Hi Jenny. My name is Victoria and I'm writing you from Valencia (Spain) veeery far from Australia but for those miracles of internet I discovered your blog I've been following it for quite some time although this is my first comment in it. It's been the words embroidered in today's post what have made me write to you to thank you for every post you write, for me it is my daily dose of simple pleasures, calm, lovely, peaceful and affectionate words for the trouble moments I'm going through since some time ago. Many, many thanks!
I loved receiving this and wanted you to know that I also shared it with my daughters. My oldest daughter was just diagnosed last week with breast cancer---for the second time. She had been cancer free for 11 years and then this.... All we can do is pray and trust God and the doctors to also do their best with God's help. I also put this picture on my computer as my background so that when I open up it is there to encourage me to trust and not fear---for truly God is in control!!! Again--thank you.
such wonderful words
how lovely. thank you for sharing this
Hi Jenny. My name is Victoria and I'm writing you from Valencia (Spain) veeery far from Australia but for those miracles of internet I discovered your blog I've been following it for quite some time although this is my first comment in it. It's been the words embroidered in today's post what have made me write to you to thank you for every post you write, for me it is my daily dose of simple pleasures, calm, lovely, peaceful and affectionate words for the trouble moments I'm going through since some time ago. Many, many thanks!
It is so easy to be persuaded into fear, but this reminds us we are not alone. Thanks for that reminder this week.
Victoria, thank you so very much for commenting. You, dear lady, have blessed me. xxx
I loved receiving this and wanted you to know that I also shared it with my daughters. My oldest daughter was just diagnosed last week with breast cancer---for the second time. She had been cancer free for 11 years and then this.... All we can do is pray and trust God and the doctors to also do their best with God's help. I also put this picture on my computer as my background so that when I open up it is there to encourage me to trust and not fear---for truly God is in control!!! Again--thank you.
Praying for your girl, Cheryl...knowing that He is PRESENT in this time of trial.
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