You think you have it all worked out.
You have a plan. A good plan.
But something's not right.
There's this thud in your stomach every time you try to work with the plan, and pretty soon
that plan goes
shaped because that plan's just not what you should be doing right now.
In my case, the time for that plan is passed, and after some heavy soul searching last night I canned the plan. I listened to my heart, my God, and my husband.
There will be no more issues of Elefantz Magazines.
Wow - I said that out loud.
It's been an on-off love affair since my first issue back in 2011, and I've enjoyed it for the longest time...
but this year it's kinda held me back from moving forward into new things I want to lay my hands to.
Things like a book (or three);
designing fabric and casting out my line to see if someone is interested in printing it;
two new Block of the Month quilts that haven't progressed further than my sketch pad;
teaching stitching classes if I can make that happen;
learning new skills like free motion quilting and paper piecing;
...and my favourite thing of all - sharing more tutorials here on the blog that I love;
the blog that lets us meet each day over a cuppa, an idea, and even a prayer; the blog that is my front verandah where you're all oh so welcome to come visit and pull up a chair for a quick chat or an afternoon of stitching. x
And now that I've laid that pear to rest...
...I feel this enormous weight lift from my shoulders, and a shiver of excitement has begun to trickle in.
Already a sense of balance is returning...
...and I'm ready to buckle down and finish some things that have been waiting for attention far too long.
As you can see above, those pear placements from this blog post got an hour of my time yesterday and have eventually made it to the table as a completed set that we can use. \o/
I also have some new designs almost ready to go, one in particular I can't wait to show you.
Here's a teaser...
"Under The Apple Tree"
There's a bit of quilt-love happening, you see.
I'll just get the pattern written up and take more pretty pics before I show it all.
The Friday Newsletter: I'm still sending out my Friday newsletter each week, free sign up HERE.
It's delivered direct to your email and you'll never miss out on Elefantz news again.
There may even be news of something rather interesting in a few weeks and you wouldn't want to miss out would you?
Have a wonderful Friday everyone.
I'm off for a sewing day with the girls...yippee!
Life lessons - sometimes they are difficult and other times not. Congratulations on making the hard decisions, letting go of the things that are comfortable but not necessarily what we should be doing;embracing the new territory; trusting God and your husband to lead you down the right path of growth and blessings.
So excited for you and your new prospects. Can't wait to see that gorgeous new fabric, for I honestly believe it will be successful :)
Congratulations on coming to the best decision for you. Life is so short you need to enjoy to the fullest what you love doing.
Jenny you need to do what is best for you and yours. Time for taking stock and time to breath is important - good on you for having the courage to take the time needed xx
It's hard at times to keep the balance needed so that we can do all the things we love. And it can be hard to let go of what we think we need to do in order to do what God wants us to but His way always brings the peace that we need. I love your blog and read it everyday that you post. Can't wait to see your new project!
Jenny ao excited for your new endeavors. Good luck with them and keep listening for Gods' voice and of course Me E,
Congrats on being kind to you xxx I am looking forward to seeing the gorgeousness that is coming next. Hugs \o/
Wow....blown me away hon.....but you know in your heart what path to take and Mr R is a very wise man! Leave the stress behind for all you do will be successful my friend.
love you and will follow you always! xox :O)
Congratulations on making a difficult decision which is the best one for you. I support you in your new endeavors. Hugs and love,
Hi Jenny all the best for whatever lies in store for you in the future, I am a newcomer to your work and find it delightful. Any chance I can pick up back copies of your magazines?? Please let me know.
I am one of your newer blog followers and Elephantz Magazines however you are very wise to follow your heart and soul and pursue your dreams. Every single project you create and all the tutorials you so generously share with us are True Creative Bliss and I thank you! I shall continue to follow your path and feel very grateful for this blogging we all share. Blessings Dear...
Good luck in your new adventures Jenny. Have a lovely time with the girls. xxx
It takes courage to stop doing something. Listening to the wise counsel of others is always best. Looking forward to seeing your new ideas. Love the pear placemats.
wonderful Jenny. Go glad you have reached a resolution.
I'm happy that you have made the decision. I'm sure it is the best thing for you. Vicki
Hey gorgeous lady, how wonderful that you are having the courage to reassess your life and how wonderful that you have been given the answer to the questions that have been niggling for some time. Be proud of what you have decided, go forth and embrace your life and accept the wonderful adventures ahead for you. You will always have our support in whatever you do. The main thing is that you are happy and doing what you love.
Many hugs special lady
What a relief for you, Jenny! I'm happy you feel good about it. Have a great weekend!
Yah! Coolio!
'You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!' Dr Suess.
Love Karen
Do what is good for you lovely lady
Another nice project in Country Threads today
Did I tell you Iam currently making one of your bag patterns Have finished the stitchery Love it
forward and conquer girlfriend- make those dreams how lucky people would be to be taught to stitch by you...xo
Bless you Jenny on a tough decision. One door closes and another opens everyday but it's not always easy to follow our hearts and walk through that open door. Comfort zones are so much easier. Enjoy your new ventures.
We are all praying for your success.
Being good at something isn't a reason to do it. Pleased you have made some excellent choices here - including listening to your husband. Bless you Jenny!
Dear Jenny, only you know what is right for you, well done on making your decision!
Take care of yourself & Mr E......
good for you girl! This isn't always an easy decision to make, but you really need to do what makes YOU happy. People are always telling me I should sell my stuff - but I do what I do because it makes me happy, relaxes me and challenges me - if I did it to sell, it would be a job and change forever. I'll miss your e-zine, but I'm really glad you are still going to design - your work is wonderful
Oh, Jenny - you must feel like the weight of the world is off your shoulders. You Go, Girl! Do what is best for you and the creativity will flow. I love your blog, your tutorials, everything you blog about and share. I'm looking forward to it all.
hugs from Iowa, USA,
Jenny, Books, wonderful! Love the pear p;acemats, hope you share the instructions. Have a great weekend and see you next week.
Patricia C.
You are a smart woman to follow your heart and do what is right for you and Mr. E. To be able to recognize what is not feeling right and acting upon it shows a true sense of who you are as a person. Keep u the good work and I am so looking forward to your tutes and updates on friendships.
Hugs XXX
It's sometimes hard to make decisions of any kind. Congratulations on taking a giant step! I didn't subscribe to your ezine but have definitely enjoyed your newsletters and tutorials. Thanks for all of them! Looking forward to your new endeavor.
Congrats on being so brave on having to make such a hard decision and going after your new goals. Only you know what is best for you. Best of luck to you!!
Oh I can't wait for the reveal of Under the Apple Tree, it looks so cute already.
Wishing you the best in all of your endeavors...whatever they may be!
I love those pear placemats! So pretty. And the quilt - well, I can't wait to see the whole thing;)
Your work so inspires me. I love reading each blog post. Follow your dreams. you inspire me to work on my first quilt design which has been on the back burner, so I will start.
Congratulations on your new ventures.I just found your blog and was looking forward to your magazine but I am sure you have wonderful ideas and plans for you and everyone so on to new places and dreams. Thanks for all you have done for us.
As an 'almost' Londoner, apples and pears means stairs! Carry on climbing them Jenny, miss out the rungs you are not happy with and linger on the ones you like. I enjoyed your newsletters, but life moves on an there are other fish out there to fry. Enjoy what you are doing and we will all enjoy it more. Love sitting on your front veranda and hope I shall be invited for some time to come, xx
To everything there is a season for you!!! Life is much to short to not be doing what makes you happy. I'm looking forward to seeing what this new season holds for you...blessing, I'm sure!
Life changes and life changes us. The things that are important today may not be important tomorrow. Put your faith in the lord and he will always see you through. Do the things that make you happy. And when those things no longer make you happy and they become a chore it is time to move on. Love you and wish you well on all the new endeavors you want to venture into.
Whatever path you follow Jenny, I just wish you peace and happiness xx
Good luck in heading down new paths. We all need to grow and change.
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