Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Have Faith: a free stitchery pattern...

When sorrowful things have happened in the past you find new fears develop in the future, especially when you're walking a similar path to the one that broke your heart previously.
Without giving any more details, this describes the emotions I fought to conquer during Blossom's labour and little Cully May's birth last week.
It was by holding tightly to the Lord's hand that I got through every hour, every silent hour, whilst our dear daughter fought her way into motherhood.

I drew this design a couple of weeks ago, inspired by God, and it was this precious verse I stitched during the two days of waiting for sweet Bloss to give birth.

Today it is my, HIS, gift to you. 

The free pattern is here in my shop

For those who would like to know what threads I used for this design they are an old DMC variegated duo and I'm not sure if you can still acquire them?

DMC - Green 94 and Pink 99

When I heard they were going to stop producing these threads I bought about 20 skeins of each because at the time they were my favourite pairing of pink and green. A dear friend Dawn even gifted me with a box of ten, bless her heart. I think that was back in 2011...
The fabrics under the thread are an older Tilda range from last year. The colours blend perfectly with the variegated threads so I'm going to border the stitchery with them and make a mini quilt. 

Blossom and Cully May arrived home from hospital last night and are settling in to home life with daddy. I'll be taking the dogs back to them later today and this sweet little family will be all together again.

My older daughter Aisha is coming to visit at the end of September with her new baby, four month old Austin, so I will have my arms full of grandchildren - how blessed I will be!

May the Lord's grace and mercy be yours in abundance,


DH said...

Thank you Jenny! This is such a sweet pattern and a very sweet occasion. Congratulations to all! Dawn

Deborah said...

Children...and grandchildren...are a treasure. Thanks for the pattern and the reminder.

Gillian said...

Jenny your designs are truly a gift from God and this one is no exception. Thank you for the wonderful pattern! And a big hug to you and Miss Cully May all the way from Illinois, USA.
Be Blessed...

Ondrea said...

Thankyou so much for this sweet stitchery design . You have been in my thoughts each day and it is so wonderful to hear that dear Blossom and little Cully are home. Have heaps of fun and joy surrounded by your children and grand children. I am looking forward to my first grand child sometime in February. Angel hugs.

Águeda said...

Thank you very munch. Your precious family grow. That is the better of life. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

Maryannep said...

Great news that Blossom and Cully May are back home again!!! Also good news
that Aisha will be coming too. You won't know what to do with yourself with two babies at the end of September!!!!!!

Little Penpen said...

So pretty Jenny! I'm so glad that Mommy and baby are doing well now.

Kerrie said...

Great to hear Blossom and Cully are doing well and are back home.
How lovely to hear that you will be enjoying time with two daughters and have your arms filled with two grandchildren

Winifred said...

Thank you Jenny. Glad things are going well for Blossom & Cully now. Lovely that the whole family will be together very soon.

Enjoy! Grandchildren grow up so quickly, much faster than your own children.

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Such a lovely thing to Stitch while you were waiting, your mother heart must have been aching for Blossom. So glad that all is going well. Enjoy being a Grandparent again xx

Tricia said...

Your first sentence put something into words for me that I thought I was alone in. Thank you. I am still learning to lean on Him. The one who says, "It is I, be not afraid." No matter what happens - He is still ours. I am so thankful.

I hope that you will enjoy your babies and their babies. Try not to overdo it, though, sweet Jenny!

Kathleen said...

Thank you Jenny. So happy to hear Blossom is coming along. Enjoy your new grandchild, and then both of them, come September.

Susan said...

Thank you. Glad to know Blossom and Cully are doing well. God is good.

Anonymous said...

Love those two threads together, and I think I might have some here somewhere from donated thread stashes from a couple of friends. I will have to search. Lucky you to have enough to last a while! I LOVE this pattern. I knew you were doing something during all that waiting to keep from going crazy, and I should have guessed it was something beautiful and filled with faith. I can see stitching this over and over and over! Thank you for sharing it, Jenny. I'm so glad that all turned out so well.

Unknown said...

Dear Jenny, sometimes your blog posts speak to me and today is one of those times. And you are right, sometimes old wounds do make for cautious steps and I too am feeling this at the moment.

The pattern is lovely, thank you, and yes, these 2 numbers have long been deleted. The smallest number on the DMC range is 120, but a lot of the variegated threads start at about the 4000 range (4200 is, for me, a favourite variegated blues) but any LNS will have a sample book of all colours available and may also have a letter from DMC as to which numbers will match 99 and 94.

Guess what I am doing this weekend?? :D


Marian, NZ

Victoria said...

Thank-you for taking the time to update us on the news of Blossom & her precious bundle. Your new design is perfect & I am sure it will be treasured by many of your followers.

Jude said...

Thank you Jenny, gorgeous design and stitchery, love your threads and fabric too, perfect. Memories etc can come back to us at these times, hard too being the Mum with Blossom having such a difficult time, wonderful times ahead with gorgeous baby cuddles. Good to hear Blossom and Cully May settling into home life and how wonderful your older daughter and baby planning a visit soon, special time to look forward to for you all. Yes our children and grandchildren are a treasure. Warmest wishes Judithann:-)x

Ingrid said...

Está hermosísimo como todo lo que haces Jenny. Gracias, no solo por compartir, sino también por el mensaje. Recibe un fuerte abrazo!

donna said...

Your pattern is so sweet. Thank you for sharing. So happy to hear that your daughter and grand baby are doing well.

Brenda said...

My dearest Jenny; I said a prayer right away for strength for you in dealing with whatever it is that you are. A newly discovered verse Isaih 55:8-9 King James made me think of the saying "Our God works in Mysterious ways that we do not understand." I hope this verse gives you some thoughts and strength in praying.

Jenny, I adore your embroidery design and the color threads you have chosen. It is a great project to share and to look upon often daily! Thank you so much for sharing. Plus, I can understand why it was chosen as a project to help keep the hand and mind busy while waiting on news of Blossom and Cully. What spectacular news that they will be coming home and you and Mr. E will be taking their fur babies home to complete the family. I am smiling with delight just thinking about it! Extra delight coming soon with your other daughter and grandbabies coming for a visit also. I hope that all of you have all sorts of hugs, laughter, and memories!

Thank You again Jenny for sharing and have a fantastic creative day!

Melody said...

So wonderful that you will soon have two little grand babies with you. Big big hugs to Blossom...and her darling Cully

Tuppence said...

Muchas gracias Jenny, es una delicia de trabajo y unas hermosas palabras..
Espero que toda la familia esteis bien, Blosson y la pequeñita sobre todo..
Un beso Nora

JES said...

I am a bit behind on my link ups but so glad you shared these patterns with us! They (including the BOM) are precious. Our faith is precious too isn't it??

Love, JES

Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)