If you're a long time reader of Elefantz you'll know that I get my greatest joy from bringing Scriptures to life in needle and thread.
This is the first one for 2015, and it was inspired by my desire to keep a record of all the Domestic Reflections I share with you each Sunday on the blog over the coming year.
Isaiah 40:8 "...the word of our God shall stand forever."
This is a free stitchery pattern during the month of January...
...and you're welcome to download it HERE from my shop.
It's only small so will stitch up fairly quickly at just 3" x 4".
I don't know how you will use your stitchery when you make it, but mine is gracing the cover of a small A6 spiral bound journal with blank pages. Mr E found it for me at Officeworks for just $2, and it was perfect for my needs.
On the first page I drew the month and a little design...
Then I printed up a small copy of the first Domestic Reflection I shared last Sunday (Proverbs 31:13) and used double sided tape to secure it on the next page... 

I will write my personal thoughts under the Scripture too, as this will be one way of remembering what God is teaching me in Scripture through...
If you'd like to do something similar I will be sharing a complimentary pdf download of each Sunday's Domestic Reflection that you can print up and use.
It will have a small copy for a project like my Memory Verse Journal, as well as a full page version you may like to display in a frame or keep on your fridge.
By year's end we'll have 52 verses memorised!
You can download last Sunday's file HERE (it's not in my shop), and if you think either the stitchery or the print out will encourage a friend please invite them to drop over here to my blog as I'll be sharing more Christian themed designs throughout the year.
Have a lovely and relaxing weekend,and don't forget to look at your home with fresh eyes as you never know what wonderful ideas will spring to mind!
I'll be back on Sunday with a new Domestic Reflection, then we'll be in the kitchen for a look see at what I've doing with my pantry on Monday,
Thank you for everything you so kindly share with us.
Jenny, Thank you. I always like your Sunday verse and statements.
Muito bonito...mimoso, delicado...agradeço o risco para o bordar...abraços cá de Portugal
Thank you for sharing more loveliness. My first thought was to make a cover for my Bible, so much prettier than the plain original blue one on it now. I've already started collecting your Sunday Scripture lessons, but really love your idea.
May God continue to richly bless you as you are blessing us.
Thank you for your generosity in sharing so many lovely, inspirational patterns. The Word of God helped me through a very rough day today.... God is good!
Jenny that is just lovely and so perfect, thank you darlin'! I love the idea of a journal, maybe I'll join you hon....
Jenny I love this piece so much. I'm trying to memorize verses with Beth Moore's group but memorization is not easy for me any more. I had a mild stroke several years ago and I blame it on that, or maybe it's just because I'm 68! But I'm going to use some of the verses you give us as part of my memorization there - two birds with one stone. :) Thank you so much for all that you do for us. blessings, marlene
Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us. And for sharing Gods word with us...I am going to try and do the same this year as you with this theme of a year of gentle domesticity....yes I am being a copy cat... But I really need to get some control back over my life and home and I have long lost my passion for being a homemaker and for most everything ever since I went through the breast cancer. Nothing seems right anymore. So if you don't mind I am gonna tag along and be a copy cat and try to bring joy back into my home and myself. I straihtend up my sewing room the best I could over the weekend after hubby took me to buy a older machine in a lovely table someone on Facebook was selling. Then yesterday I spend the day cleaning the larger walk in hall closet upstairs. And I have been trying to stitch more and more. Trying to force myself to pick up the needle and stich something for a few minutes each day. I love the idea that the verses you will be posting will help us with this theme as well.
What a wonderfully delightful idea, Jenny. I have a completely private blog where I keep a lot of my reflections, but there's nothing like a little book you can hold in your hands and think about over and over. I think I will buy the notebook first and then size the stitchery to it. ;) You are a force for good in the world. Thank you for the free stitchery pattern. I have come to love Isaiah so much!
Thank you for sharing this - I am using the Sunday lessons as part of my devotions for each week.
Hello Jenny,I write you from Italy. I would like to join to this gourgeous project, but I wasn't able to find the download.
Thank you,
I love your journal cover and thank you for sharing the pattern. xx
Jenny, I am going to incorporate most of your scriptures into the quilting of a quilt that I am making for a sister in Christ. Thank you for sharing everything you do with us!
I love this! This is just a perfect idea and I will look forward to each addition! Happy New Year dear friend.
I love the idea of memorizing a scripture each week and learning about gentle domesticity from your lovely posts. I'm going to follow along and hopefully also improve my stitching along the way. Thanks so much.
Your little book of scriptures will be a treasure indeed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspirations and stitcheries with us. I must admit I am not a student of the scriptures so I do appreciate learning them...even at this late stage of life. Blessings Dear...
Miriam, the links are in the blog post. :-)
Where I have written "HERE"...click on those.
Jen you are so generous...xx
This is so wonderful. I appreciate all that you do for us dear Jenny. I am also praying for a job for Mr. E. My Jim was out of work back in 2007 for a year and a half. It can be very difficult for men our husband's ages to get work. I understand.
Beautiful! I adore it!
Jenny, this latest embroidery is really beautiful. I like that you have "branched out" a little and done a few new stitches/designs in this pattern. Really awesome!
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