Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Proverbs 4:23



Unknown said...

Thank you for your art and your love of the Lord.

Kim said...

Ditto on Teresa's comment.

Tammy said...

Thank you Jenny for sharing your beautiful and artful verses with us each Sunday

Gla said...

Your post inspired me today. Thank you for your Sunday scripture! I look forward to your scripture you post and the art work you put with it. May God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Very nice stitchery design, too. I like this verse, especially taken with the few before it where he is telling his son to listen to his words and keep them in the midst of his heart. It makes me think of keeping the important things of God and our family close to us and safe, and guarding them well. Remembering what's important. Thanks for this one today.

miss~nance said...

Thank you for your Sunday Scriptures, very encouraging to this tired and overly emotional heart.


Gail xx