Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pretties, show & tell, and a winner...

Last week I shared about Debbie's Travelling Treasures on my blog, and asked if you'd like to be the winner of my giveaway - the catch being that you take what you want from my winning parcel, and replace it with lovely things of your own choosing to send the Treasure travelling once more...

I drew the winner today and it is (drum roll please!)...

Congratulations, Debra!
I've sent you an email asking for your postal address so the next journey in Travelling Treasures can begin!
Thank to everyone who participated. 
If you did not win, then perhaps you could start your own travelling giveaway on your blog? 

I love sharing Show & Tell with you!
Have a look at what you clever stitchers have been making from my designs...

Melody from The House on the Side of the Hill (love her blog name!) has started on Block 1 of Daisy Days, and is using the prettiest Bunny Hill fabrics...

Lindi has beautifully finished Block 1 and is patiently waiting for Block 2. She is using Bonnie and Camille's "Marmalade" fabrics in her quilt. Swooning...

Gabriella has finished her redwork version of Block 1. How sweet is this?!

Gunn has also finished block 1 and they look like pretty reproduction print fabrics. Sweet!

Joy is really hooked on my 'Feeling Groovy' design and has used it again on a bag.
I think there is a hippy flower child within her!

Heather made four gorgeous placemats using my stitchery designs from the "Flowers In Pots" set I published in an early issue of Elefantz HOME, and later in Patchwork & Stitching magazine...

Are you inspired to stitch?
Me too!
No wonder I love to design pretty things. You make them look so good.
Thank you ladies. xx

Big day in the Elefantz household today. I am off to buy a steam mop. Oh joy. 



Kaisievic said...

Congrats to the winner and gorgeous show and tell!

Melody said...

I love stitching your beautiful designs.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

congratulations to the winner!

margaret said...

good to see the show and tell, the red work really caught my eye, another technique on the list of things I want to do!!
Happy mopping!

Lida said...

Hallo Jenny,
Congratulations to Debra and wish her lots of fun with the package! The creations all look fabulous and I love the placemats Heather made! And a steam-mop is very good to use, I already have my third! First was lent out by our DS and never returned, the second fell and was leaking afterwards and now I have number three and no one else may use it but me! I can not do my house without it!
Enjoy it and your lovely designs, hugs

Rosie said...

Thanks for the Show & Tell, I just love stitching your designs.

Noela said...

Lovely show and tell. Have my fabrics for Daisy Days. Must trace the stitchery and begin. Hugs....

Wendyb said...

good on you Debra!!!! so good to see you win!!! Love all the elefantz-love around Blogville.....looks wonderful, and so inspiring.....must get me some more linen Miss Jen so I can draw me up some daisy-love too!!!
A steam-mop eh???? I want a review!!! BTW LOVE the new-look blog....NOICE!!!!!
xox big sugary hugs
wendy :O) xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

I love them all...
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

If I weren't inspired before, I am now! The linen came in the mail! Yay! Now to find some time to play.

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Yeah... I am very excited. I have had patchy internet so I hadn't read this post (but I did reply to the email.)

The show and tell is beautiful.
Well done ladies.

I love the blog face lift too.