Sunday, October 16, 2011

A time for normal...

He's home; arriving at 2am on Saturday morning to a wife running down the stairs to greet him as he gingerly climbed off the bike. It had been a crazy ride home! Thunderstorms, lightning, wombats, owls, kangaroos (everywhere!!), those 500 klms of deserted , rutted, unlit outback roads, he encountered them all! 
Next time he'll stay at the mine camp for the night and make his return home at sunrise - then we'll both breathe easier. Your prayers were needed and appreciated. Thank you. :-)
The light was better today as the clouds had dispersed, leaving us with another scorcher of a day. Over the last week it's been a run of constant 38-41C days (98-106 F), and with the air conditioner in the bedroom not working you can imagine what sleeping has been like. Hopefully the very busy town electrician will arrive next week to fix it for us. "God willing" as my nana always said.
Back to the light - it was good so I took some sneak peek photos of the things I am playing with in the sewing room. 
Some projects for Issue 5 of Elefantz HOME (the bumper Christmas projects issue!)....
The stitching is all done on them, and now it's time to sew them into actual projects. They are yummy, and I'm sure you'll love them! 
Also in my stitchy fingers have been a remake of the GIVE THANKS blocks I've shared this year. This time I am making them into a quilt -  slightly different is this version; new colours and without the Bible verse reference, as this quilt will be destined for an Australian magazine next year.
Did you notice a new one?
I'll stitch it up again this week as a mini-quilt for your Give Thanks Hanger, and then share the design. If you are new to my blog you can still download all my free Give Thanks mini-quilts - there will be 12 by the end of the year, and I'll have the designs up until January. 
Over on the left sidebar are all the links for you to access and download each design.
 This is my GIVE THANKS hanging and mini-quilt so far...
...and this is the latest mini-quilt design I shared in September.
They are only 3 3/4 x 5 inches in size after adding the binding. 
Here are photos of Lu's Give Thanks hanger and Block 8, 'Friends'...
Like Lu, you can email me photos of your completed blocks and I'll share them here on my blog for everyone to enjoy.
Time to prepare for a ride with my beloved Mr E today, so not much stitching happening in the next 8 hours. But oh, how I love to ride behind my man!!
Have a truly blessed and love-filled Sunday,
PS: Helen at Bustle & Sew has extended her 50% off the 'Stitchers Companion' offer for all readers until the end of the month!!
You can read about it HERE.


Abby and Stephanie said...

Love the Christmas goodness sneak peeks. Is there anything sweeter than little yo yos? Well maybe rick rack. :o)

Rosa said...

Love your christmas sneak peeks,looks beautiful!!

Janice said...

I'm glad Mr E made it home safely after his night time ride. I agree that you will both be happier with him riding in the daylight hours. Do enjoy this time together. I bet he has all manner of things to tell you about. I hope he is settling in well. You've definitely been busy in his absence. Lovely sneak peeks.

Victoria said...

I made the Give Thanks for my niece & send them to her in the mail. She comments on each one! On Thanksgiving I received an email from her that said..."I give thanks for you."
Because you came up with a sweet idea I got a comment like that from her
Thanks, Jenny!!!

Julia said...

Busy time of the year, catching up.
Glad Mr E made it home safe..crazy weather your having over there...not good for riding on bikes.
Julia ♥

Allie said...

SO glad he made it safe and sound, Jenny-girl! I know you're enjoying him being home. Your stitching looks just gorgeous, I can't wait to see!

Carrie P. said...

so glad to hear your hubby made it home safe and sound. Love those little yo yos. Always creating. I know your mind is always going a mile a minute.

Gabriela Aguirre said...

Dear friend, I'm a Mexican girl, I saw your pictures and my sister and I we love your handycrafts, and we're fans of Miss Sophie.....we love it......fantastic, tanks....