People can mislead us and when we discover that deception too often heartache, a sense of betrayal, embarrassment and rejection may follow.
But there is One who never deceives,
One who never has any intention of harm or a desire to lead us along the wrong path.
Jesus trusted His Father to death on a cross.
We can trust Him to life.
Be blessed as you drink in the pure Word of God this week and trust that what He has written is pure truth, for our benefit and blessing, day in and day out.
Your sister in Christ,
Happy mothers day to you. Thank you for message.
Happy Mother's Day to you.
Big hugs x
Happy Mother's day to you Jenny.
Thanks, Jenny. And for once our two Bibles say it exactly the same way! When we are hurt or troubled, it is good to reflect on the one who never promises without delivering, never lies, and always loves us. Happy Mother's Day!
You always know what to say, I hope u are enjoying time with your daughters and grandkids, and i hope you have a very special Mothers Day, God Bless
Happy Mother's Day, Jenny! Thank you for your beautiful spirit!
Amen I say Amen
Thank you for your words today, just what I needed, I am still hurting from my sister in law leaving my brother and there three children and finding out the affair had been going on for two years. God bless sue
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