It's Labour Day long weekend here in Queensland.
It's an annual thing for our Ulysses Club to meet up with the Mackay Ulysses Club so the ladies of both clubs can compete in the Annual Thong Throw!
We rode down to Bowen, and the Mackay group rode up to Bowen, as that is the midway point to meet for both clubs - a 220 klm ride for each club to meet in the middle.
Our Townsville crew always start off with coffee and catch-up at the McDonalds in Aitkenvale before heading off on our Sunday ride...
Near the end of our first leg of the journey south some of us rode up to the top of Inkerman Lookout. It's an extremely steep ride, with signs forbidding any caravans or trailers to make the ascent. Mr E and I had never been up there before, but will visit again as the view down upon the farmland below is breathtaking...
We actually watched a few of the tail end riders on the highway and they were as small as pinheads!
Mr E and I always have fun on a ride, with new places being top of our joy-list.
Back down the mountain (going down a steep gravelly mountain is slightly more exciting than going up!), we all stopped at the Inkerman Roadhouse for cool drinks and more chatter.
Another 100 kilometres later, and we arrived in Bowen for lunch at the Horseshoe Beach cafe...
Once our tummies were full and we'd chatted some more (yes, we're a talkative bunch!), we headed off to the camping ground to meet up with the Mackay Ulyssians.
Look at the view they had from their tents!
Below are all members of the Townsville and Mackay chapters who attended on the day. What a perfect picture, standing under the palm trees in the shade as it was too hot in the sun. Can you believe we're only 3 weeks away from winter?
It was time for the 'games to begin'!
The ladies of both teams had three rounds of thong tossing to make it to the 'throw-off'.
At the end of the rounds it all came down to Di from Mackay, and me from Townsville.
Di beat me by a toe! Well done Di!!
Mr E presented Di with the trophy. Isn't it cute!?
Next year I am going to get our girls out for a few thong-tossing practices before the rematch.
Size 11, double pluggers...must use the regulation thong. ;-)
Back at home, my fingers have been very busy stitching projects for the next magazine!
The theme for Issue 12, due out May 29th, will be "Flowers in Pots". What do you think?
The May Issue will have seven original Elefantz stichery designs in three projects, but you could use any of the stitcheries separately in different projects of your own. I wonder what you would use them on?
I'll leave you with this picture of Blossom, who is secretly stitching one of her own designs for my June issue of the magazine, 'The Kids Issue'....
What a big weekend it has been!
I hope yours was fun too. :-)
Now I must be away to the kitchen and bake gluten free oatmeal and raisin cookies for Mr E, and spicy pumpkin soup for Blossom who is on day 6 of a nasty head cold. Good food, prepared with love, always has a soothing effect, don't you agree?
Wow Jenny!! Your sneaks look gorgeous!! How do you make your lazy daisy stitches look so smooth and neat? They look so good!!! ... Looks like you had a lovely long weekend!! Wouldn't have ever thought of a thong-tossing competition ... what a great party game!!! Lol! Enjoy the coming week!! Hugs!
i love this post Jenny and i love the fun you all have as a group,what a wonderful fun loving group of people and boy those stitcherys are gorgeous and Bloss's is so cute.xx
Ciao, i tuoi nuovi progetti sembrano meravigliosi (quel poco che si vede)
non vedo l'ora che arrivi il download! Hai un bel gruppo di amici con il quale divertirti, ne sono felice per te.
Ho sempre desiderato visitare l'Australia ma tra figli, lavoro e pochi soldi....chissà!
Grazie per le belle foto che metti qui.
Un abbraccio.
I love those new designs Jenny! Looks like you had a fantastic time at the weekend. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
Your weekend sounds fabulous too. I'm here being a teensy bit jealous of that lovely beach with the palm trees, while we are cold. The thong throwing sounds like a good laugh. Do the fellows have a go too?
I love the peeks of your latest stitcheries. Can't wait to see them in the magazine.
Yes - you better get soem practice in for next time - how Australian can you get?? Loving those flowers in Posts - cant wait for that issue to arrive!
Can't wait for your next issue Jenny. Love all your flowers in pots. The blackwork one really caught my attention. Hugs..
Wow, those certainly are some great views. That side of your country sure is pretty.
Love your little stitcheries. Poor Blossom, hope she is well soon.
Oh Jenny! I love the flowers in the pots! I am going to have to make some of these for my kitchen. It is a red and yellow themed, country kitchen. And we love coffee and tea. =) I have several tea pots that I have gotten along the years. Thank you so much. I anxiously await the next magazine to come out.
Oh my goodness, Jenny. Here where we live, what you call thongs, we call "flip-flops." Thongs here are something else! I was picturing you throwing what I know as thongs and then I saw the trophy and was like, "AHHH, OK..."
Love the flowers in the pots also. I was glad to see the trophy, because I too thought of a complete different "thong". *giggle*.
Oh how FUN Jenny!!! I have to tell you, when you said thong toss, my mind immediately conjured up women throwing underwear - we call those flip-flops here, and thongs are panties that - well, I'D never be caught in them, lol!!! Congrats on coming in second, that's a darling trophy and I hope you get it next year.
Your new designs look so mouth-watering, I just love them!!! Cute cute pics of Bloss as well, I'm praying she's better soon!
I am glad I was not the only one thinking of a different kind of thong! So glad for the picture of the trophy. Language is a funny thing! Glad you had a fun time and your new stitching is gorgeous.
I love them! You are a great designer! I am so proud of you and I loved the pictures of your time out with hubby!
Tell Blossom she has grown into a beautiful young woman and to feel better!
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Excited for the next issue. Thanks for the sneak peak. Linda
I had to laugh at "thong toss." Yes, just like my other American friends, I imagined tossing underwear and not flip flops. Too funny!!!
Loved the photos from your ride. Australia is just sooooooooo incredibly beautiful. I wish I could get on a plane and come visit right now.
Love all your sneaky peeks of your new designs and Blossom's as well. Can't wait to see them!
Hugs to you my fun friend.
:) :) :)
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