In our house we celebrate Fridays. They are the end of the working week, and two days of doing what we enjoy lies ahead - at least that is the theory.
Mr E will tell you that washing and vacuuming the car, washing and polishing two motorbikes, mowing our out-of-control-wet-season lush lawn, and doing all my need-to-be-done handyman jobs around the house could take an entire one of those two weekend days. ;-)
But he is my Knight in shining armour and not a word of impatience is heard.
He has had an especially hard time this week after some sobering health news I received when visiting the doctor for results of recent tests. I am going to have to slow down some, remove all stress, and watch everything I eat and do while we see if my heart can get itself into a better frame of mind in coming weeks. Right now he has me almost wrapped in cotton wool, but I fidget a lot and keep unwrapping myself.
I'd love it if you said a prayer or two for me. {{{thank you}}}
Thank you to everyone who emailed asking if I had a pattern for the re-purposed lace needlebook I made the other day. I am afraid I cannot help you there. It's just a basic squared needlebook, much the same as these ones I made over the last two years...
(sets I made for the NEW BEGINNINGS flood appeal February 2011)
(LINEN ROSE sewing set from May 2011 - also using re-purposed fabric from linen pants)
If you do a google you will find many similar styles as tutorials on blogs.
However, if you really want to purchase a pattern for a similar shaped needlebook/pincushion set, I am doing a special offer in my SHOP for both "Honey" and "Linen Rose" sets at the moment. $4 for both patterns! Visit HERE.
Needlebooks are so much fun to make aren't they? Last night I was chatting with my friend Fee and we were both drooling over a gorgeous blog, with a GORGEOUS needlebook tute!
Have you ever visited nanaCompany before?
HERE is the link to her funky and cute needlebook tute... another one she made similar HERE without a tute but you have to see it!
When you are done with your own drooling, go back to her main blog page, make a cuppa, and prepare to sit for a long time while you soak in all her talent. I think she just made it to the top of my favourite blog reads for 2012!
Visit nanaCompany HERE.
On Saturday when we went back to the old town to visit the kids and grandkids, I took the opportunity to visit the op-shops with Kezzie and Blossom for some more re-purposing inspiration. We had a great hour looking for gems, and were blessed to discover it was 'fill a bag for $10' day! Wohoo!!
So, thinking that "Repurposing in 2012" is going to be more fun that I originally imagined I decided to make a button for us to put on our blog pages, identifying everyone who wants to join in!
Link the button back to this...
...and all the repurposing blog posts will come up for you to read through or as an aid to quickly find ideas during the year.
Send me photos or links to your blog posts, and once a month I'll share them here on my blog so others can be inspired by your re-purposing. I'll also be sharing what my own re-purposing adventures are creating.
Let's see how we can beautify our homes, make gifts, create amazing one-offs, all from re-purposed clothing or other crafty sources.
When I go op-shopping or to garage sales for fabrics to re-purpose, I also check for things like buttons (you know I LOVE using mother-of-pearl buttons and have jars of them now!), brooches, buckles, zips, lace, ribbons, old jewellery pieces...there are so many wonderful things we can find to use. I am excited to see what things you find, and how you re-purpose them!
I'd best get back to some house tidying, and then I will do as Mr E has instructed and sit quietly with some hand stitching for a few hours.
Have a wonderful week!
PS: Don't forget the next block in "Promises and Borders" will be shared on Friday 3rd!
Oh Jenny...I'm so sorry to hear you're having health issues. Listen to your doctor and Mr. E and feel better soon! I'll be saying prayers for you and sending good thoughts and lots of cyber hugs your way!
How do I get the button and link to show up properly on my blog? I copied the HTML just like always but all the showed on my blog page was the HTML. Bummer. I'm talking about the Re purposing button! I got your other one just fine. What am I doing wrong?
Take care, Jenny.
You know I'm praying girl!
The power of pray, positive thinking and loads of peaceful stitching time will see you right. I've been down that track and it is the only way to go no matter how the heavy work calls you - just leave it be. HUgscor
Listen to your DR. and Mr. E and rest and relax! Hard to do at times but sometimes you just got to.
Hurry up Feb. 3rd!
I just finished the first block and can't wait to begin the next one. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
Prayers winging toward you from Wyoming US I so love your blog and have done some of your BOM. However I have yet to learn how to post pictures. Love your talent and ideas. I am new to the Land of Bloggers, but making my way slowly.
hi jenny!
i have some happy news for you. you have won my novica giveaway!
please send me an email at elysemajor(at)gmail(dot)com with your email address.
thank you! hope all is well.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear about your health issues. Prayers are being said.
Maybe between you and Mr. E you can turn that cotton wool into a comfy shawl so you can move just enough.
Take care--sending you good thoughts.
Jenny I have lifted you up tonight asking God for healing where you need to be healed, for strength and patience to do what the doctors advise, for wisdom in taking care of all health issues, and for grace to do it with joy. Take care of you - you're very important to not only your family but for all of us who love and admire you. blessings, marlene
Ask and you shall receive, Thank you for allowing us who enjoy your inventiveness, into your life. Your requests have been made known to God through Jesus Christ .
Oh, Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear of your trouble. I have to say, though, I am learning that having to slow down because of health can also be an incredible GIFT from God. It allows me more time to really listen to Him and learn from Him, and pare down my life to only what is important to HIM. So embrace this gift!
Love, and prayers always.
I, too, will join these other commenters in prayer for you. I haven't known you through your blog for long, but you inspire me so much, and not just in your stitching and creating. You're a blessing to me!
Jenny prayers are being said for your health. I also had a health scare last year. I know our God is a God who heals and he is able to heal. I am praying for healing for you. BTW I love your issue of Elefantz Home this month, you put so much in there my hubby always says are ever going to stop staring at that computer? lol (((Hugs))) to you!
Oh, Jenny - that's not nice news! God bless!
Hugs - Lurline♥
praying for you jenny,hope you are feeling better soon.xx
Hope your health is getting better soon, will think of you in my prayers. Love the notebook and will try to reposess as much as possible. Warm greetings
Hi Jenny, I would not be well known to you, but I regularly read your blog - don't comment often, but this one needs a comment.
So sorry to hear you have health problems, take it easy & let your man look after you. My thoughts and prayers are with you xx
Healing hugs my friend,relax and "Breathe",cheers Vickie
Sorry to hear you aren't well and hope you will be ok soon.
In the meantime be good and do as dr says :-)
Love and healing thoughts being sent your way.
Please let your dear husband wrap you in cotton wool and stay in it, if just for a little while! I'm thinking healing thoughts to you and will burn a candle for you tonight! Love the needlebooks....ah well I had nothing on anyway ;-)
Hey!! Behave yourself!! Just you take it easy and listen to everyone, your body is a temple so treat it like one, put your feet up and relax once in a while, and when things start stressing you out just think, "if I stress can I change it"....the answer is usually no... Take care. Hugs Linda
Gosh Jenny that's no good to hear. Take care of yourself and take it easy.
Happy and healing thoughts coming your way. As they say ... take time to smell the roses. I think working with the rose fabric works as well. :o)
Jenny, please take it easy and rest - what a perfect excuse to sew / read / watch TV. And avoid stress. You know that all your loyal followers will still be there even if you are a day or so late with something.
Jenny, hugs...
Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
Please take care of yourself. You are loved by so many!
Stop by the garden if you can. :)
Oh, take care of yourself. I am praying.
Can't wait to see your next BOM.
Re-purposing sounds wonderful. I will be checking my resale shops. I have gotten lots of wool that way from jackets, etc for my wool work. Prayers your way for better health results soon. Take it easy! Hugs from Ohio.
Take it easy Jenny. I had a quadruple bypass in May of 2011 it is in no way fun. Am still recovering in some ways.
Thinking of you - take good care of yourself. BIG hug C x
You really should listen to your hubby. Slow down a bit and take care!
what a great idea! i even managed to get the badge posted on my page....woohoo! I am sorry to see that you're having some health challenges; I just had to drop my Spring semester classes due to a health issue myself (the upside: I'll have more time for sewing therapy!), so you have my thoughts and prayers...I love your blog, and I love seeing your seasonal pics. hope all goes well and that you're feeling better soon as you settle into your new home...
Oh Jenny, please do take it easier, and try to stress less. I do know what you are going through, though. It is hard to change our lifestyles, but the alternative isn't an option!
Prayers are being said. And will continue to be said until you tell me that all is OK.
I have 3 valves that the doctor is keeping an eye on. One more than the others. My mom died after surgery for a valve replacement. She never woke up from the surgery. I am praying that neither you nor I have to have any type of heart surgery. God bless you!
Hoping a little rest and relaxation will give you better news. Just don't stress out because Mr. E is wrapping you in cotton wool! LOL Sending lots of caring thoughts and hugs. Hope
Jenny I have put you into my prayer list. Feel better soon.
Hi Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems. My prayers are with you. Take it easy. I think Mr E has the wrong idea - you don't need to be wrapped in cotton wool, what you need around you is a quilt! Thinking of you.Vicki
Thinking of you and sending many positive thoughts your way! Wishing you well, from The Garden xx
Hi Jenny do as the doctor says and take things easy I am praying for you to get well soon.
Hugs Mary.xx
Be a good girl , get your feet up . Before sitting down open the back door , open the front door and just let the dust blow away on the breeze
With love and great concern
Hi Jenny It's no good hearing that you are once again having some health worries. Do take things easy. At least, just having moved in, everthing will be neat and tidy and won't need cleaning - so there is no excuse to just sit back. Your latest magazine edition is lovely as always. I've added the Repurpose button and have just done my first little item. This will be fun.
Wishing you a speedy recovery bless you. Marion x
Wishing you all the best for your health.... xx
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