It's my birthday on Sunday and when Mr E asked me last month what I'd like as a gift the only thing that came to mind was a weekend away.
Away from the house, away from the office...away so I could catch my breath and sift through everything running through my mind and leave much of it behind by the time we return home.
Bless his heart, we're off to Cairns for two nights. How God thought I was worthy of having that man love me is a mystery!
I've packed some newly designed and prepared blocks to stitch for my Gentle Domesticity BOM... Cath Kidston yarn so I can make a start on these crochet crotch-et granny squares...
...a new book which after the intro and first chapter has me excited to read the rest...
...and my own teacup with my favourite tea.
It's ghastly hot here in the tropics at the moment and we're holidaying in it (Cairns is 400 klms north of where we live) instead of heading south to cooler climes! Ah well, we weren't to know when we booked, but the nice thing is that we have an air-conditioned suite overlooking the ocean, a pool, night markets, excellent street stalls, restaurants, and each other.
We can walk after dark along the Marina, get up at dawn to go get coffee, veggie juice and breakfast, and spend the rest of my birthday relaxing in the suite with no 'work' to do (always a distraction when you work from home).
Reading, sewing, crochet, swimming, sleeping, and watching good movies.
Yep, my kind of break away from home.
And because this is out-of-holiday season we got our motel suite for a bargain.
What will you be doing this weekend?
Are you looking for something new to stitch?
My friend Allie just released the cutest stitchery pattern "Whirly Twirly Garden" and I love it! Designs like this make me smile as I dream of lazy afternoons in a spring garden or if you live in the tropics like me this is definitely a winter scene. Hard to imagine if your winters involve snow, right?
Visit Allie HERE and see more of her pretty pattern!
I'm sorry I didn't share the recipe for my Pear & Cranberry gluten free loaf this week, but I'll definitely have it for you next week. With Blossom moving house, then unpacking into the new home these last seven days, I've not been home much and the blog was mostly ignored.
But life's like that because family comes first.
See you next week!
Happy Birthday, dear friend and sister in the Lord!!🎂🎈🎈🎈💐 Enjoy your time away, relax and let the Lord refresh your soul.
Cyndi Shaver
Happy Birthday...enjoy your down time with Mr. E! Sounds like a lovely time!
Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your weekend with your loving hubby.
Happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! I know it will be a wonderful one just like you!
Carol O
Happy birthday! Have a great and relaxing time away!
Happy Birthday, Jenny! Enjoy your weekend!
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday and a wonderful weekend away with your MrE...
Om my Merri girl sure has grown heaps..
Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful one.
Happiest of birthdays to you, happiest of birthdays to you! Happiest of birthdays dear Jenny-girl, happiest of birthdays to you!!! Oh my dear, you have no idea of how much you are loved - you make the world a much more beautiful place, just by being in it. Enjoy your well-deserved break, have fun with your wonderful hubby, and BREATH. Relax with no pressure to DO. I want you to have more fun than Merri!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday. Enjoy your break.
" Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz.
Te deseamos, Jenny , Cumpleaños feliZ "
Dear Jenny: I wish you a , very happy birthday. Enjoy your weekend.
Many kisses, and many many hugs.
HAPPY birthday Jen for Sunday xxx Enjoy your special relaxing time away. Merri is adorable.
Happy birthday, Jenny. Thank goodness you have air con in the unit as the humidity in those temps must be horrendous.
Aww happy happy birthday my dear sweetie pie..I am praying for you here on this special day.
GOD bless such a lovely soul.i love you.
Enjoy this special day.
Merri is so cute .
Big hugs and kisses xx
Happy birthday. No need to tell you to enjoy yourself as I am sure you will.
Happy Birthday for Sunday, enjoy the well deserved break. Guida
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, viel Glück und Gesundheit für das neue Lebensjahr !
Liebe Grüße
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend away.
Happy birthday. Enjoy your time away. Your Merri-girl looks adorable.wish my house looked as clean and organized as yours!
Happy Birthday, Jenny! Have a lovely time celebrating the unique you that God made you.
Have a wonderful time on your birthday getaway!
Good Morning Jenny! I wish you a Happy Birthday get away weekend filled with nothing but love and rest with the man that you love! Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing! God Bless You and Your Family!
Hi Jenny,
Wish u a very happy birthday to you.... Have a blessed year.
I'm glad you are having this wonderful holiday away! Although it looks a little as if you are taking your work with you. =) How nice to just spend time with your dear husband and relax. Maybe a freak cold front will move through and it will be pleasant even without the air conditioning.
May the Lord bless you and may you always find favor.
Hope you had a great birthday getaway. Happy birthday for Sunday.
Enjoy your birthday weekend Jenny, Cairns is beautiful. My sister lives there.
Happy Birthday Jenny and have a wonderful time with Mr E in Cairns, brings back very fond memories in the cooler months, well for Sydney but still hot in Cairns, it does have a great vibe along the Esplanade. Also would be much appreciated after helping with moving house. I am also preparing for a holiday and planning some craft and a book to read and also planning on delving further into crochet from knowing the basic stitches. Best wishes. Judithann :-)
Very Happy Birthday Jenny Dear. Enjoying a weekend get-a-way with your sweet husband and relaxing is Priceless. Birthday Blessings...
Happy birthday Jenny, enjoy your day. I think it is the perfect way to celebrate your day! :)
Felicidades, que as bençãos de Deus encham sua vida e de seus queridos! bjsss
Birthday Blessings to you Jenny! Have a wonderful little holiday!
Hi Jenny!I'm so pleased that I found you! You have a fabulous blog! I'm your newest follower!I love your embroideries, appliques and all delicate creations! Wish you a very happy birthday!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
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