Yesterday I showed you the beginnings of a project, using this week's Monogram, G, and a texta scarred handkerchief.
Today I finished the mystery project, and my ugly duckling handkerchief now embellishes a simple, but lovely, needlebook.
I used some other little pretties stored away in my lace box, too.
I wonder what you have stored away in your sewing things that could be used to make a quick gift like this?
My newest pattern is complete!
"Partridge & Pears"
The pattern is written, photograph taken, and now I am just waiting for a release date so I can tell you where to purchase it.
This is the 1st design in a set I am working on from the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas".
But before that, I'd best finish the remaining blocks in my BOM Daisy Days!
Last month it was my birthday, and even though it's been a few weeks I wanted to show you two very special gifts I received from close friends - two sisters in Christ who have blessed me with their prayers and love more times than I can count.
From Ruth, a crochet pear - and as most of you know I collect pears, but this is my first crocheted one.
Isn't it the cutest thing?!
From Dawn, a reminder to treasure what is most important...
...and inside?
The tiniest pink Bible. Perfect.
My eldest daughter Kezzie also sent me a bundle of wonderful goodies, all faith building and so very pretty.
With a beautiful journal she'd added a pen.
Now, over the last few days I have had some serious decisions to make about my future as a designer. I've prayed, and felt the varying emotions of failure, anger, distress, hopelessness, and regret.
I have shared with some close friends for their advice on what actions to take, and have processed all my thoughts out loud.
A decision was made yesterday afternoon, and I thought, "well, that's what I have to do; it's the only way to keep Elefantz going."
then God.
Over the course of the last 18 hours or so, my email inbox has become rather weighty with Scriptures, friends telling me I was on their heart in prayer today, and perfect strangers wanting to share with me about how what I do glorifies God and blesses them.
You know, I had taken the Light off Him, and put it on what I thought I should be doing according to the way the world works. But there is a peace passing through me today from listening to my Father and realising that His ways are not the world's ways, and He wants me to do things HIS way.
HE gave me the gift to be able to design and stitch, and He knows how I should be using it - even if by following His directions many shops won't stock my patterns.
Back to the pen that Kezzie gave me.
I picked it up to write with this morning and noticed a Scripture verse inscribed across the base in the tiniest of fonts.
Psalm 90:17
Almost a month after receiving the pen, today was the day when He made that verse stand out and catch my attention.
HE alone will establish the work of my hands.
So, I will continue to share free designs on my blog, regardless of whether or not a door into retail patterns closes for me.
Freely He gave me, and freely I will give...all to His glory.
We're broke, friends. At least in financial terms.
But we are rich in Christ!
I pray that you are too.

Everything is so wonderful and I especially like your new pattern. Those music notes are so perfect!
May HIS blessing come to you, Keep the FAITH
Hi Jenny, it seems ages since I have been in touch but now seems the right times to say you are being sent much love and strength. Trials are sent to make us stronger and your final decision will come through your heart and will feel right.
hugs always
Wise choice. He will meet all your needs, even when the budget doesn't add up on paper. Nothing better than walking with our Lord for His glory.
Praying that as you reach out your hand to clasp His to go where He leads your heart and life will become full to overflowing with His blessings.
With love,
He that gives, will be given! Don´t forget! You will receive that what you really need, no wealth in gold, but you will be rich in love! Hugs
so inspirational Jenny both your latest stitching and your words and faith. I am sure you are doing the right thing and admire so much how you can put into words your great love for Jesus. Where would we be without Him??
Sometimes it's so hard to not let worldly things influence our decisions. I'm glad it all worked out for you. And I love that little needle keep! :0)
Your designs bring so much joy and beauty to our world, we would be bereft without them. God has indeed blessed you with a wondrous talent. Thank Him for you and Thank you for sharing.
A lovely "swan." You are always so generous with your designs and I know as long as you design people will continue to enjoy.
Jenny, thanks for sharing your heart.
Love and prayers,
So much I want to say, but I'll just leave it with ...
and, I'm praying for you xx
So love all the projects .And continue to follow where God leads. If He closes one door He will open another. Its just up to you (or us) if we want to follow Him thru it.
Love this blog ,so very glad I found it and just not for the goodies you give but for the encourgament and uplifting you provide.
Walking God's path is so different from the worlds...the world just can't comprehend why we choose God's path! May God richly bless your choice to center on Him. I have found, impatient though I am, that God's timing is always perfect, just like His plan for our lives is perfect for us. Blessings by the bushel!!!
I encourage you to keep following God's direction one step at a time. Financial struggle is so hard and currently we are trying to overcome the same struggle as you but God continues to direct and I pray the same for you. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it to the glory of God. Praying for you today. Your blog and your patterns are an encouragement to me and I look forward to each new post. I am still working on Promises and Borders. I know I am dreadfully slow but the scriptures are wonderful and have lots of time to become embedded in my mind!
I know how you feel Jenny. I have been going thru some of the same as I had to leave my nursing because of health issues and trying to get a sewing business going but the pressure of getting things done on time takes the joy and the spontaneity out of it. i started receiving your blogs about the same time that I was off from work with the latest bout of illness and you have been such an encouragement, blessing, etc etc I live in Canada and I am regretting not to get your things here after being blessed with your magazines but I so totally understand where you're coming from. Never give up and God will continue to bless the work of your hands. Much love, Wallie
Jenny, I love your needle case design. So pretty! And what a way to use an "ugly duckling." Question: on the inside of the needle case, there is a little flower in a lace circle. Did you trim that from a piece of lace, or is it a stand-alone piece? I'm wondering if when cutting a piece out of crocheted lace, you ever have trouble with edges fraying.
Keep on, Jenny! Your blog is a blessing that I look forward to reading. I really appreciate your blog presence. Thank you.
I don't comment often, but your post touched my heart. I just wanted to say... follow the leading of your heart. Your designs are so beautiful, they will find a home.
Love the new design. I see where Red Rolly has just started her own online store. Maybe you can do the same. I am in the same financial boat as it were as you and don't purchase patterns as a rule. But, I am happy to admire. I can't be the only one who enjoys your work. Keep the faith. {{hugs}} and best wishes from the U.S.
Jenny, May God bless you and his light shine on upon you ^-^ You are truly a woman of God!
You can't take $$ with you, but, you can always have Christ.
I pray God will continue to give you direction. I also pray He will provide all the things you need.
Remember the Bible words about the're there. All else will work out. Let God amaze you!
Obedience is better than sacrifice, a lesson He's trying to teach me, if I'd only listed more closely! On my Sabbath Keeping post this week I posted a Dave Ramsey quote:
"Work is doing it.
Discipline is doing it every day.
Diligence is doing it well every day."
Abba is speaking; I must focus and listen.
You are such a busy, productive lady! I admire all you are able to accomplish. I also admire that you share scripture with others. My latch-onto verse today is Isaiah 41:13, as I have some fears I am facing.
Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoy your beautiful designs. Your stitching is gorgeous and I wish I could sit down with you for some helpful hints. I'm currently working on one of your patterns as a gift to a friend and I'm sure she will love it. I, too have had my struggles but try to keep remembering the "good times" to hold me up. I'll be thinking of you! All the best. Deanna
You are also rich in friends and all that you do to inspire all of us with your beautiful work Jenny.You give so much to us all it will be returned to you in abundance someday.Love from the USA
Debbie Kelly
Sending love and prayers your way.
Keep the faith!
Boa tarde, Jenny
Como esta é a primeira vez que visito a sua página não sei bem o que aconteceu para você estar em dúvidas do rumo que tomaria. Penso que foi a mais acertada porque uma pessoa talentosa como você não pode desperdiçar o seu dom. Seus trabalhos são lindos, criativos, com aproveitamento de relíquias que muitas vezes guardamos e esquecemos e elas ficam sem vida. Com o que você faz elas retornam a vida. Esta é uma parte da sua missão. Obrigada por compartilhar. Se possível visite o nosso blog, da minha filha e meu. Ainda vou bordar como você. Abraços
I'm so touched by your post and your designs. You and your family are in my prayers.
You are such an open and sweet sister. I treasure you and your posts.
I think that for us that are creative we do need to share our talents. In fact I firmly believe the Lord wants us to. It sparks are creativity to do so. Our talents are not our own but they belong to the Lord and we honor Him by sharing as freely as He has shared with us.
I love this quote!
The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.
- Helen Keller
Jenny, I think you are right to follow God's guidance on this. He will prosper you-maybe not in wealth but in blessings.
I'm sorry to hear about your financial difficulties, but so happy to see you write that we are indeed rich in Christ! I commend you on your obedience and desire to serve Him however you can. Be encouraged.
And I do love your designs. They are a blessing. Hang in there.
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