Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Jeremiah 31:3...

One thing I have learned through my 23 years walking with Jesus is that His love is very different to the love which the world offers.
The world's advertising will tell you that 'love' is about being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, sexy enough - and it has a million ways to show you how to make yourself into someone who can be 'loved'.
Friends, that kind of love is manipulative, degrading, unrealistic, and a downright lie.

JESUS LOVES YOU with an everlasting love that sees the very depths of your heart - both the good and the ugly - and He chose to be hammered into rugged arms of a tree to save you from that fate. That is LOVE.

You are good enough for Him.
Woman, you are beautiful to Him.
Man, you are handsome to Him.
You look exactly the way God created you in His mind's eye before He even began a six day gig building the universe from scratch.

You are unique because He created *you* with individual flair and delight! His smile was wide  when He designed your twinkling eyes that offer the world a window to your soul.
It's your uniqueness as His child that allows you to come before Him any second of any day and ask for Him to fill little ole' you, over and over, with His perfectly healing and restoring  LOVE.

He draws you to Him, He waits for you....with lovingkindness. Always. And with LOVE.
Don't ever doubt that LOVE.



Marie Atkinson said...

Beautiful thoughts on this Sunday morning. I'm so glad I know that love to be true love.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts my dear.hugs x

cucki said...

Beautiful thoughts my dear..
Hugs x

Anonymous said...

Perfect love. Thank you for this post. The world nibbles away at us every day, and it's good to be refreshed. I'm leaving for church in about ten minutes and thought I'd check your scripture for this day. I'm so glad I did and got this reminder.

Farm Quilter said...

Perfect! Absolutely true! I am making a quilt for a friend of mine who is also my sister in Christ and I have decided that I am going to quilt it with favorites, her favorites, ones that remind me of her and I am going to hit your Sunday list for a bunch more!!! Thank you!!!

LONA said...

Thank you, Jenny- i needed that reminder. You have the gift of using words to edify others. :)