in block 2. I'm still working on the last verse. Your blog is an inspiraton for all of us.

Hugs, Sue from Cyprus x x x

Jeni said...

lucky we have people like you to help these little Creatures....
and mr owl thanks you too

Michelle said...

Oh I can relate to your owl story except ours was 2 blackbirds caught in some netting (the kind that wraps around hay bales) Boy were they hard to keep still while we cut them free! So pleased you were there at the right time to save the owl.
And your stitchery is just beautiful, I can't wait to make a start on it!

Bluebell said...

Hi Jenny, God is certainly testing you at the moment, what a brilliant thing to do, I do hope the owl is o.k please let us know when he gets better. I love the second verse and embroidery. Thank you.
Love Jillx

Amanda said...

Christopher and I were talking a couple of days about people who seem to be magnets for drama in their lives! But how lucky for the owl that you were able to rescue him before too much damage was done. I've been so busy this month that there just hasn't been time for your challenge, sorry. Next time perhaps.

Phyllis said...

Hi Jenny,

I am so glad you and Mr. E were ther to help the owl. What a horrible death he would have suffered. I'm glad you and your family are willing to take time to lend a hand to creatures great and small!

And thank you for the sweet pattern. I will definitely be stitching this one!

Abby and Stephanie said...

I'm sure Mr. Owl is happy you were able to rescue him. A big insurance company in the US used to have an advertising slogan..."Life Comes At You Fast." I hope things can settle to a slower pace for you.

Pam said...

Thanks Jenny for the tutorial and the pattern. I'm glad the owl rescue turned out okay, it was very fortunate you were both there when it happened.

KaHolly said...

So glad Mr. E was Johnny-on-the-spot and rescued Mr. Owl. Thanks for verse 2. Somehow I missed verse 1 - better go in search of it! Have a great day, karen

Dolores said...

Dear Jenny, for some reason Bob the Dog came into my mind yesterday and I was thinking of writing you to ask how he was. I am assuming from your post today that he has recovered and is doing well.
I hope the owl recovers fully to join its mate. There was a reason you and your husband took that walk last evening.
Things will quiet down - everything in due time.
Take care.

Darlene said...

What an amazing story! God certainly has his hands on your family! I absolutley adore this weeks verse. Thank you for sharing your love of creation and your love of God with us!

Lis Harwood said...


This is what happened to the apron challenge!!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Jenny, Bless you, Mr E and Blossom for rescuing and helping one of God's creatures! I hope he can be reunited with his mate soon. I love owls, even have a collection but ran out of room. Not live ones-lol.
Your second verse is beautiful. Thank you for it. hugs, Sandy.

Mama Pea said...

Wow, what a story! So glad you were able to help that poor owl. You guys are amazing to take so much time and care to do that. Love verse two. Thank you!

RobynLouise said...

You and your family, and your nice neighbour, are a gift to all your animal neighbours too. Mr Tawny Frogmouth will enjoy keeping the unwelcome reptiles and rodents out of your little area for longer now. Hope his missus doesn't stress too much while he's away.
Thanks for the heads up on the apron as I've been a bit busy outfitting miss pre-teen for high school :O!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Mr. E is my hero!!! Bless you all for your hearts of gold Jenny! Most people would have kept walking.
You truly deserve some peace and quiet. :)
love ya,

jugglingpaynes said...

Oh the poor owl. Thanks so much to your family and neighbor for rescuing and caring for it. That was very brave of Mr. E to be the one to free it.

Has your daughter considered possibly taking a course in wildlife rehabilitation? You always seem to have animals come to you!

Peace and Laughter,

Miss Hillbilly said...

Oh my goodness that is a wonderfully cute verse!

Love that you played rescue. Thank you for not ignoring it. It makes me so angry when people do that. We are supposed to be keepers of the animals, they do feel pain, you know?

I haven't started on these yet, but when I do I want to make about 4...for several different friends and then mail them the verses to hang up on them as I complete them.

Carrie P. said...

thanks for the tutorial. I don't know why I didn't think of ending the binding that way. So much easier.