Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blessing others (with free stitchery)...

Driving by the beach at sunset last night my husband and I shared how each of us had become so tired of the evening news on the television and it's focus on negativity and fear. Rarely was there a positive, bright or inspiring story to be told.

Our town has the highest unemployment rate in the state, and the highest youth crime in the state. We've had major loss of jobs in the mining sector, a nickel refinery closure, and the flow on to local businesses which seem to be closing their doors at an alarming rate. 

I thank God we have an income, but I feel great sorrow for those families and individuals who are struggling through such difficult economic times and find themselves bombarded with hopeless negativity from the media, a vocal and visual paintbrush of 'what's wrong in the world'. 

It's awful to be without hope, to have all the world's woes paraded before your eyes day after day when your own life is in so much turmoil. 

Wouldn't it do a heart greater good to balance the world's crises with stories of inspiration, goodness, hope and courage? Perhaps we need to share our own stories of kindness, answered prayer, perseverance and hope, when we sit with family and friends or chat with the checkout girl at our local supermarket? Changing from complaints about the election, weather or price of fuel might mean we need to think about what uplifting things we could talk about but it would be so worth it to put a smile on another's weary and tired face.

You may know a friend or neighbour currently facing serious hardships, perhaps it's a member of your own family? 
Consider what kindness you can offer them. 
A fresh baked cake; an outing to the park with sandwiches and a flask of soup shared on a blanket in the sunshine; an ear to hear without offering advice - just listening (don't we all want that sometimes?); babysitting for a day; mowing the lawn; turning up at the door with ice-cream and a pot of daisies for their garden; or even a simple invite to come stitch at your place.
Simple things are often the best as they are more easily accepted, but also because there's less pressure on you (and me) so we're more likely to reach out.

I designed this blessing stitchery a few years back and today I'd like you to have it as a free gift. You could stitch it for someone who needs a blessing (visual reminders like this have saved me from falling apart some days), or print it up and make a kit to give a sewing friend who's fallen on difficult times.
Pray about it, God will show you what to do.

Click the Pinterest button at the top left of the photo too. Let's share this free stitchery far and wide and hopefully bless many hurting souls.

Designing by His grace alone,


janice15 said...

Lovely Jenny, I often visit with a elderly lady in my neighborhood and bring her different things. This would be nice to make and give her. Thank you for sharing this. I have yet to make anything yet been so busy. But it is always in my mind. Hopefully soon. O I forgot what is whisperwelf i never heard of this. Thank you, Happy weekend with love Janice

Createology said...

Just yesterday I surprised my neighbor and made him Pork Enchiladas for his dinner. I told him how grateful my husband and I are to have him as our neighbor. I truly love to do good deeds each and every day. Thank you Jenny for promoting the Sharng of Happy with Others. Love your Stitchery Dear.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jenny. That will be helpful here, too. I quit listening to the news. Actually, I quit receiving all the cable and regular channels in my home. I find I'm much happier, and somehow I manage to go on without hearing all the negativity. I still know what's going on in the world, somehow, but it isn't beating at me every day. =) You have such a loving and generous soul.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Janice15, have a look at this blog post where I show all my stitching essentials.

Petal49 said...

I too have given watching news on television. I do listen to a couple of radio broadcasts a day but they ar short and sweet. Thank you for your lovely stitchery and thoughts. I do try to be cheerful and optomistic when I am talking to others; especially strangers.

Ondrea said...

I never watch the news or read newspapers as they have always focused on negative issues which they sometimes tend to embellish. However, I find that people can't get enough , that's all they want to talk about and they just keep perpetuating the problem. Really strange! I am convinced that our politicians are not working for us, the people ,but are self serving and more inclined to feed their egos and wallets. While so many people are doing it tough, they want more pay rises ! As a collective consciousness we need to send out love and light and try to avoid listening and watching negative propaganda. When someone starts talking about all the ills of the world I think it is important for us to point out all the good things and try to alter the course of their conversation. Smiles, hugs, and lovely gestures as you have suggested are so important. Your stitchery is so apt and so lovely. Thankyou so much. Angel hugs coming your way.

simplestitches said...

that's why I hardly ever watch the news...dislike all the negativity. You're right a few stories of inspiration wouldn't go astray!

Ladyfée said...

merci beaucoup Jenny ! mon dieu si tout le monde pensait comme vous, celà irait beaucoup mieux, chez nous en France nous avons été frappé par des inondations importantes, détruisant tout sur leurs passages, même aussi la vie de personnes et animaux, des familles sans abri, des maisons complètement endommagées par la montée des eaux, la Seine a fait des ravages cette année, suites aux fortes pluies et orages; sur Paris, dans ma région de Seine et Marne, dans le Nord et l'Est de la France, c'est terrible et on se sent impuissant devant ces évènements, heureusement il y a eu beaucoup de solidarité, les gens se sont aidés, c'est important ! cette broderie est vraiment très jolie et un message qui a toute son importance, merci pour votre générosité et vos paroles de bon sens, passez un bon week-end en famille, Ladyfée

Guida said...

Jenny your kindness knows no bounds, thank you. Guida

KimM said...

This is so sweet of you to share...and very timely. I have a friend who is going through a rough time....ill make it for her.thank you, thank you!

Kalli Inman said...

Jenny this is perfectly timed...not sure if it made international news [it made US national news] but our little town was hit with devastation yet again, this past week when a driver plowed through 9 bicyclists killing 5 and leaving 4 in the hospital.

My husband did the 5 mile "silent ride" to honor those that were killed.

One of our church members is in the hospital with a very long recovery ahead of him...I will stitch this for him and his beautiful family.

Not a lot more our town can take after the Kalamazoo shootings this winter...but we are Kalamazoo Strong!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Yess, Yessss! The media certainly shapes the mood of the people.

It only takes a moment to do a thoughtful thing for friend or stranger. We have been watching the the reports on Mohammad Ali, who has long been my grandson's hero. Most did not know him for the kind and generous person he was. However, he lived in our area for a long time and it was not uncommon to see him here and there. He lived to share kindness and generosity. If only we could all be that way every day.

Thank you so much for sharing your design and reminding all how easy it is to be kind.
Much Love and prayers for Blossom.
xx, Carol

Charito said...

Thank you Jenny.
Creo que son tiempos finales, El Señor ya viene, debemos estar preparados para El.
Tu corazón es muy lindo, gracias por compartir. un abrazo en la distancia.

Nancy Page said...

You are so so very kind and thoughtful. Thank you for this verse and for all that you share along with your kindness. Your verse today goes along with the prayer that was in our local paper today. I pray everyday that the Lord will be with us all to bring peace and good into this world. Thank you.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

Kathleen said...

I already downloaded it to my Craftsy account Jenny. Thank you.
Here's a feel good story. My mother has been quite upset lately because she's now losing vision in her "good eye". However, she still mows her own lawn, at 87 years old. But her lawn mower has been in the shop for three weeks now. She has noticed three separate neighbors that have been mowing her lawn for her without her even asking. She went outside when she noticed the first one mowing and offered a glass of water or juice. He was surprised to see her because he thought she was in church. He was trying to be sneaky :)

Brenda said...

Good Morning Jenny! Hubby and myself have had the same discussion quite a few times. We gave up television over 10 years ago with one of the reasons being that the negative impact that news media has is something we do not need in our lives. We struggle day to day to make an honest living, to live by the Word of the Lord and to trust and Love each other. Your hand embroidery message is such a splendid message to send to so many friends, family and unknown people that I will surely be doing one for my home, and several for others. Plus, I did pin it on Pinterest and hope that many others will repin it and spread the word.
Thank you Jenny for sharing your faith and love in the Lord! You are one of Gods chosen people to speak and teach and spread his word on the earth. You, dear Jenny, do a Magnificent, job and I am so delighted to have found your blog and get to enjoy and learn from you every day! Have a fantastic creative day!

Farm Quilter said...

Amen!! Way too much negativity in the news these days! With presidential elections this year, that dominates the depressing! But I am so blessed - my niece is getting married in 4 hours and my dad will celebrate his 95th birthday on the 16th of this month!!! Everyone can use your "God's Blessing"...we all have down times, even with all our blessings. Thank you for sharing your gift for design and stitchery with the world. Your generosity is a blessing to all of us, and the ripples of it spread throughout our world.

Sherry said...

Thank you so much for this post and for the beautiful stitchery. I am in the process of making one of your Postcards designs to give to a young mother who is going through a difficult time. I want to reach out and bless others more.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Yep - I only watch the local news if there's severe weather coming, otherwise forget it. I am interested in what's going on in the world though - but there's a balance to be had, and I have to keep God's word at the forefront of my mind. Things will get a lot worse before they get better, and dwelling on His promises will help me stand through them.
I made this stitchery back when you first shared it, love it so very much, Jenny. Good reminder to keep blessing others.

Susan said...

I rarely watch the news on TV. I rarely watch TV either. Not enough good, decent, moral shows.

Thanks for this stitchery. God blesses us so we can bless others.

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Such a beautiful stitchery Jenny! Things sound tough in your town, it will be wonderful if you can spread some love and hope. I have just made a crochet shawl for a neighbour who has just been diagnosed with cancer, I have used my Scripture Yarn with the words peace be still painted onto the yarn during the dyeing process. It always feels so special to be able to spread a little love!

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Such a beautiful stitchery Jenny! Things sound tough in your town, it will be wonderful if you can spread some love and hope. I have just made a crochet shawl for a neighbour who has just been diagnosed with cancer, I have used my Scripture Yarn with the words peace be still painted onto the yarn during the dyeing process. It always feels so special to be able to spread a little love!