Saturday, July 2, 2016

A diagnosis...

I have pneumonia. 
The migraine had masked a more serious illness but when my doctor called this morning to say my white blood cell count was extremely high and to get myself to hospital immediately it set in motion a whole series of tests. The doctors are not sure if the pneumonia is viral or bacterial so I was given two IV antibiotics, plus a saline IV for my dehydration. 
After a chest X-ray, CAT scan and numerous blood tests here I am tonight back at home, with a cannula in my arm so the nurse who will visit me at home each day can top me up with more IVs until I come through the worst of it. I love the "hospital at home" program we have in our town. It's far easier to rest and recuperate at home, in your own bed, surrounded by familiar things and your favourite people. 
I apologise to those of you who have been waiting for block 7 of Postcards From Heaven. I've not been able to stitch for a while so I'll share that block, plus block 7 of Gentle Domesticity, as soon as I'm able. 
For the meantime I'm resting, lovingly cared for by my knight in shining armour, Mr E.

God bless 


Melody said...

No wonder you feel terrible you poor thing. Just rest and get better before that little grandchild appears.

Petal49 said...

Sending prayers and hugs and hope you feel better soon.

Christine B said...

Hope you feel much better very soon Jenny! Hugs Christine x

Joanne said...

Sounds like a great heath care system there!
Take the time you need....a stitch in time saves nine ....
we'll be still here when you're better!
Take care,

Susan said...

Take care of yourself - forget about blocks and other stuff. Hope you feel better very quickly

ninifee said...

Gute Besserung und schone dich, liebe Jenny :-)
LG, Gudrun

Libster said...

sorry you not been well, we have HITH here too at the hospital where I work... its great as people get to go home and will recover quicker in their own homes and have less chance of getting other bugs. hope you recover fully soon

Thoeria said...

Please rest up and take care of yourself dear Jenny. Your health is important. You're in my thoughts x

Jacqueline said...

Prayers and hugs for a speedy recovery. Hopefully you are truly resting and giving your body a chance to heal.

Unknown said...

Jenny, feel better soon. Don't think of anything but getting well. Love and hugs


Tricia said...

I am so glad you are getting good care, Jenny! Rest and relax and heal! Hugs!

KimM said...

Jennifer, please take care - and heal - we all can wait for your beautiful stitching. Your health and family come first.

allthingzsewn said...

So glad the Dr. found the culprit. Praying for a speedy recovery. You have to be eady for Blossom and the new baby.

Unknown said...

Blessings of a speedy recovery for you sweet Jenny. Rest and let The Lord wrap His loving arms around you, comfort you, and keep you close. xoxo Hugs from Roxanne, Northern Michigan USA

Shelley E said...

So sorry to hear that you are ill. Take care and I am sending you my best thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Carol Swift said...

I'm so sorry your sick! Hope the antibiotics kick in and send you on your way to feeling better!

Little Penpen said...

Oh goodness! You should feel better soon! ((hugs))

Robin in New Jersey said...

Oh no! This is awful. You just rest and get well!! Prayers are being said for you today. XOXO

Diane said...

Sending healing thoughts for a speedy recovery.

Käthe said...

Liebe Jenny,
ich freue mich darüber, das du zu Hause sein kannst.
Hoffentlich kannst du dich gut erholen, so dass es dir bald besser geht.
Eine Lungenentzündung ist eine ernste Krankheit.
Ruh dich aus !
Liebe Grüße

PolkaDotClassic said...

Rest , rest and more rest :) You'll be yourself in no time soon - Thinking and praying for you -

JES said...

Get well soon, sweet friend! Will send a prayer up for you! :)

Ondrea said...

Oh my! So sorry to hear that you are so ill and wish you a very speedy recovery. Glad you are home rather than in hospital. Much better to be home these days if you have support. I do hope someone is looking after you with meals etc. The last thing you need to worry about is this blog and your BOMs, your recovery is much more important. Many angel healing hugs.

Dolores said...

Prayers for a speedy recovery. It's not a fun time when one is ill. Rest.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

God Bless you. Praying for your speedy recovery.
I had pneumonia a few years ago that was bacterial. I almost got to go home with an IV attached but then developed a blood infection that led to more testing and a week in the hospital. I would have felt better at home, but at least I had my favorite quilt with me.
Much love to you. Please get well quickly.
xx, Carol

Jusmom1 said...

Oh NO! Please take care of yourself and REST! I know that is a hard thing for many of us, but your body will not heal without it. Sending warm hugs and prayers!

Charito said...

JENNY, GOD bless you, and he put her hand in your body. my prayer for you. i hug from Guatemala. Cuidate mucho. tu salud es lo mas importante

Unknown said...

Praying you feel better very soon.

Lesley Gilbert said...

I've never heard of the 'hospital at home' programme but it sounds like such a good idea - you recover in your familiar surroundings and the hospital has a bed for somebody else - win-win :) It's good to know your treatment has started and hopefully a full recovery won't be too far away. ((hugs)) to you - hope you have a nice weekend with hubby :)

Luz said...

Deseo que te recuperes pronto.
Un abrazo desde España

vernagrace said...

Take good care of yourself, Jenny, rest and get well.

Prayers, and hugs.


Brenda said...

Jenny Dear, You just rest and get better! No worrying about us, just about you! I am so glad that the doctor found out what the cause was and is treating you. How fabulous to be able to be treated at home with loved ones! I will continue to pray!

Gla said...

May God bless you and keep you in His care! Praying you get well soon.

Gla said...

May God bless you and keep you in His care! Praying you get well soon.

Nancy Page said...

Sending you good thoughts and many prayers for a speedy recovery! Sounds like you are getting the best of care. Love the idea of "hospital at home" care.

Wishing you the very best!

Lou said...

Get well soon!!!!

Slrw said...

Prayers for a quick recovery. I have been there, it just takes rest and time, so pamper yourself and let others receive a blessing by helping you!

beefi8 said...

Prayers for a smooth and speedy recovery!

Kathy H said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Get lots of rest. You need to be ready for the new grand baby!

Debra said...

Sending prayers your way, Jenny! You are fortunate in your good healthcare system, but rest is of primary importance. I have plenty of stitching to catch up on, so you need only worry about recovering.

sandi s said...

I'm so glad you went to the doctor! Just rest and get well, everything else will wait. You have to be much better for the new grandbaby that is coming.😊 Hugs, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a bit unexpected! Are the headaches milder now? No, don't answer, just let us know in the blog when you are better. Other things can wait as long as it takes. Don't stress over it. I hope Blossom continues her recovery, too. Thank goodness she got you to go see the doctor.

Jocelyn said...

Praying for you. I had pneumonia years ago and even when I was better it took a long time for me to regain my strength and endurance. Take care of yourself.

Sheryl said...

Oh Jenny, so sorry you are poorly, how frightening to be carried off and poked about to find out what is wrong. Take it easy, prayers are on their way and rest, rest and rest. very best wishes.

Rian said...

Hope you feel better soon. I know what it is. I have had it 5 years ago. I felt tired a long time after that. It seems to be normal. All the best for you!

Susan said...

Glad you were correctly diagnosed before things got a whole lot worse! Don't worry about the heavenly postcards or GD blocks. They can wait until you have recuperated. I am sure we all have enough projects to work on. If not, we can go to your stores and get some. My prayers continue for you and Blossom.

Lin said...

How awful. Thinking of you lots and sending more love and prayer. xx

celkalee said...

So sorry you are ill, good thoughts and prayers you way. Take care of yourself, all the needle workers in the world can take a little break while you recuperate.

Kathleen said...

So happy to hear the pneumonia was diagnosed!! You almost have to thank the migraine for that being brought to light! Nice that you can recuperate at home. Do not even think about the stitcheries. We want you better soon! Rest is what is important now.

B from Canada said...

Please don't worry about posting things. Just take care of yourself FIRST.

It's "good" to get a diagnosis. At least you know what you need to do.

We will gladly wait for you to feel better. It's the top priority now.

B from Canada

QuilterinMotion said...

Hospital at home sounds like just what the doctor ordered! Stay quiet, do what you're nurses tell you and put the blog on the back burner. It will still be there when you are well again.
We'll all be here waiting for you. God bless you.

barcord said...

Rest and Recover with those who love you most Jenny. I will be praying you will be well soon. Isnt it great you can be at home. We don't have that option here.

Susie said...

Oh no! Rest rest rest! Hospital at home is great. One of the parents at school is one of those nurses. I had pneumonia whilst pregnant with my third child and hubby was stuck overseas with the Icelandic volcano preventing him from travelling home. Dr said to me I and to get someone to stay with me at home or be hospitalised. Was very concerning as to who I could ask! My mum ended up coming for two nights but sometimes you know it's often easier to do thing yourself?......Take care of yourself. Don't worry about your obligations to anyone but yourself. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Dear One,

We are praying for your quick recovery. Please rest and know we are all more concerned about you than anything from you.


shirley flavell said...

Dear Jenny, home is the place to be if it's possible. So many "bugs" are caught in hospital, hard to believe but it's true.Also your own bed and family around is comforting. Keep your visitors down for a while. Rest, sit in the sun if possible and eat and drink well.Best wishes. Shirley N.Z.

Ivani said...

Rest, for a faster recovery. Sending prayers your way.
Take care.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Rest well Jen and feel better soon. No wonder you were feeling pretty awful and thank goodness you went to the Doctors. Sending healing hugs xxx

Cher in Victoria said...

Take care of yourself, recoup quickly, don't worry about anything but getting better.

Lline said...

This may be one of those blessings in disguise things. If you had gotten sick a little later you might be told to stay away from your newest little granddaughter when she arrives. This way the sickness should be past you and Blossom and both of you be recovered enough to enjoy those first moments in person. I remember 40 years ago when my mom held my first child just a day after he was born. It's a memory you and Blossom shouldn't miss having. Forget about everything else, pamper yourself, let others do for you. Rest up so you can enjoy that new little one. Everything will be fine out here until it's time for you to join us again. In the meantime prayers for you and yours are in my thoughts all the time for your and Blossom's health and her safe and smooth delivery.

Christine M said...

You just concentrate on getting yourself well, Jenny. Take care. Hugs, Christine xx

Vicki said...

Rest is the best thing for you. Don't worry about everything that you should be doing. It will all wait for you. Get better soon.

Eliane said...

Dear Jenny,

I am praying for you to get better.
Hugs from Brazil.


Michelle said...

I'll be praying for you. I'm so glad the doctor diagnosed it. Take it easy and hope you and Blossom are better real soon.

Carol said...

Get better soon Jenny. It's no fun being sick. Take care of yourself and take it easy. We will all still be here whenever you are ready to return. I hope Blossom is improving too.

Christina said...

Continued prayers that you feel better soon.

Nana Judy said...

Sending you prayers for a speedy recovery Jenny. Everything else can wait!

Julie said...

Gosh Jenny, thats awful news but am glad you do finally have a diagnosis. So glad to read you are able to get better at home in your own bed with your Mr taking very good care of you. Sending you gentle hugs & prayers for a speedy recovery. Take care dear friend x x x x x

Unknown said...

Take care and rest up. Hope you are feeling better soon. said...

Get better soon Jenny.God bless you.

Kristy said...

We can wait! You need to rest and get better. I am glad you know what is wrong and have gotten started on getting better. Rest and know Jesus is watching over you. You have been such an encouragement to me as I have had some struggles lately. You take me back to Jesus every time. Thank you for your wonderful designs and your wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement. You are a big blessing in my life. K-

Leeanne said...

Gosh jenny that is not the best news! So good you can be home, with the comforts of home. Take care and sending you 'speedy-healing-wishes'.

grammajudyb said...

Wishing you a quick recovery. What a great idea, hospital at home! Take care.

Mary said...

I said a prayer and will say another and trust you'll soon be feeling better!

Baa. xxx said...

Oh dear darling Jenny. You must have been so unwell. I am so pleased that they have diagnosed you and are treating you now. What a fantastic idea to have hospital at home - clever - you are so right it is much better to be with your own home comforts and own special caring knight. Prayers and Blessings.

prairie said...

Get Well SOON! We love you. Kathie in Odessa, WA, USA

Helena said...

Espero que te recuperes lo antes posible, con todo esa alegria de vivir que tienes siempre. Te echaré de menos. Un beso desde el otro lado del mundo, en España.

Motherdragon's Musings said...

Remember to rest, and drink lots of fluids. Hooe yiu get better ASAP. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Take care Jenny!!!
Cuida´t molt. Hugs

Maria said...

Get well soon Jenny, hugs Maria....

Evelene S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Evelene S said...

Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest. Prayers for you and Mr. E.

Evelene S said...

Take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest. Prayers for you and Mr. E.

Chris Royal said...

Sorry to hear you are unwell. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Jan said...

No wonder you've been feeling so awful, Jenny. I know from my own experience of having pneumonia that you won't be able to help taking it easy. Your recovery may be long and slow - don't be impatient, just be kind to yourself and get plenty of rest. Sending you a ton of good wishes. 🌹

Kathleen said...

Take care of you; do not worry about work.

Jennifer said...

Oh Jenny! Prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

Faith in texas said...

Faith in Texas
Just take care of yourself. You are such a special person, and as "life gets in the way" you need to conserve your strength and worry about getting well. Postcards and domesticity, can wait. Prayers are being sent, as well as our loving lord's arms around you as he carries you on your get well journey.
You are loved.

Victoria said...

Dear Jenny, I'm so sorry you have pneumonia. Please rest and you'll get well very soon. I'm praying for you, take care and I'm sending you all my love!

Anneb said...

Dear Jenny
I wish I could have made your grandma's chickensoup.... Take care. Let the girls and mr. E spoil you. Be blessed. I am praying for you. Pink soentjies

Kay said...

Hope you have a quick recovery.

Sandra Bryan said...

Sorry to hear you are so sick and hope you get well soon. I'll be thinking about you .

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny ,boy i hope you feel better soon,sounds like a great idea to be home instead of hospital,what a great program,when hubby was in hospital not long ago he was so tired because of lack of sleep ,he said it was impossible to sleep at the hospital,take care xx

Dorte Kreiberg said...

Hi Jenny, I am glad it is found out what is wrong, I hope you will get better soon, all the best wishes from Dorte in Denmark

Glenise said...

Hope you are feeling better Jenny. We miss you. Take care and REST.

Glenise said...

Hope you are feeling better Jenny. We miss you. Take care and REST.

Águeda said...

Dear Jenny:
I'm sorry you're sick.
You have to take care of yourself and forget about the embroideries until you're strong.
God bless you. You and your family are in my prayers. Hugs.

TobyBo said...

feel better soon. Prayers from Pennsylvania.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Hope you are doing better by now. It's no fun being sick, and, pneumonia isn't anything to mess about with.

Rosi said...

Hola Jenny, pido al Señor pronta recuperación para tu persona, que mejor que tener a tu lado a un ser amado eso ayudara mucho, Dios te bendiga... Saludos de Chiapas, México.


Nanna Ray said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery Jenny. Rest, rest, rest, so you can be strong and healthy to enjoy your future role as a loving grandmother. Look forward to seeing you up and about with your beautiful designs. Hugs.

Carla said...

So glad they discovered the problem. Now they can get you to feeling better.
Take care of yourself and don't rush it.