Saturday, October 1, 2016

Block 10 "Postcards from Heaven"...

Healing can come in many ways, not just the physical sense as we initially assume.

Emotional healing, spiritual healing, relationship healing - these have all occurred in my life at one time or another since accepting Jesus as my Lord, King, Redeemer, Healer and Saviour in 1991.

I can indeed personally attest to the Lord healing my body and my life many times over.

Occasionally the healing was relatively painless, but mostly, just as with the body when it is injured, there was initial pain and discomfort. Yet still, the healing came in time.

This month's Postcard from Heaven block was designed by Allie and is my favourite of all twelve we're sharing this year. The promise of Exodus 15:26 goes far beyond the surface to the very depths of our human reminds us Who He Is, and What He Can Do in every area of our life.

I still have broken parts of me which need to mend, and I do not doubt that they will because He Who Made Me promises it will be so. 
Healing will not come on my agenda, but on His, and that's okay because His healing is perfect and His timing is 'just right'.

Of course some healing does requires a quicker move of God's hand, such as the nail on my wedding ring finger which I sliced off last night as I chopped onions with a newly sharpened blade. Fortunately He created my body to heal broken skin on it's own so in time the pain will subside, the nail bed will heal and a new nail will grow over the wound. Ah, if only all healing were that obvious.

The healing which we need from the inside, emotional wounds that are hidden deep, buried out of sight and inaccessible to the stranger, are often the hardest to heal and the longest pain we suffer.

My own life is a scattered rubbish heap of painful emotional mistakes, rejections, injuries and losses, yet one by one He removes or restores and I slowly become whole. 

He heals.
He wants to heal.

Sometimes we just need to let Him.

When I figured this out and accepted that some healing will be painful I was no longer looking back, but looking forward at what a healed life could become. 

Like me, you just need to TRUST Him, and believe me you can.

Allie's October postcard verse is quite fitting for her own life this month.
Her precious mum, a woman I've grown to love during the seven or eight years of 'across the ocean expanse' friendship with her daughter, undergoes open heart surgery on Tuesday.
I know Allie's holding fast to Jesus and all our prayers for her mum's operation are like incense before the throne of God, so please join us in praying for healing.

Allie's postcard uses the KJV text and is stitched beautifully as a redwork piece.

Visit her Allie Oops Designs blog HERE to download her free October 'Postcards from Heaven' BOM pattern and see more of her block. 

If you'd like the modern wording I have used you can download the text only here.

May you have a blessed and healing Sabbath,


Createology said...

So sorry about your knife vs fingernail battle. Prayers for Allie's mum. Sweet postcard with a wonderful message. Serene Sunday Dear...

Tricia said...

Owww! I pray your finger will heal soon. Your block is gorgeous - as is Allie's. Thank you for your sweet thoughts, too. You never fail to speak to my heart.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Oh JENNY - OUCH!!!!!!!!!! Oh that gave me a whole-body cringe - praying you heal quickly!!! And onions, of all things, that had to sting all the more!!!!

What a lovely post - indeed the Lord is the one who heals everything, including our sin sickness, so that we may stand in front of Him someday, hidden in Christ, who took our stripes for us, and by which we are healed. My pastor was talking about this very thing the other day - how if we saw God right now, we'd flat out die, because no one can see him and live. Even Moses only saw a portion - Exodus 33:18-23 - and yet He loves us with an unfathomable love, and has made a way for us to be with Him. What a glorious God we serve!!!

Águeda said...

Thank you very much. Have a Blessed day. Hugs.

Little Penpen said...

Another beautiful postcard! Thank you to both of you!! And ouch! On the fingernail!! I'm so thankful our God heals broken fingernails and broken spirits! Praying for Allie's mom!!

Unknown said...

Thank you -most of all -for making your craft a place to praise God and give Him glory! That blesses me the most on a world where He's mentioned so little. 💝 I love your creativity. Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! So sorry for the physical pain you have with that finger. I love what you've said about the healing of Christ. Sometimes we don't think about the fact that this sort of healing and pain was also part of the atonement Christ made for us. Sometimes I cannot absorb the fact that he loves all of us so much! It's hard as a mortal being to conceive of the kind of love He and our Heavenly Father have for us. Thank you for always being a strong voice witnessing of Christ.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful patterns!

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